Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One thousand and ninety-four lower limit

Gu Yi discovered that Jin Si's expression was not angry, but as usual, wanting to be beaten.

Gu Yi looked at Jin Si, trying to find even a hint of surprise or panic on his face.

But no... Jin Si didn't have any panic expression at all.

Some are just pretending to be flustered, and they are very fake.

"You also arranged a clone outside?" Gu Yi thought of this possibility.

"No, guess again."

No arrangement for a clone?

If you didn't arrange a clone, why should you stop your own clone?

Although Gu Yi couldn't defeat Jin Si, in this era except Jin Si, basically no one else could stop her.

Even her clone is unstoppable.

But Jin Si said that he did not arrange a clone, which made Gu Yi more and more confused.

What kind of arrangements did Jin Si make?

To be honest, Gu Yi wouldn't be surprised at all if everyone arranged a clone.

After all, Jin Si even guessed that he could use the magic of time loop.

He even guessed that he had developed this magic.

So it shouldn't be too surprising to guess that he will turn the tiger away from the mountain.

But since Jin Si said that he did not arrange a clone.

This made Gu Yi suspicious.

Ancient One wants to break the time loop right now.

But Jin Si didn't give her a chance to break the time loop.

As long as she wants to break the time loop, Jin Si will kill her immediately.

This bastard keeps saying that she is his daughter, and keeps saying that she loves herself.

When he strikes, he shows no mercy at all.

All cruel methods were used.

At the same time, in the Peach Blossom Spring.

Gu Yi's clone led a group of strong men to invade the Peach Blossom Spring.

Then...Jin Si stood in front of Gu Yi.

"Xiao Gu, you're here." Jin Si greeted Gu Yi enthusiastically.

When Gu Yi saw Jin Si, his expression changed instantly.

"Xiao Gu, you have changed. You can also play tricks now." Jin Si looked heartbroken.

Gu Yi's face was stern. At this moment, Xiang Yu, who was following Gu Yi, suddenly burst into flames all over his body.

"Demon, today is the day you die."

"Is this a spirit of vengeance?" Jin Si looked at Xiang Yu curiously.

Xiang Yu swung his palms towards Jin Si, and a chain burning with flames suddenly shot out from his palms.

Chains of flames wrapped around Jin Si's body.

"Go to hell, you monster!"

Xiang Yu tried his best to pull Jin Si's soul out of his body, but failed.

Theoretically, vengeful spirits can send all sinful souls to hell.

However, the premise is that the gap cannot be too large.

Jin Si stretched his body and shattered the flaming chains.

With a casual slap, Xiang Yu was sent flying.

"Xiao Gu, you want to stop me just because of these chickens and dogs? Is this child's play?"

Gu Yi waved his arm, and Jin Si and a group of heroic spirits immediately appeared in a mirror dimension.

"Stop him!" Gu Yi said.

She planned to divide her troops into two groups.

Let these heroic spirits hold Jin Si back while she goes to kidnap Ying Yinman.

At this time, Jin Si also waved his hand.

Many souls appeared around Jin Si.

There are all men, women and children.

"Yu Ji!!" Xiang Yu exclaimed.

He discovered the figure of Yu Ji among the many souls.

"Xiang Lang..." Yu Ji also exclaimed.

But the next moment, Jin Si pointed at Yu Ji's spirit body.

In an instant, Yu Ji's soul was frozen.

"Stop! What did you do to Yu Ji?"

"Isn't this obvious?" Jin Si said disapprovingly.

"Ku'er!" Bai Qi also exclaimed. The Ku'er he mentioned was his son.

Bai Qi is known as the number one killer in the Warring States Period, but he also has a soft side in his heart.

" me..."

"Haha... Whoever dares to attack me, I will kill your loved ones."

None of those arrogant heroes dared to move.

They all found their vital relatives in those souls.

Parents, wives, children...

Everyone's expressions were extremely heavy.

"If anyone stands by my side now, I will help you resurrect your relatives."

These heroic spirits all showed expressions of hope, and Gu Yi's face looked ugly.

She told of the resurrection of these heroic spirits and gave them extraordinary powers.

But she felt that it was based on her righteous actions and her kindness to them.

They will definitely appreciate their kindness, stand on their side, and will not betray themselves.

But she obviously overestimated her own charisma and underestimated Jin Si's shamelessness and despicability.

Jin Si looked at the hesitant heroes and decided to give them another dose of strong medicine, saying: "It doesn't matter if you don't want to. I am the most considerate person. By the way, what animals do you like? What do you like to eat? Small animals too.”

When Jin Si asked this question, everyone had realized that Jin Si was going to be disgusting again.

"Don't worry, it's not what you think. I just turned your relatives into these little animals. The most I can do is serve you a plate of little animals when you eat. It's definitely not any other evil idea."

Everyone had an idea at this moment, Gu Yi was right.

This guy is really vicious, down to the bone.

"Let's start with Yu Ji. She was so blind at the beginning that she didn't see the kindness in my heart."

"No! If you come at me, don't hurt Yu Ji..."

Xiang Yu roared angrily, and the hell fire on his body became more and more fanatical.

He rushed towards Jin Si again, but was shot away by Jin Si again.

Jin Si took out the body of an animal in front of everyone. It was a little milk cat.

"Supreme Master, save Yu Ji!" Xiang Yu had never begged anyone in his life.

This is his first time... No, his first time is for Jin Si.

At the mouth of Wujiang River, he prayed to Jin Si to protect his men.

Gu looked at Jin Si with a stern expression: "Jin Si, you shouldn't be like this. The war between us should not involve these ordinary people."

"It was you who got involved with my wife first."

Gu Yi was speechless. In fact, she was the one who first targeted Ying Yinman.

Including those children in Peach Blossom Land.

"Xiang Yu, I have no grudge against you, and I have protected your men, you ungrateful thing, so I treat you as a matter of course."

Jin Si looked at the others again: "And you, don't you think you are particularly great and righteous? But do you know that justice requires a price?"

Everyone wanted to tear Jin Si into pieces.

But no one dared to take action.

Bai Qi was the first to make a decision.

"Mage Supreme, I'm sorry."

Gu Yi was so angry that he felt like he had shot himself in the foot.

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