Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand and Ninety-seven The Breakthrough of Ancient 1

Some Gu Yi who didn’t know Jin Si now understand.

Why would he and Jin Si have such a good temper that they would fight to the point of death?

As for those Gu Yi who know Jin Si.

It was an expression that I knew was like this.

By this time, everyone in Gu Yi knew that they could not defeat Jin Si.

If Jin Si really kills, at least half of them will die.

Gu Yi no longer wanted to fight, and she couldn't win if she continued to fight.

After all, even the ultimate move in the ultimate move was used.

But there was still nothing Jin Si could do.

This feels terrible.

"Are you going to admit defeat?" Of course Jin Si was proud.

After all, he defeated the Supreme Mage, and he was the greatest Supreme Mage.

As for the future Doctor Strange, don't make trouble, that joke is not worthy of the title of Sorcerer Supreme.

"Yes, I admit defeat." Gu nodded.

"Does that mean you accept the fact that you are my daughter?"

The other Ancient Ones all looked shocked.

They didn't know why Jin Si and Gu Yi were fighting.

However, in line with the principle of believing in themselves, they joined the battle without hesitation.

Only now do we know the real reason why they started the war.

They don't know exactly how to operate.

But they know better the wonders of magic.

Many things can become facts.

And Jin Si is no ordinary person.

beat! Must fight,

Absolutely no compromise.

Even Gu Yi, who had barely gotten along with Jin Si in the past, was determined not to accept this kind of thing.

I regard you as my brother, but you actually want to be my father.

This kind of behavior is really bad.

However, Gu Yi's true form no longer has the desire to continue fighting.

However, Gu Yi pretended not to hear what Jin Si said.

Ancient One looked back at his different self.

"You all go back to your own time."

The other Ancient Ones hesitated for a moment, but they finally accepted her suggestion.

The green light on Ancient One's body bloomed, sending Ancient One back in other timelines.

"Xiao Gu, to be precise, what is your attitude?"

"I wouldn't accept that, never think about it."

"Xiao Gu, don't resist fate."

"You cannot represent destiny."

"I can't decide your fate, but I can decide your origin."

"I won't let you succeed."

"I'm going to succeed soon."

Seeing Jin Si's expression of wanting to be beaten, Gu Yi became more and more angry.

But facing Jin Si's power, she felt deeply powerless.

At this moment, Ancient One took off the Eye of Agamotto hanging around his neck.

"Jin Si, what if I use the infinite gems in exchange? As long as you no longer interfere with my destiny, this Eye of Agamotto will be yours."

Jin Si looked incredulous: "Do you want to be so big?"

"I'm serious. If you just say a word, this Infinity Stone will be yours."

Jin Si looked determined: "Forget it, I would rather let you be my daughter, it is more interesting."

This is exactly what Gu Yi has the most trouble with.

What Jin Si did was purely for fun.

Completely different from the villains she had dealt with in the past.

Not to rule the world, not to kill people and set fires, just to satisfy their own evil tastes.

"Jin Si, maybe I can't beat you, but I can commit suicide." Gu Yi said.

Jin Si looked at Gu Yi with a strange look on his face: "Are you kidding me? You are the Supreme Mage, and you said you want to commit suicide?"

"Yes, even if you succeed in the end, the guilt of forcing your daughter to death will always be with you." Gu Yi said.

Jin Si's expression froze instantly. Damn it, I was defeated by an army!

If she agreed to Gu Yi, then Gu Yi would not die, but she would no longer be his daughter.

If he doesn't agree, even if he succeeds, he will become the murderer who forces his daughter to death.

"I can resurrect you!" Jin Si said.

"No, maybe I can't beat you, but if I want to die, no one can save me." Gu Yi's face was firm.

Jin Si felt even more painful, looking at Jin Si's painful expression.

For the first time, Ancient One felt the joy of a winner.

"Okay, I agreed, give me the infinite gems." Jin Si suddenly said with a look of relief.

"Did you really agree?"

"Yes, I agreed. Do you want me to swear an oath? Or sign some kind of contract?"

Gu Yi stared at Jin Si. She really didn't believe that Jin Si would agree so easily.

The victory that was too easy to obtain made Gu Yi feel unreal.

But... Gu Yi never thought that Jin Si would truly keep his promise.

Gu opened his palm, and the Eye of Agamotto floated up and fell into Jin Si's hand.

Jin Si didn't expect that Gu Yi would give the infinite stones to him so easily.

"How to use the time stone?"

Jin Si thought that as long as he learned how to use the time stone.

It would be useless for Gu Yi to commit suicide then.

Once she dies, she uses the time stone to go back in time, just like Vision.

"The Time Stone is the most complex Infinity Stone." Ancient One said, "So learning to use the Time Stone is the most tedious."

"That's nonsense. In the future, purple sweet potato essence will be used as soon as you get started. You should have seen that future."

"You are talking about Thanos. He had already done his homework before obtaining the Infinity Stones. Moreover, he did not use the Infinity Stones, but only the power of the Time Stone."

"I just want to learn that trick." Jin Si said.

Jin Si still held the Eye of Agamotto and tried to stimulate the power of the Time Stone.

But there is no way to activate it. It seems that it requires a specific method to use it.

"It's useless. In order to prevent you from messing up time, I set a seal on the infinite gems." Ancient One said.

"You are going too far. Since you gave me infinite gems, you actually set a seal. But I forgive you. Anyway, I have plenty of time to study and unlock the seal." Jin Si said with a smile: "Xiao Gu, I suddenly want to regret it. ,what to do?"

"An expected result." Gu Yi said calmly.

"So? What are you going to do?"

"I thought of a way. I was in the wrong direction from beginning to end." Gu Yi said.

"Xiao Gu, what are you trying to do?" Jin Si looked at Gu Yi warily.

"You will know soon." Gu Yi obviously did not intend to answer Jin Si's question.

Jin Si looked at Gu Yi and guessed that Gu Yi's backhand might be on this time gem.

Jin Si immediately raised his hand, intending to throw away the Eye of Agamotto.

But at this moment, the Eye of Agamotto flashed green.

Seeing the green light, Jin Si subconsciously wanted to run.

But the green light was faster than him, instantly covering Jin Si.

Gu Yi calmly looked at Jin Si who was shrouded in green light.

"Can you guess how I cracked your plot?"

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