Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand One Hundred and Two Father-in-law

Jin Si suddenly raised his hands.

A stone weighing hundreds of kilograms was grabbed from the air a dozen feet away in front of him.

Qingsong looked surprised, and so did Dugu Feng.

Although the strength of the two is far apart.

But at least both of them have the same understanding.

The stone weighing hundreds of kilograms, which was more than ten feet away, was actually caught in the air like this.

What is the concept of more than ten feet? The length of a playground is about ten feet, fifty to sixty meters.

To grab such a heavy stone from such a distance.

That shows that he can easily kill people from dozens of meters away.

Moreover, no one can resist this invisible attack.

Even top masters like Qingsong and Dugu Wudi cannot stop it, right?

"How about this, how about this martial arts? As long as you learn this martial arts, you will be able to beat Dugu Wudi to the ground in the future. He will commit murder and arson, commit all kinds of evil, do whatever you want, and have sex with whose wife you want."

This is the truth, but Qingsong feels that he also wants to lose face.

Although Qingsong was moved, he really didn't dare to accept Jin Si's martial arts.

"When the time comes, even if I want to steal Dugu Wudi's wife, it won't be a problem."

Qingsong narrowed his eyes and looked at Jin Si: "What are your conditions?"

"If you have a daughter, marry me."

"I didn't." Qingsong said with a frown.

"I know, I mean if."

"I don't have a daughter."

"I mean if, do you understand?"

Qingsong pondered for a long time, what does this man mean?

Make a meaningless promise,

And then teach yourself this magical skill?

No matter how you look at it, you are not at a loss, but no matter how you look at it, it seems like there is a huge trap waiting for you.

"Forget it, I haven't even mastered my own technique."

"You're talking about the Heavenly Silkworm Technique, right? That thing requires you to fake death once and live toward death." Jin Si said.

Qingsong was stunned for a moment and looked at Jin Si in astonishment.

"You can also practice martial arts by abandoning yourself. The reason why the Celestial Silkworm Kung Fu is called the Celestial Silkworm Kung Fu comes from the meaning of making a cocoon to bind oneself. Your own skill is the cocoon. The more proficient you are in the Celestial Silkworm Kung Fu, the deeper the skill, the tougher the cocoon will be. , it is absolutely difficult to break through. Only by letting go of everything can you finally break out of the cocoon and become a butterfly."

Qingsong was shocked because what Jin Si said coincided with his sect's Celestial Silkworm Skill.

Only by being born towards death and emerging from the cocoon into a butterfly can one truly be reborn.

"You...why do you know the secret of the Heavenly Silkworm Art?" Qingsong looked at Jin Si in surprise.

"I tell you this huge secret, and I also plan to teach you my peerless magical skills. I respect you as a person and feel that you can eliminate demons, defend the law, and support justice. Are you also very moved, and then plan to accept my offer? condition?"

Qingsong's eyes flickered and he couldn't help but stare at Jin Si.

An idea suddenly came to his mind.

Could it be...does he have a daughter?

But this is impossible... I have only had sex with two women in my life.

After his hair extension wife gave birth to a son for him, she died of dystocia.

The other person was... Qingsong suddenly looked at Dugu Feng.

Bad thoughts were getting more and more in his mind.

"What are you looking at! Old man!" Dugu Feng felt uncomfortable being stared at by Qing Song.

"My little friend, is she...?"

Jin Si put a hand on Qingsong's shoulder.

He walked to the corner and said, "Qingsong, I thought you were a good person and I told you this. You said that Dugu Wudi had such vicious thoughts. He actually wanted Dugu Feng to kill you with his own hands or let you kill Dugu Feng. This is my revenge for giving you a hat back then."

"You mean...she is really my daughter?"

"You said that if Dugu Feng continues to be by Dugu Wudi's side, he will be harmed sooner or later. You also know who Dugu Wudi is, and even you can't beat him..."

"I was in bad shape the past few days."

Qingsong will never admit that he lost.

I just didn't perform well.

"I know this... you also know my character. If you betroth your daughter to me, I will take care of you until you die, and I will take Dugu Wudi's head to your tomb and burn it to you. What do you think? Sample?"

When talking about character, Qingsong immediately expressed his positive attitude towards Jin Si's character.

His character is hard to say... really hard to say.

If you put it in Wudang, it would be a level that would clear the door in a matter of minutes.

Furthermore, Jin Si’s origin is unknown, so how could Qing Song agree to it?

Besides, how old is Jin Si now? Dugu Feng was at least seven or eight years older than him.

"This matter needs long-term consideration." Qingsong said calmly.

"Do you look down on me?"

"It's no big deal. My martial arts skills are world-class and I am one of the countless heroes in the world. I will be able to achieve great things in the future." Qingsong said seriously: "But I am still young now. I will discuss it with you in a few years." What do you think of this matter, little friend?"

Jin Si thought for a while, and it seemed to make sense.

I haven't even grown all my hair there yet, it's really a bit early.

"Then let's settle this matter first. After four years, I will propose marriage to you."

"Haha... Now in Dugu Feng's heart, he still regards Dugu Wuhui as his biological father, so it's useless for you to propose marriage to me."

"Then you have mastered the Celestial Silkworm Transformation, and then you will die of Dugu Wudi...father-in-law."

Qingsong's eyes widened, I haven't agreed yet, how can your father-in-law scream?

"Since you call me father-in-law, can you let me go back?"

"Father-in-law, judging from what you said, am I such a person who doesn't distinguish between public and private matters?" Jin Si said seriously: "If you chase me away, I will break your legs."

Qingsong felt very tired. After saying so much, you still want a ransom from me?

"Father-in-law, I am actually doing this for your own good. You are injured now. If you leave my side, I am afraid that you will be sold by human traffickers. But with me here, you can be well protected. Do you think what I said is right?" reason?"

Qingsong responded to Jin Si with a stiff smile.

"Besides, I am also saving money for my wife now. Father-in-law, even if you don't think about me, you should still think about your daughter."

Qingsong feels like he's about to have a myocardial infarction. Are you blackmailing me just to save yourself a wife?

"By the way, just tell me what you want to eat tonight. I will treat you as your son-in-law and honor your father-in-law."

Jin Si took Qingsong and Dugufeng into the town.

Find an inn to stay.

However, Dugufeng was unhappy on the spot.

"Why do I have to share a room with you?" Dugu Feng said dissatisfied.

"Why are you in the same room with her?" Qingsong was even more dissatisfied.

"I don't have money... How about you and Qingsong share a room?" Jin Si said matter-of-factly.

Dugu Feng glanced at Qingsong and then at Jin Si.

"Why can't we open a third room?"

"Do you have any money on you?"


"You didn't tell me anything."

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