Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One thousand and ninety-six What a big marble

Gu Yi sneered, it's not up to you to decide whether to slap him in the face now, it's me!

"Jin Si, I find that sometimes, you are really stupid."

But the next moment, Gu Yi's facial contour deformed.

Gu Yi flew out directly, and Jin Si's body glowed red.

The faces of everyone around Gu Yi changed dramatically.

The aura on Jin Si's body is very powerful, so powerful that it's a bit abnormal.

Ancient One covered his face and stood up.

Mud, did you agree not to slap me in the face?

Have your promises been eaten by dogs?

"Xiao Gu, I just want to remind you, don't think that calling for help means you can despise me." Jin Si said in a teasing tone.

At this moment, other Ancient Ones also took action.

Hundreds of Cytorak's scarlet chains shot at Jinsi, tying him into a rice dumpling.

However, Cytorak's body had already been stuffed into his stomach.

The magic named after Cytorak has no meaning to Jin Si.

Even if this magic is released by hundreds of Ancient Ones at the same time.

Jin Si's body shook, and in an instant, all the scarlet chains were shattered at the same time.

The red mist that filled the sky never dissipated.

Jin Si opened his arms, and the red mist began to surround Jin Si.

A huge scarlet storm formed, surrounding all the Ancient Ones.

The four Ancient Ones stabbed Jin Si from all sides at the same time, holding Emperor Weishan's sacred sword.


Jin Si suddenly cloned himself, and all four Jin Si struck with bare hands at the same time.

Bossat's Thunder! Dozens of red lightning shot towards Jin Si.

Jin Si cloned himself again,

Four turned into dozens.

At the same time, each clone carries a different weapon.

Chain lightning!

Stone giant!

Rain of arrows!

Blade storm!


Shadow Arrow!

Divine ruling!

Tailed beast jade!

The tree world is coming!

Six styles!

Each clone is using different skills.

For a time, the Crimson Storm was covered with all kinds of colorful skills and magic.

Many Ancient Ones were also dumbfounded.

When it comes to the amount of magic, they rank second, and no one dares to rank first.

They hold the Book of Emperor Weishan, and the amount of magic recorded in it can be said to be astronomical.

However, all magic belongs to the white magic category, and the attributes of a few abnormal magics are not much different.

But Jin Si is different. The skills used by Jin Si and his clones are too complicated.

There are all kinds of magic and skills, and all kinds of attributes.

A tailed beast jade penetrated the scarlet storm and shot into the distance, flattening more than a dozen mountain peaks.

Jin Si and Gu Yi looked at each other, and Gu Yi said, "Fight somewhere else."

This may be the only consensus between Jin Si and Gu Yi.

Gu Yi opened a teleportation gate, and Jin Si jumped directly into the teleportation gate regardless of where he was on the other side.

All the Ancient Ones also followed, or opened the portal themselves.

This is hell, but it is a fragmented hell, the battlefield of the previous war between demons and gods.

Here, neither Jin Si nor all the Ancient Ones need to worry about casualties caused by their magic.

At least none of the Ancient Ones care about the casualties in hell.

Hell, which was originally in pieces, was now even more torn apart by Jin Si and a group of Gu Yi.

However, the more they were beaten, the more chilled they became.

Even if they gather hundreds of themselves.

However, facing Jin Si, the more they fought, the more powerless they felt.

In the past, she hadn't felt that Jin Si was that powerful.

What has he experienced in these years?

It has become so powerful, so powerful that it is even a bit incredible.

Not only is it powerful, especially Jin Si's energy is almost endless.

Dozens of Gu Yi covered their faces and gathered together.

All the ancient ones have a bruised nose and a swollen face.

He stared at Jin Si indignantly.

No, if this continues, they won't be able to return to their own timeline.

Dozens of ancient ones were added up one by one. If it didn't work, we came up with a big move.

These dozens of Ancient Ones worked at the same time.

A huge portal appeared in the sky.

A giant portal that blocks out the sky and the sun, projecting into the starry sky!

A huge planet appears above Hell.

It was a planet with a human face.

A planet bigger than hell.

Even Jin Si was amazed when facing this huge planet.

"Ego! Ego!!"

A huge shadow hangs over Hell.

This is a huge life planet, or planetary life.

They are the oldest beings in this universe.

Their life span spans the entire universe.

At the same time, they also have unparalleled power.

As their lives continue to extend, their strength continues to accumulate.

At the same time they will devour each other.

The planetary life that can continue to this day has reached a point where their power is close to infinite.

The being on this planet didn't talk nonsense with Jin Si, nor did he ask what the situation was now.

The human face opened its mouth, and a white light began to flash in the mouth, which was a world-destroying attack.

Even though we are hundreds of thousands of kilometers apart, we still feel the oppressive feeling of doom.

"What a big marble..."

Jin Si looked at the planetary life, and his body directly transformed into the form of a giant ape.

In Jin Si's current human form, even if he has the immortal realm, it is impossible to withstand the doomsday blow of life on this planet.

As soon as the giant ape appeared, all the ancient ones stepped back together.

Jin Si's body exuded unprecedented terror.

Even when they are nearby, they have a nightmare-like experience.

The giant ape opened its mouth and pointed it at the sky, brewing a tailed beast jade in its mouth.

Scarlet tailed beast jade!

The planetary life and the giant ape took action almost at the same time...exit.

The red and white radiance directly bombarded each other in the airspace tens of thousands of kilometers away.

There is no red-white primary election process.

The white beam of light was defeated in an instant.

The red light beam bombarded the side of the planet's life unstoppably.

The side of the entire planet was blasted into an arc.

"Ego!!" The life on the planet let out an earth-shattering roar.

Just when Jin Si thought that his attack had offended the life on the planet, he was planning to fight him desperately.

The body of the planetary life suddenly began to turn into a stream of light, and then... suddenly disappeared into the distance.

Jin Si, in the form of a giant ape, stared blankly at the sky, looking at the life on the planet that had disappeared into the sky.

He didn't think about it for a long time, and murmured: "Why... why did you run away... I still want to play with it."

Jin Si lowered his head and looked at the ancient ones at his feet.

"Um...can you summon a few more?"

Gu Yi and the others looked at each other, and then silently avoided Jin Si's eyes.

Just now, dozens of Ancient Ones worked together to summon a planetary life, and there were hundreds of Ancient Ones on the scene. Even if they summoned, they could only summon a dozen planetary beings.

The result is obvious. A dozen planetary beings are just delivering food to Jin Si.

"Summon quickly, otherwise, I will humiliate you."

"Jin Si, that's enough." Gu Yi stepped forward.

There was nothing she could do, her sisters were almost beaten into pig heads by Jin Si.

This battle is really unwinnable.

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