Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One thousand one hundred for world peace

Fu Yushu is twenty years old, and Jin Si looks like Fu Yushu's little book boy.

"Master Shao Gu." Jin Si was like an innocent child.

"Call me Master from now on."

Fu Yushu glanced at Jin Si, a little dissatisfied that the entourage Lei Ming had arranged for him was actually a child.

Are you sure that such a child will not cause any trouble?

You must know that his father was discovered by Wudang leader Qing Song.

Then he slapped it on the wall.

Now he was going to do the same thing as his father.

If they are not careful, they will be reunited as soon as they register.

What Fu Yushu wants is the kind of disciple who is smart, shrewd and capable.

The emphasis is on competence.

Jin Si is not only young, but also a boy.

The most important thing is that he is not good-looking, and Fu Yushu is very tired.

Lei Ming was so incompetent that he made his own demands.

He actually only found this boy to be his follower.

But now the talent in Xiaoyao Valley is withering.

Although he was dissatisfied with Jin Siduo, he still reluctantly accepted the arrangement.

Because of his tight schedule, Jin Si went to Fu Yushu's place to report and then left the valley directly.

Their trip was to go to the foot of Mount Tai.

Qingsong, the head of Wudang, and Dugu Wudi, the leader of the Wudi Sect, the most powerful demon in the martial arts today, had a blind date at the Jade Emperor Peak in Mount Tai.

Qingsong lost a move and was now seriously injured, fleeing back to the mountain gate.

Although Dugu Wudi ordered not to pursue Qingsong.

However, the sect still sent killers to chase him.

Arrive at the small town at the foot of Mount Tai.

Jin Si has been here, and thousands of years have passed.

Although the town has undergone great changes, Taishan does not seem to have changed much.

"Go and find out which way Qingsong takes. Don't expose his identity and whereabouts." Fu Yushu said.

"Yes, Master." Jin Si took two steps and returned to Fu Yushu: "Master, I am going out to ask for money."

Fu Yushu threw a piece of silver over and said, "Take it."

Jin Si weighed the silver and estimated that there were ten taels.

However, Jin Si still had a look of disgust on his face: "Master, please don't walk around outside. You don't know the prices outside..."

Fu Yushu was stunned for a moment, he really didn't know what the prices were.

I originally thought that ten taels of silver should be enough.

Now it seems that I took it for granted.

"How much is needed?" Fu Yushu asked.

"Master, how much do you have?"

"You want me to give you all the money?"

"Master, I'm doing this just to make the plan go smoothly."

"I've given it to you, how can I stay in the hotel?"

"Young Master, it's important. Now you can just find a ruined temple to stay." Jin Si said seriously.

Fu Yushu thought for a while and threw all the money bags to Jin Si.

There are broken gold nuggets inside, worth at least a few hundred taels of silver.

Fu Yushu looked at Jin Si's expression: "Isn't it enough?"

"It's barely enough, young master. You need to find a place to stay first. The villain will go out to find out the information. It can take as little as three to five days, as long as half a month. You will definitely pay back. You leave our Xiaoyao Valley password. The villain will find out the information. I will know it myself." Follow the code and find it."

"Go." Fu Yushu was in a bad mood: "Go early and come back early."

Fu Yushu couldn't be happy at the thought of sleeping in the wilderness.

But there is nothing we can do now.

After leaving Xiaoyao Valley, he was a bit headless.

This is why he has little experience outside.

"The waiter in the shop will serve you good wine and good food, and you will have enough money."

Jin Si slapped a piece of silver on the table.

The waiter immediately regarded Jin Si as his biological parents.

It's none of your business to pry out shitty information.

Jin Si had no intention of inquiring about any information.

I just want to take advantage of the opportunity of leaving the valley to have a good time.

It's rare to go out with a stupid young master.

He was so fooled that all his belongings were given to him.

If you don't take advantage of these idiots, you will be sorry for yourself.

After eating and drinking, Jin Si lay back on the chair contentedly.

At this time, several people passed by the door.

Those people were all wearing Taoist robes and holding swords in their hands.

They should all be people in the world.

The middle-aged Taoist priest who led him kept covering his chest.

The group of people were moving in a hurry, and it looked like someone was chasing them.

Jin Si touched his chin, stood up and followed him out.

Behind that group of Taoists, besides Jin Si, there were also a group of bad guys.

This is the definition given to them by Jin Si, all of them are strange in shape.

The clothes are very non-mainstream.

The leader is a girl.

Well, it looks like it suits me very well.

The two groups of people finally met in the wild.

"Old thief Qingsong, today is the day you die." The girl shouted loudly.

"Protect Master!"

The Taoist priests formed a formation and protected Qingsong in the middle.

These two groups of people should be Wudang and Invincible Sect.

If he followed Fu Yushu's plan, he should make a strong advance at this time.

Then he beat away the people from Wuweimen, and then ran to Qingsong to express that the junior's help was too late.

But Jin Si obviously had no such plan.

Jin Si watched the two groups of people fighting evenly.

There are only a few people on the Wudang side, but they all have extraordinary skills.

On the other hand, the Invincible Sect is basically a bunch of rabble.

But they couldn't hold back their large numbers, which were more than three times that of Wudang's side.

Invincible Gate has a surplus even if it exchanges three for one.

Jin Si saw how fierce the fight was.

In the interest of world peace, Jin Si decided to take action.

Jin Si took out a black scarf and covered his face.

Then he jumped onto the field and slapped a Wudang disciple away with his left hand.

Everyone in Wudang looked shocked when they saw the opponent's master coming to help.

The Wudang disciple who was shot away by Jin Si was quite skilled.

In this team, besides Qingsong, he is the most powerful.

The Wudimen on the other side was overjoyed.

Although so many people were killed and injured, everyone in Wudang was not captured.

Everyone in the Invincible Sect has begun to think about retreating.

But unexpectedly, a master appeared on his side.

However, before they could be happy, Jin Si suddenly slapped another person from the Wuwei Sect to death.


For a moment, both sides looked at the masked man in front of them in surprise, wondering which side Jin Si was from.

"How about everyone give me some face and let's just forget about it?"

Both sides were shocked and confused, but the girl who was the leader of the Invincible Sect snorted coldly: "Who do you think you are, you dare to ruin the important matter of our Invincible Sect here."

"Since both of you are unwilling to put aside your grudges against each other, there is nothing I can do about it."

"This friend, it's not that we are unwilling to let go of our grudges, it's the Wudi Sect that is really aggressive." Qingsong looked at Jin Si, and for a moment he couldn't tell the identity of the person in front of him or the depth of his martial arts.

Jin Si has a headache. Is it okay if both parties don't follow the script?

But it doesn’t matter, even if I am alone, I have to complete the script.

"In that case, let's make your bids. Whoever bids higher will be helped by me. As long as everyone on the other side is killed, the war will be resolved."

People on both sides were a little speechless. This uninvited guest was highly skilled in martial arts, but his behavior was a bit out of character.

"Hmph! Do you dare to take the money from my Invincible Sect?"

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