Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One thousand one hundred and three biological father and adoptive father

Jin Si and Dugu Feng looked at the only bed.

Jin Si immediately jumped on the bed: "Come on, don't be polite, just lie down when you are tired, and sleep when you are sleepy."

Dugufeng puffed his cheeks angrily, sat on the chair with his face tied and his arms folded.

Jin Si looked at Dugu Feng: "Don't want to sleep? Forget it, I'll go to bed first."

Then there was a hysterical scream from Dugu Feng.

"what are you doing?"


"Then what are you doing taking off your clothes?"

"Of course you have to take off your clothes to sleep."

At this moment, the door was kicked open.

Qingsong rushed in with his sword in hand.

Seeing Jin Si, Qingsong looked angry: "What are you going to do?"


"Then what are you doing taking off your clothes?"

"Of course you have to take off your clothes to sleep."

"Then why did you take off your clothes?"

"Aren't you going to sleep?"

Qingsong covered his forehead, who the hell fell asleep?

No normal person can sleep well?

Jin Si glared at Qingsong: "Besides, Dugu Feng is the daughter of your mortal enemy Dugu Wudi, why are you anxious."

"You..." Qingsong's face was full of anger, but he didn't dare to tell the truth.

Suddenly, there was a noise from the street outside the house.

Dugu Feng heard the voice of his senior brother Gongsun Hong downstairs.

"Master, that person settled in this store."

Dugu Feng didn't care that Jin Si and Qing Song were here.

He opened the window and said, "Dad, senior brother, I'm here."

Qingsong frowned and looked at Jin Si: "Wudi's disciples are so numerous and powerful, do you want to avoid the edge for a while?"

"You look down on me, don't you?"

"A man is a man who can advance and retreat."

"I didn't expect you, father-in-law, to drive."


"Forget it, it's nothing."

At this moment, the outside was already blocked by people from Wudimen.

The door was violently kicked open, and Gongsun Hong took the lead and rushed in.

A person strolled up behind him, and looking at the smoky makeup and dark look, he knew that this must be Dugu Wudi, the leader of the Wudi Sect.

But looking at the dark circles under his eyes, it's obvious that he masturbated a lot.

And it is very likely that he had just masturbated before going out, and there are obvious signs of kidney deficiency.

The last time I had a blind date with Qingsong and Qingsong was at the Jade Emperor Peak in Mount Tai. Both of them have not recovered yet.

Dugu Wudi saw Jin Si at first sight.

There's no way around it, Jin Si's look is so eye-catching.

So much so that he actually ignored his daughter for the first time.

The look of Jinsi just doesn’t have a look.

"Who is that...the eldest disciple of the Invincible Sect, you are here to pay the ransom this time, right?"

"Hmph... Dare to take this book..."


Suddenly, Jin Si took action without any warning and slapped Dugu Wudi on the face.

Dugu Wudi was stunned immediately by the slap.

Jin Si raised his foot and swept it on Dugu Wudi's neck, causing Dugu Wudi to fly out the door.

"Fuck...I'm talking to the eldest disciple of your Invincible Sect, do you have the right to interrupt? No matter how big or small."

Gongsun Hong was stunned on the spot, not knowing how to react for a moment.

"Dad..." Dugu Feng screamed and rushed forward.

"Ah...this is your father."

Jin Si had an expression on his face, "I did it on purpose."

Qingsong suddenly felt that having a son-in-law like Jin Si seemed pretty good.

"I'll kill you!" Dugu Feng roared, pulling out the dagger hidden in his boot and stabbing Jin Si.

Jin Si slapped the dagger in Dugu Feng's hand and flew away.


There is a dagger in Dugu Wudi's chest.


Dugu Feng became even more angry and slapped Jin Si.

Jin Si avoided Dugufeng's palm and reached out to grab Dugufeng's neck.

"Dugu Feng, you seem to have forgotten that you are still a hostage."

"Kill me!" Dugufeng said stubbornly.

"No..." Gongsun Hong hurriedly stopped him: "I will prepare the money for you. Don't hurt my junior sister."

Just now when his master was pushed to the ground and beaten by Jin Si, he didn't even get a kick out of him.

At this moment, Jin Si didn't even bother to kill Dugu Feng, and Gongsun Hong could no longer stand.

"Because you went back on your word and now the price has doubled, I dare to call the police and kill your whole family."

The Wudi Sect rushed to seek revenge, but the result was an anticlimax.

This is something no one expected.

Even Qingsong originally thought that this would be an extremely brutal battle.

The result really disappointed Qingsong.

Just beat Dugu Wudi once and it was over.

Of course, this kind of thing sounds simple, but the actual operation is not so easy.

At least Fatty must give Dugu Wudi a beating, the entire martial arts world can count them on one hand.

In fact, just two fingers are enough, Jin Si, and himself.

Qingsong said that if he hadn't masturbated too much the night before the duel, he would not have lost.

After the people from Wudimen left, Jin Si let go of Dugu Feng.

"Xiao Feng'er, you must have been scared. In fact, I only wanted to scare those dogs. I didn't mean to hurt you."

Dugu Feng rubbed his neck and backed away silently.

If I trust you again, I will be nothing more than a dog.

Jin Si was helpless, and he exchanged his sincerity for a blank look.

Jin Si has been serving Dugu Feng with delicious food and drinks these past few days.

But Dugu Feng always responded to Jin Si's attentiveness with a cold face.

"Xiao Feng'er, does your father not want you anymore? It's been a few days, why hasn't your father paid you yet? Is he bankrupt or doesn't he love you anymore?"

"Dugu Wudi has a cold nature. For him, as long as it is beneficial to him, he can abandon anything, even his own daughter." Qingsong took the opportunity to belittle Dugu Wudi.

"Is that why you gave him the hat?"


Qingsong said that it was actually the little bitch who seduced him first.

It was the little bitch who said she was empty, lonely and cold.

I am not lustful, I am just sending warmth.

Dugufeng was in an even worse mood.

"My Invincible Sect's main altar is three hundred miles away from here. It takes ten days to get there and back. Only a few days have passed."

"Are you talking nonsense? Why did your father come so quickly that night? Did he just go out for a stroll and happened to come here?"

Dugu Feng was angry and sat by the window with his back to Jin Si without saying anything.

"Miss Dugu, I don't think your father will come to pay the ransom, so it's better to make plans as soon as possible."

"Stop talking about Xiao Feng'er, as if your apprentice has come to pay the ransom."

" Wudang is more than a thousand miles away from here. How can I get back and forth in a few months?"

"If you, a Wudang disciple, are serious, you can borrow some money from some familiar relatives and friends nearby and go back and forth for a few months. By the time you get here, I'm afraid you will be dead. I think your Wudang disciple has serious intentions. Yes." Dugu Feng also added insult to injury at this time.

Qingsong was very upset after hearing this. On the one hand, he was worried about why his disciple couldn't turn around.

On the other hand, it was because Dugu Feng was implying that Jin Si was willing to kill himself, right?

"In other words, how many months do I have to support you? I am kidnapping you. Do you think I am accompanying you to travel around the mountains and rivers? It can only be a month at most. If you don't see the money for a month, I will throw you into the frying pan."

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