Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand and Eighty-Five On the Bank of Wujiang River

Liu Bang's predecessor and Xiang Yu were at odds with each other.

That is a great hatred of the level of eternal life.

But even so, Liu Bang was still able to put aside his status and grudges and become brothers with different surnames with Xiang Yu.

With such ambition, Xiang Yu doesn't deserve to win.

And Liu Bang has gone through many years of hard work.

I'm afraid this method is much better than before.

What can Xiang Yu win? Hard-headed?

After the Hongmen Banquet, it was a sign that Western Chu turned from prosperity to decline, from strength to weakness.

The unstoppable trend is heading towards Xiang Yu.

Then came the final battle that would determine the general trend of the world, the Battle of Gaixia.

Xiang Yu was besieged and defeated by an army of 600,000 soldiers from Liu Bang and his allies.

Then he led eight hundred trusted cavalrymen and fled to Wujiang.

At this moment, Xiang Yu was at the end of his rope.

On the edge of Wujiang River, a cruise ship came.

"Hey... King Chu Ba, do you still remember me?"

Xiang Yu looked at Jin Si standing on the bow of the ship in surprise.

"Are you...are you!?" Xiang Yu recognized Jin Si.

"Want to cross the river? I'll take you there."

Xiang Yu's face was uncertain, and he finally snorted loudly: "I have been fighting for ten years without a single defeat. I have seen people who follow the trend of others. Now that I have failed, are there clowns like you here to make fun of me?"

"In life, there will always be failures. Have you ever heard of the saying that failure is success, Mommy?"

It was supposed to be a very inspirational sentence, but it changed when it came out of Jin Si's mouth, and it felt like he didn't deserve a beating.

Xiang Yu was originally depressed at this moment, but he was aroused by Jin Si's few words and became furious.

"Even if someone loses the battle, it's not something you and a country dog ​​like you can insult."

Xiang Yu raised his sword, jumped up and struck at Jin Si, swinging it several feet away.

But Xiang Yu's sword killed Lonely.

Xiang Yu tried his best to strike, but it seemed weak and had no special effects at all.

"What? You monster! What kind of magic did you use?" Xiang Yu was very shocked.

"What? You loser, you didn't see what moves I used?" Jin Si was also very surprised: "You let me down so much. I shouldn't have come. I thought I could show off in front of you. As a result, I used such high-end technology, but you didn’t notice anything.”

Xiang Yu became even more angry, roared, jumped directly on top of the cruise ship, and slashed at Jin Si's head.

"Yu Ji..." Jin Si suddenly looked behind Xiang Yu.

Following Jin Si's exclamation, Xiang Yu broke through his defense instantly.

Xiang Yu looked back and saw nothing.

When he faced Jin Si again, only his casserole-sized fists were left.

"Despicable..." Xiang Yu wiped away the nosebleed. At this moment, he was full of anger.

"You let me down again." Jin Si shook his head.

At this moment, the sound of horse hooves was heard in the distance, and the pursuers were getting closer.

"Your Majesty, let's leave quickly. It's too late if we don't leave." Xiang Yu's cronies urged.

Even now, why is my king still so reckless?

Don’t know what to prioritize?

"Go? Where to go?" Xiang Yu suddenly screamed.

"If your heart is in the dream, it will be there, but it's just starting from scratch."

Another sentence that deserves a beating... No matter what comes out of Jin Si's mouth, it has changed its taste.

Xiang Yu looked at his cronies and then at Jin Si. This time he didn't make a move.

"Sir, can I ask you something?"

"Do you want to entrust your wife and children to me? I can do that.

"Jin Si nodded quickly.

Xiang Yu took a deep breath and tried not to be so impulsive.

"Take them away." Xiang Yu said seriously.

It took almost all of his strength and courage to let the rebellious Xiang Yu say these words.

This may be the only time in his life that he asks for help.

"Your Majesty..."

"So after following me for so many years, I ended up accomplishing nothing. Now this is the only thing I can do for my brothers."

"We have never regretted following the king."

Well, this sentence is quite against my will, every time I face the stubborn Xiang Yu.

They will all wonder how they ended up with such a master.

Although they occasionally had thoughts of regret, they never had the thought of betrayal.

Although Xiang Yu is stubborn, he is very charming.

For example, Xiang Yu is really charming now.

Jin Si also understood a little bit why Yu Ji chose Xiang Yu instead of choosing such an excellent herself.

"If you don't want to die, just get on the boat. If you want to die with the Iron-headed Man, just pretend I didn't tell you."

"We will never betray our king."

"The king is not from your family. He is a hero, so he must end his life in a heroic way. Don't disturb his last rites."

"Let's go! From now on, I will no longer be your lord."

At this moment, Liu Bang came with his pursuers.

He saw Xiang Yu and Jin Si on the boat on the shore of Wujiang River.

Liu Bang frowned, what could this guy do?

At the last moment, please don't cause trouble for me, okay?

"Yo... old gangster." Jin Si greeted.

Xiang Yu looked at Liu Bang and Liu Bang's heroes.

Liu Bang jumped off his horse and strode towards Xiang Yu: "Xiang Yu, come on, let us settle things."

"You don't deserve to take someone's life."

"No matter you think I am worthy or not, I am the winner." Liu Bang said calmly.

"Haha... I didn't lose! I didn't lose to you..."

Xiang Yu was still stubborn in the end. He felt that he was not losing to Liu Bang, but to fate.

If he hadn't taken the brotherhood into consideration at the beginning, he would have won at the Hongmen.

Xiang Yu suddenly raised his sword and wiped his neck decisively.

Wipe it down without any hesitation.

As expected of Xiang Yu, his decisiveness is beyond the comparison of ordinary people.

"Your Majesty!!" Xiang Yu's soldiers cried and rushed to Xiang Yu's body.

Liu Bang glanced at Xiang Yu's body indifferently.

He finally succeeded and achieved something unprecedented, and even unprecedented.

He won the world twice, and the second time he defeated it with his bare hands.

Zhang Liang, the counselor beside Liu Bang, waved his hand and signaled his men to go down and eradicate Xiang Yu's cronies.

At this moment, Jin Si fell to the front.

"These people belong to me, you can retreat."

Zhang Liang frowned and couldn't help but look at Liu Bang.

"It doesn't matter whether these people are killed or not, let them do whatever they want." Liu Bang said calmly.

He didn't want to conflict with Jin Si, who had great magical powers.

Even if he gathers all the troops, he may not be able to capture Jin Si.

He didn't want to cause trouble at this time.

"Your Majesty, this is not the time for women to be kind."

"That's it, let's go." Liu Bang didn't want to explain.

Xiang Yu's cronies looked at the leaving army blankly, and couldn't help but look at Jin Si.

They didn't expect to escape like this.

Although they all planned to die generously, they didn't expect it to end so hastily.

This made them somewhat difficult to adapt to, and at the same time, they also had doubts about Jin Si's identity.

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