Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One thousand and ninety-eight sent to the future

Jin Si doesn't want to know, he just wants to escape now.

However, the power of the Infinity Stones is not so easy to get rid of.

Although, it is almost impossible to defeat Jin Si with just one Infinity Stone.

But the real effect of infinite gems is not how much combat power they can increase, but the rules they generate.

Ancient One is also taking risks, using infinite gems as bait.

She had already placed magic on the infinite gems. As long as the infinite gems fell into Jin Si's hands, the magic would be activated.

The Eye of Agamotto continued to release green light, and time had its effect on Jin Si's body.

Jin Si tried to escape the constraints of time, but time is a barrier more difficult to break than space.

Only the Infinity Stones can fight against the Infinity Stones, which is a collision of laws.

Jinsi's power is extremely powerful, but without rules, he cannot fight against the Infinity Stones.

Suddenly, Jin Si thought that although he did not have infinite gems.

But... I have the energy of the space gem.

Jin Si immediately controlled the energy of the space gem and interfered with the barrier created by the time gem.

The energy of the space gem formed a shield on Jin Si's body.

The energies of time and space interfere with each other.

When Gu Yi saw this situation, his expression couldn't help but change.

The energy of the space gem in Jin Si's body is obviously not enough to compete with the time gem.

And there seems to be some sort of chemical reaction going on between the two...maybe a physical reaction.

Anyway, the two energies are constantly colliding and blending.

The interaction of this energy caused Jin Si's figure to begin to twist.

The next moment, Gu Yi sensed danger and immediately opened the portal.

As soon as my front foot stepped into the portal,

The two energies have exploded.

Both the Ancient One and the portal were affected.

Gu Yi vomited blood and immediately reopened the portal to return to hell regardless of his injuries.

Hell is still in chaos at this moment, with chaotic energy running wildly in the fragmented space.

Even Gu Yi felt in danger, especially now that she was seriously injured.

But Gu Yi still moved towards the center of the explosion.

Hell is not a complete planet, but a huge landmass.

After the explosion, hell had been blown into more than a dozen smaller pieces of land, floating in the hell space.

However, there was no trace of Jin Si.

Gu Yi's eyes flickered, and she was not sure whether her plan was successful.

Gu Yi's plan is very simple. Exiling Jin Si to ancient times will definitely not work.

Then send Jin Si to the future, to the era after her birth, preferably after the era of her existence.

To do this, she used up almost all her magic power.

As for when exactly it can be sent to the future, she is not sure.

After all, Jin Si lived in BC, and it had been more than a thousand years since she was born.

Furthermore, Jin Si's power is too powerful.

It's not easy to send such a powerful person to the future.

Even with the power of the Infinity Stones, the Ancient One was still very reluctant.

Jin Si only saw that everything in front of him was moving forward rapidly.

Jin Si couldn't control his body at all.

The consciousness is always there, but the body cannot keep up with the consciousness.

Jin Si tried several times, but all ended in failure.

The blue and green energies around me are still interacting with each other.

Still creating destructive energy.

Jin Si knew that he was traveling in time.

If you want to stop, you can only wait for the power of the time stone to disappear.

Jin Si thought about it for a long time and decided to take the risk.

Absorb the energy of the Time Stone.

Jinsi has very rich experience in absorbing all kinds of messy energy.

As soon as the energy of the time stone entered the body, Jin Si felt that his body organs began to decline rapidly.

When the organ declined to the extreme, the mechanism that Bodhi Patriarch left in Jin Si's body was immediately activated.

Jin Si's body began to grow in reverse again, from old age to adulthood, youth, teenager, and baby.

The power of time is constantly accelerating Jin Si's growth to the extreme.

Every moment, Jin Si is experiencing the reincarnation of his body.

Jin Si complained about his master for so long.

This time I finally felt that Master had done something wrong.

If there is no restriction placed in one's body by Master.

I'm afraid that I will be consumed by the power of time.

Even the power of time cannot erase Patriarch Bodhi's restriction.

Jin Si's body is reincarnated again and again in reincarnation and cycle.

Jin Si began to understand his own abilities and how he traveled through time and space.

Well... to put it simply, it's useless.

It's like you know you can walk, but you don't know how you walk.

Now Jin Si knows.

In the words of Patriarch Bodhi, this is enlightenment.

If all enlightenment is like this.

Jin Si would rather not be enlightened.

Jin Si's body experienced birth, old age, illness and death again and again.

And it’s happening every minute.

Gradually, Jin Si understood the laws of time and space.

Although it is only a very superficial law of time and space.

But Jin Si has already taken the first step.

Jin Si tried to control the power of time and space.

Stop! Jin Si used all his might.

In an instant, time stopped.

The time that was originally passing quickly stopped in an instant.

But the next moment, time began to loosen again.

Just a ten thousandth of a second of pause.

Jin Si almost went all out.

Jin Si had no time to think more and quickly rushed out of the barrier of time.


With an earth-shattering noise, Jin Si landed.

Jin Si gasped for air. Jin Si hadn't been so tired for a long time.

Even in the original battle with Cytorak, although he went all out, Jin Si was still able to do it with ease.

But he only paused for a ten thousandth of a second and actually used almost all his strength.

In the end, the remaining strength was used on running.

Jin Si crashed into a mountain and lay panting in the pit.

The body became a child's posture again.

After regaining some strength, he found a piece of wood as a crutch and reluctantly walked out of the forest.

Now let alone flying in the air, even walking is a bit difficult.

Until they arrived in front of a city, Jin Si didn't know what dynasty it was now.

Jin Si was dressed in rags. As soon as he arrived at the city gate, he was regarded as a little beggar and stopped outside the city.

Although he cursed a lot, he had no choice but to pretend to be a grandson.

Although his skill is recovering, Jin Si can't do much at this rate of growth.

Jin Si tried his running skills a few times, but it was still as slow as a snail.

Jin Si was planning to find a place to stay.

Several people from the world followed Jin Si.

Although Jin Si's skills have not recovered now, his eyes and ears are still the same.

Those few people lurked quietly into the darkness.

When Jin Si passed by, he jumped out of the darkness and knocked Jin Si to the ground with a stick.

Jin Si just lay down on the ground and pretended to be dead, and the Jianghu people threw Jin Si into the carriage.

There were several beggars like Jin Si on the carriage, and they were all knocked unconscious.

Could this group of people be human traffickers?

Jin Si thought to himself that in just half a day, those Jianghu people drove the carriage into a valley.

There is also an inscription at the entrance of this valley, Xiaoyao Valley.

When they arrived at the valley, Jin Si and a group of beggars were awakened by a basin of cold water.

There were several powerful martial arts men around, leaving behind a few swords.

The man in red, who was the leader, said coldly: "Now, all you need to do is kill one of the people around you, and then you can enter my Xiaoyao Valley."

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