Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One thousand and ninety-nine Xiaoyao Valley

"Why should I listen to you?"

A beggar has the air of taking matters into his own hands.

Then the man in red raised his hand and performed a craniotomy on the beggar from a distance.

The other beggars were trembling and dared not say anything more.

They all picked up the swords on the ground and prepared to decide whether to live or die with other beggars.

But soon, Jin Si's childish attitude attracted the attention of most beggars.

All these beggars are haggard and skinny.

How much strength do you have on hand?

To kill other beggars, I dare not say it is as difficult as climbing to the sky, at least it is very risky.

But it would be much easier to just kill a child.

A group of people looked at Jin Si eagerly.

Jin Si pretended to be panicked and picked up a sword on the ground.

At this time, a beggar had impatiently raised his knife and rushed towards Jin Si.

Jin Si immediately raised his knife and stabbed the beggar to death.

The beggar looked in disbelief until he died.

"Okay, you passed the test." The man in red said.

Jin Si quickly dropped the knife and trotted out of the circle.

He really looked like a frightened child.

People around him only thought that Jin Si was lucky, and in that situation he actually killed the person who wanted to kill him.

As for the beggars, they looked disappointed.

"If you don't want to die, hurry up and do it, otherwise I will do it myself. I, Xiaoyao Valley, don't support idlers."

These beggars began to fight each other cruelly and bloodyly.

In the end, only ten people, including Jin Si, were left.

"You are now my disciples of Xiaoyao Valley,

This seat is thunder, one of the four protectors of wind, rain, thunder and lightning. "

Lei Ming said and looked at Jin Si again: "What's your name?"

"I don't have a name." Jin Si said.

"From now on, you will be my disciple, and your name will be Lei Tian."

"It's really not good." Jin Si muttered.

"What did you say?"

"Thank you, Master, for giving me the name."

Jin Si was lucky and became Lei Ming's disciple.

Although the four guardians of wind, rain, thunder and lightning have the same position, Lei Ming is the first of the four guardians.

The main reason is that Lei Ming has the highest cultivation level, and the second reason is that he has followed the owner of Xiaoyao Valley for the longest time.

The other three guardians all joined Xiaoyao Valley halfway, and Lei Ming was the disciple of the Valley Master.

This Xiaoyao Valley provided Jinsi with time and environment to recover.

Of course, this Xiaoyao Valley is definitely not a good place.

At least for ordinary people, it is not an exaggeration to say that this place is a dragon's pond and a tiger's den.

Among the people who joined Xiaoyao Valley with Jin Si, now only Jin Si is left alive.

Everyone else has died, not in the fights between outsiders, but in the intrigues within.

Not having enough talent and talent, not adapting to the environment of Xiaoyao Valley in time, this is the cause of their death.

Jin Si doesn't have such troubles. With the protection of Lei Ming, most people really don't dare to mess with Jin Si.

Of course, Lei Ming himself is not a good person.

Jin Si could safely serve as Lei Ming's disciple, and Lei Ming would test Jin Si's cultivation level every now and then.

In the past, Jin Si had three senior brothers.

Now only Jin Si is left alive.

All the other brothers were fed up by Lei Ming.

In the blink of an eye, another ten years have passed, and Jin Si's cultivation level has not even recovered to one hundred percent.

According to this progress, I am afraid that it will not take enough gold to recover within a thousand years.

This is mainly because when Jin Si escaped from the time barrier ten years ago, his strength was almost dry.

At this moment, a voice came from outside the yard.

"Lei Tian, ​​Lei Tian...are you at home?"

"Not here."

"Oh...then I'm leaving. When will you come back?"

The person who was talking to Jin Si was Lei Yin, Lei Ming's young apprentice, who was also Jin Si's junior brother and the disciple he accepted later.

Lei Yin is a few years older than Jin Si, but he has some brain problems.

The reason why Lei Ming accepted Lei Yin as his disciple was because Lei Yin was extremely talented in martial arts in addition to his poor brain.

Many basic martial arts can be mastered in just one pass.

If he could be a little smarter, he would probably be a son of this era.

Jin Si walked out of the door, and Lei Yin, who was standing outside the yard, was about to turn around and leave.

"What do you want from me? Lei Yin."

"Are you here?" Lei Yin looked confused.

Lei Yin is the only person in Jin Si who has no interest in talking nonsense.

Because to talk to him, you must first abandon logic.

"If you don't tell me, I will go out."

"Master is looking for you."

"Go and report to Master for me. Just say that I have been ill recently and am feeling dizzy. I urgently need some money to find a doctor."

"Master said, no matter whether you are dead or sick, you should go to see him first."

After several years of understanding Jin Si, Lei Ming already knew Jin Si's laziness.

This is not the first time that Jin Si has used illness to excuse Lei Ming.

Lei Ming often sighed. Two talented disciples, one stupid and the other lazy, were both hopeless.

Jin Si thought for a while, if he really didn't go, maybe Lei Ming's narrow-mindedness would really kill him.

Lei Ming is the type with a strong desire to control.

He doesn't like others to disobey him.

The last person who disobeyed him is still buried in the garden.

Jin Si decided to go and see what Lei Ming was going to do.

Arriving at Honglei Hall, Jin Si saluted honestly: "Meet Master."

Lei Ming glanced at Jin Si and raised his hand: "Get up and talk."

"Master, have you summoned me for something?"

"I want you to perform a mission."

Jin Si originally thought that this time it would be the same as in the past, just go out and kill people.

But Lei Ming then said: "The Valley Master has been imprisoned in Wudang Mountain for twenty years. Now the time is ripe. You follow the Young Valley Master and worship in Wudang Mountain to find an opportunity to seize Wudang's Heavenly Silkworm Divine Art."

Jin Si had heard that the previous owner of Xiaoyao Valley was Old Man Hantan, a great demon in the martial arts world.

Because he was defeated at the hands of Wudang leader Qingsong, he sent his son to sneak into Wudang sect.

As a result, Qingsong discovered that he not only killed Old Man Hantan's son, but also imprisoned Old Man Hantan in Wudang Mountain.

Today, the young owner of Xiaoyao Valley is Fu Yushu, the grandson of Old Man Hantan.

Over the years, Xiaoyao Valley has been secretly accumulating strength and waiting for revenge.

Jin Si didn't know what Lei Ming meant when the time came.

But Jin Si really didn't want to move and just wanted to stay at home.

"Master, this disciple's martial arts is at a bottleneck recently."

"You can't break through the bottleneck by just practicing hard. If you go out and walk around and look for opportunities, you may be able to break through the bottleneck."

"Master, your birthday is coming soon, and I want to stay with you to celebrate your birthday."

"Go birthday is still more than half a year away."

"Master, Protector Yupiao has a female disciple who is interested in me. The disciple feels that now is not the time to leave the valley."

"Stop talking nonsense. If you keep talking nonsense, I will slap you to death!"

Jin Si is annoyed to death, Zhen Ni Ma is so troublesome.

Or let this cheap master of mine die suddenly?

Jin Si glanced at Lei Ming with evil intentions.

Lei Ming obviously didn't know Jin Si's evil thoughts, and continued: "This time you sneak into Wudang, you must obey the orders of Master Shaogu. If you have the opportunity, find a way to make a copy of the Tiancan magic skill."

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