Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One thousand one hundred and one. This is saving money for a great cause.

Jin Si looked at the girl at the Wudi Gate: "I don't know how dare I take it, and how dare I rape a civilian girl, do you believe it or not?"

"How dare you!!" The young man next to the girl was furious.

Jin Si immediately rolled up his sleeves and walked towards the girl: "Today I will let you see if I dare."

The young man quickly blocked his junior sister behind him.

Jinsi Xianzhu's hand has already been stretched out.

At this moment, a stone hit Jin Si on the back of his hand.

This stone was thrown by Qingsong.

Although Qingsong was weak, he was not at the point where he had no fighting power.

"What you did is contrary to the principles of a gentleman."

"Do you think I am a gentleman?" Jin Si said disapprovingly: "I will leave my words here today. All of you will not be able to leave unless you pay me today."

"If you want Pindao's money, then it depends on your methods."

Money is a small matter, but face is of great importance.

He competed with Dugu Wudi, and it was normal to win or lose.

But if someone of unknown origin robs them of their money, how can he and Wudang gain a foothold in the world again?

Jin Si raised one foot and directly kicked down a century-old tree next to him that the two of them were hugging.

This kick shocked everyone.

This century-old tree, even a green pine, might not be able to be cut with a sword.

Not to mention breaking this big tree with one leg.

Martial arts in this era has basically been in decline.

Compared with the prosperous age of martial arts a thousand years ago, the difference is more than a hundred times.

At that time, Ying Zheng was considered to be at the pinnacle of martial arts. Although he could not destroy mountains and mountains, he could still change the terrain to a certain extent.

By now, Qingsong was already considered a top expert at this level.

Compared with a thousand years ago, Qingsong was only an eighteenth-tier street gangster in the past.

"Your Excellency is very skilled. Yu admires people with strong martial arts skills the most. Bai Shi, give me some money."

Qingsong's disciples looked at Qingsong blankly, and Qingsong also felt bitter.

The opponent's skills are extraordinary, and even in his prime, he may not be his opponent.

What's more, he is now seriously injured.

Even 10% of one's martial arts skills can't be used even 20% or 30%.

With just two or three kittens around him, I'm afraid it wouldn't even be enough to fill the space between the opponent's teeth.

If possible, no one would be willing to bow their heads just after saying harsh words.

But the situation is stronger than the person, and face is not important at all.

"If a little money can resolve the conflict, why not do it?" Qingsong said calmly.

Jin Si took the money bag thrown by Bai Shi and showed disgust.

"That's it? Do you think I am a beggar?" Jin Si said angrily: "You look down on me, then I will feel sorry for you."

Jin Si clenched his fists and walked in the direction of Qingsong.

Qingsong took a few steps back and said calmly: "Your Excellency, we are in a hurry to get down the mountain and don't have any extra money with us. Your martial arts skills are so high that you can start a sect, so why do you do such a stupid thing?"

"It's so tiring to start a sect. Why don't I just go and grab a sect? Do you think this is true?"

Qingsong was speechless, what could he say?

"Ha... I'm just kidding, it's wrong to rob someone from the sect." Jin Si laughed and said, "I'm planning to buy a mountain to start a mountain sect now, so you will definitely give your full support, Head Qingsong, right?"

What can Qingsong say? It's wrong to rob people from the sect, but is it right to rob people of their money?

"If you don't speak, I'll take it as your acquiescence." Jin Si came to Qingsong.

Qingsong's disciple Baishi drew his sword and stood in front of his master.

Jin Si stretched out his hand, grabbed it, and threw it again. The white stone was thrown several feet away.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

"Ask your apprentice to bring money. If you don't bring enough money, I will feed you to the dogs."

"If you want to take away my master, step over my body first!" Bai Shi jumped out again and blocked Jin Si's path.

"Shiraishi, stand down, you are no match for him."


"Back off."

Jin Si did not embarrass Bai Shi anymore, but looked back at Qing Song: "I have stepped on many bodies.


With Qingsong's understanding of Jin Si's martial arts, it would not be difficult for him to kill as many people as he wanted.

I'm afraid it's not weaker than him or Dugu Wudi.

I don’t know where such masters came from.

It was completely unheard of in the past.

Jin Si walked towards the Invincible Gate again.

"Protect the eldest lady!"

The disciples of Wudi Sect naturally did not dare to let Jin Si get close to Dugu Wudi's daughter Dugu Feng.

After all, everyone in the world knows the cruelty of Dugu Wudi, and as disciples of the Wudi Sect, they naturally have a deep understanding of it.

If the task fails, going home is not as simple as writing a review.

They would rather fight to the death here than face Dugu Wudi because of a mistake.

"Is there anyone who wants to touch your eldest daughter and step over your body?" Jin Si asked.

Several Invincible Sect disciples just opened their mouths, but before they could say anything, Jin Si shot out several sword energy.

Those people had a flat tire on the spot, and Dugu Feng was stunned.

"Then the remaining people, please remember to inform Dugu Wudi and send me the money. Otherwise, I will give him multiple sons-in-law."

Jin Si reached out to pull Dugu Feng, and at this time Gongsun Hong, Dugu Wudi's eldest disciple, raised his sword and slashed at Jin Si.

Gongsun Hong has a soft spot for Dugu Feng.

How can you tolerate others being frivolous about Dugu Feng?

Jin Si slapped Gongsun Hong on the face.

"Get out of here, you troublemaker."

Gongsun Hong was good at martial arts, but unfortunately it was still just a slap in front of Jin Si.

However, Gongsun Hong's landing posture is still quite beautiful.

After receiving Jin Si's palm, he turned 720 degrees in the air, then landed on his face and passed out.

"Miss Dugu, are you coming with me by yourself? Or should I take off your clothes? Then carry you on my back?"

Dugufeng expressed her protest to Jin Si with her eyes, and then followed Jin Si obediently.

Both Wudang and Invincible Sect fled in embarrassment, either to raise money or to spread the news.

"Huh..." Jin Si pulled down the black scarf.

Dugu Feng and Qing Song were both stunned.

Why is he a little brat?

Originally they thought Jin Si was short in stature.

It was assumed that he was born short, or had practiced some evil technique that distorted his body shape.

It turned out that Jin Si was really short, he looked about twelve or thirteen years old.

"Don't be stunned, keep walking." Jin Si led the way.

"My martial arts skills are so high, how do you practice them?"

Jin Si glanced at Qingsong with a strange look.

Do I need to tell you how to practice?

"Of course I have practiced peerless magical skills."

"Hmph, what kind of bullshit peerless magic skill, no matter how powerful it is, can it be as powerful as my father's heaven-destroying magic skill? When my father comes, let's see how you die."

Jin Si rolled his eyes at Dugu Feng. She probably didn't know yet that the half-dead Taoist priest next to her was her biological father.

Dugu Wudi kept saying that he would not allow his disciples to chase Qingsong.

However, he allowed Dugu Feng to pursue Qing Song in order to take revenge on Qing Song.

Regardless of whether Dugu Feng killed Qing Song or Qing Song killed Dugu Feng in the end.

They can all take revenge for the hat given to them by Qingsong.

Jin Si was too lazy to argue with Dugu Feng. He looked at Qingsong and said, "Do you want to learn peerless magical skills?"

"I don't want to." Qingsong refused without hesitation.

"No, you want..." Jin Si said: "How about I teach you the peerless magic?"

"I don't need it."

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