Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One thousand and ninety-five I will give you a chance to beg for mercy

With Bai Qi as an example, it would be easy for others to make their choice.

Gu Yi looked at the famous heroic spirits all over the world. At this moment, they all turned to Jin Si's command.

Gu Yi felt bitter and tired.

"Jin Si, if you have the ability, fight me in an upright manner."

Ancient One was unwilling to take action against these people.

Of course, another thing is that these people were all made by her own hands.

Many of their abilities are very troublesome.

Even she would find it difficult.

Forget about one or two, with so many people together, Gu Yi felt like he had to kneel down.

So she really didn't want to go to war with these people unless she had to.

"Xiao Gu, you are a clone and I am the main body. What are you going to fight me with?"

"The true body? Is this your true body?" Ancient Yi's face was filled with astonishment: "Then... there..."

When Gu Yi's body was sealing Jin Si just now, he finally sent her a message.

Originally, she thought that the plan was successful.

The main body attracts Jin Si's attention, and then the clone abducts Ying Yinman.

And Jin Si was sealed in a time loop.

Then use Yin Yinman and Jin Si's own freedom as a bargaining chip to negotiate with Jin Si.

But then she suddenly realized.

Jin Si seemed to have completely figured out his plan.

Moreover, it was the clone that sealed Jinsi.

In other words, it seemed that she had not obtained the two bargaining chips she expected.

The most important thing is that the main body has not come out yet, which means that the main body is also in trouble.

Could it be that the main body can't even deal with Jin Si's clone?

Ancient One already regretted his reckless strategy.

In fact, Gu Yi was not good at strategy to begin with.

What the Ancient One is really good at is observing through time.

Observe every enemy and every move at every moment.

At that time, any plans and deployments of the enemy will no longer be a secret.

Then she can arrange her plans calmly.

Make all arrangements and deployments to perfection.

But her biggest advantage didn't work on Jin Si.

"Of course there is my clone inside. I don't know what the situation is like inside. I'm really worried about my clone."

Because Jin Si's clone and Gu Yi's body are both trapped in a closed loop of time.

No matter how powerful Jin Si and Gu Yi are, they cannot know the situation within the time cycle.

"Hit her, hit her hard, beat her to death." Jin Si pointed at Gu Yi and said.

Although a group of old gangsters were very reluctant to Jin Si's order.

But he still obeyed Jin Si's order.

Gu Yi's expression turned even uglier, but she had no intention of caring about her main body's condition right now.

Taking a stance, Seraphim Shield appears in both palms.

Even though the person in front of her is Gu Yi's clone, she still has extremely powerful combat power.

Of course, it's also possible that these old gangsters are letting things slip.

After all, Gu Yi was kind to them, so it would be unethical for them to turn against him in the face of battle.

So I also left some strength for Gu Yi.

Jin Si moved tables and chairs, crossed his legs, and ate fruit.

"Hit her hard, hit her, hit her hard."

At this moment, a figure walked out of the mirror with an angry face.

Jin Si glanced at the person who came, and Gu Yi's true form came out.

"Eh? Did you kill my clone so quickly?"

Ancient One's eyes almost burst out with fire.

"So fast!? You killed me 123,468 times, a full hundred years!" Gu Yi roared angrily.

For Jin Si, only ten minutes have passed here.

But for Gu Yi, it has gone through a long time cycle.

"Then why don't you kill my clone quickly? Can't you beat my clone?" Jin Si threw half an apple into his mouth: "Xiao Gu, you let me down so much."

When the clone looked at it, the original body returned, and the figure immediately dissipated.

The palms of Ancient One's body began to glow with green light.

Jin Si saw this situation,

He jumped away immediately: "Don't be like this, Xiao Gu, don't always use the same moves. This will make you look amateurish. Are you sure that I am the real person now?"

"I'm not using a time loop!" Gu Yi said angrily.

At this moment, a portal appeared in mid-air, then the second, third... more and more portals appeared.

Then an Ancient One began to walk out of each portal.

Some Ancient Ones are already very old, while others still look young.

Some of the Ancient One's auras are terrifyingly powerful.

Jin Si's eyes almost fell out: "There are so many... Xiao Gu, this... this doesn't seem to be a clone."

"This is a new magic I developed in the time loop. I call this magic the Trinity! The past, present, and future, I summon them here together!"

Jin Si was also amazed by this magic.

They are all the Ancient One in different times and spaces.

Some of the Ancient Ones even looked confused.

"What happened?"

"What time is it here?"

"Did you summon me here?"

"Is this your enemy? Who is he? Worthy of your use of such magic."

Jin Si felt a little numb. One Ancient One was already troublesome, but now there were hundreds of Ancient Ones.

"Jin Si, is it you? What did you do to me in the future? To make her so angry."

"I kind of understand how she feels now. Jin Si really deserves a beating."

Among them, many Gu Yi knew Jin Si, but most of them did not know Jin Si.

"Sisters, help me defeat this guy! I have a reason to defeat him." Ancient One made a request to Ancient One in other times or other dimensions.

Jin Si discovered that these different Ancient Ones had different strengths and weaknesses.

But they all have one characteristic, they don't have the Eye of Agamotto.

It seems that only one Time Stone can appear in a time or universe.

"Don't believe her words. She has fallen. In order to extend her life, she stole dark energy. Now she has been eroded by dark energy." Jin Si said quickly.

Gu Yi's face turned dark. Damn it, would you like to have some face?

Slander me in person? And it was in front of me and me and me.

Gu Yi was so angry that he vomited blood, but felt deeply powerless.

Sure enough, you shouldn't talk nonsense with Jin Si, it's more practical to do it.

"Let's take action." Gu Yi said proudly.

At this moment, Gu Yi was very confident.

So what if it was Jin Si, if she could kill Jin Si once, she could kill him a second time.

Moreover, this time was different from last time. This time she summoned thousands of troops.

There are thousands of selves, some of which are even stronger than myself.

Some are weaker than themselves, but if the strengths and weaknesses complement each other, it's basically the same.

"Isn't this bad?" Jin Si looked at Gu Yi with a troubled expression.

"I'll give you a chance to beg for mercy." Gu Yi said coldly.

"Reciprocity is a courtesy, I won't slap you in the face later." Jin Si said: "Including all of you Gu Yi."

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