Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand One Hundred and Four Luxury Carriage

Dugu Feng gloated, and added by the way: "I'll pay him, can you put him in the frying pan now?"

"I don't have a problem, but how about you give me some fire?"

Qingsong was very tired, and his own daughter wanted to put him in a hot pot.

Dugu Feng glanced at Qing Song: "I already paid for it, why should I light the fire?"

"Do you have money now? If you don't have money, just say hell."

Dugu Feng had a rather pity look on his face, even though he said he wanted Qingsong to die.

But she didn't want to kill Qingsong so much.

She only spent a few days with Qingsong.

There is definitely no change in impression.

However, Qingsong has taken good care of her these past few days.

Although intellectually I still hate Qingsong.

But in my heart, I no longer wanted Qingsong to die.

"I have decided to go to Wudang Mountain." Jin Si made the decision immediately.

Qingsong's brows were filled with gloom.

Of course he didn't want Jin Si to go to Wudang.

Such a disaster, if you go to Wudang, the cliff will make Wudang a mess.

"How about waiting a little longer? After all, if the Wudimen come to pay the ransom, it will be in trouble if they can't find anyone..." Qingsong said: "It's better to go to the Wudimen first. The Wudimen is not far from here. In a few days, distance."

Dugu Feng was immediately angry. You don't want this guy to go to Wudang and end up leading me to the Invincible Sect. What do you mean?

"Whether you go to Wudimen, you can just get the money and throw old man Qingsong into the frying pan."

"Pindao is only forty years old, how can you call me an old man? If Pindao is an old man, then what is Dugu Wudi? Is he considered old and immortal?"

"You dare to scold my father? You, an old man, are just my father's defeated generals, so you can only speak ill of my father behind his back."

"That's because Pindao was not in good condition for the past few days.

I remember back then, your father was pressed to the ground and rubbed by Pindao. "

"You guys are arguing, I said, go to Wudang, who is in favor of it and who is against it."

This time Qingsong and Dugufeng were silent, and Jin Si glanced at the two of them.

"Since you all have no objections, let's set off today."

What can they do? Jin Si is not asking for their suggestions at all.

They couldn't influence Jin Si's decision at all.

Jin Si had no choice but to spend money lavishly in the past few days, so now he only had enough money left to survive for a few days.

Jin Si used his last money to buy a carriage.

"Which of you two knows how to drive a carriage?"

"I can ride a horse."

"I can do it too."

"I mean the carriage, not the horse."

The three of them stared at each other in silence.

Jin Si would definitely not do it. The only horse-related skills Jin Si could think of were cooking.

For example, boiling horse bones or roasting whole horse.

As for Qingsong and Dugufeng, one is the leader of a faction and the other is the eldest lady of the Demon Sect.

The skill of driving a carriage does not exist in their two skill trees.

"How about hiring a driver to drive the carriage?" Qingsong said.

"It's two thousand miles to Wudang. There are many bandits and robbers along the way. The road is difficult and dangerous. No driver is willing to travel that far."

"As long as they are given enough money, they are still willing to go."

"This is the crux of the problem, we have no money." Jin Si said desperately.

This is the biggest crisis they are currently facing.

"If I had known better, I wouldn't have let Dugu Wudi go. Maybe someone would catch me."

Qingsong glanced at Jin Si and said nothing.

Not to mention, Qingsong was really looking forward to Dugu Wudi driving the car.

It's a pity that Dugu Wudi is not here.

"You spent all your money on this car?"


"Why did the three of us buy such a luxurious carriage?"

Dugu Feng looked at the blindingly luxurious carriage in front of her with puzzled expression on her face.

As long as he changes to a slightly more ordinary car, he will have enough money to hire a driver.

"You don't understand." Jin Si shook his head.

"Then what should we do now?" The three of them were at an impasse looking at the luxury carriage.

"I've decided to hit the road first." Jin Si made the decision.

“We can’t even get the horses to move, how are we going to get on the road?”

"You can't drive the horse, but you can move it with the lead." Jin Si looked at Qingsong: "Father-in-law, I'll leave this matter to you."

"I am the head of Wudang, you want me to lead the horse?" Qingsong said that he also has style.

"Don't want to? Xiao Feng'er, I'll leave it to you."


"I'll come, I'll come." Qingsong said quickly.

Qingsong felt very tired, Jin Si was not a person who knew how to arrange journeys at all.

Bring nothing, not even dry food.

What can I eat on the road?

Jin Si’s answer every time is, you don’t understand.

The hot weather made Qingsong, who was holding the horse, sweat.

He was already in poor condition, and now he was even more out of breath.

In one afternoon, they walked twenty miles.

By this time, the three of them were exhausted and still very hungry.

We didn't stop until evening to light a fire by a small river.

"What should we do now?"

Qingsong looked very bad. He didn't know whether it was because of his mood or because of kidney deficiency.

There was no food, and he probably wouldn't even have the strength to lead the horse tomorrow.

"Don't worry, someone will bring us food and drink tonight." Jin Si said.

There is no shop in the middle of nowhere, who will bring them food? Are you thinking too much?

At this moment, Qingsong and Dugufeng heard footsteps.

More than a hundred people emerged from the jungle at night.

This group of people should be mountain bandits in this area. They are all powerful, holding swords and full of evil aura.

There are also several good players among them, people with obvious martial arts skills.

Qingsong and Dugufeng looked back at Jin Si.

"Run..." Qingsong exclaimed.

Even in his heyday, he couldn't defeat more than a hundred people, so running was the only option.

But Jin Si didn't move and lazily stood up from the fire.

"Kill! Keep the woman..." a bandit shouted loudly.

Other bandits immediately surrounded them.

"Hehehehe..." The bandit monster smiled.

For such a luxurious carriage, the owner must be either rich or noble.

It starts with this carriage leaving the city.

They have already been targeted by this group of people.

I could have taken action a long time ago, but I was afraid that they would run away.

So I waited until after dark before taking action.

In this wilderness, there is no moonlight.

It's a good time to kill and sell goods.

"Hehehehe..." Jin Si was also laughing.

"Little bastard, why are you laughing? Hand over the money." The bandit leader shouted.

"I don't have any money. I'm waiting for you to send money."

"Are you kidding me?"

"No, I'm really not joking. I'm serious. You can tell by looking at me that I look so serious. I never joke."

The bandit leader raised his knife and headed towards Jinsi.

He raised his sword and struck it down on Jin Si's head.

Jin Si punched the bandit leader directly on the blade.

In an instant, the sword was smashed to pieces, and Jin Si's fist was imprinted on the bandit leader's face.

"Now, everyone, please hand over your food, drink, and money, otherwise... I will eat you tonight."

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