Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One thousand one hundred and five, you must have been instigated by someone

The bandit leader covered his face and roared: "Kill him!"

The bandit leader is not weak at all.

He knew that the boy in front of him was quite powerful.

He smashed his stainless steel sword into pieces with one punch.

There are no more than ten people in the world who can do this.

But so what, there are so many people on my own, so I’m afraid of being bitten.


A group of bandits rushed over.

In Qingsong's view, Jin Si was too reckless.

There are so many bandits, no matter how good Jin Si's martial arts skills are, he will still kill them until they are weak.

After all, two fists are difficult to defeat with four hands. No matter how high a person's martial arts is, he cannot defeat thousands of troops.

At least Qingsong thinks so.

And he is qualified to think so.

As one of the best in the world, he is deeply aware of the limits of human power.

More than a dozen bandits rushed towards Jinsi in a menacing manner.

Jin Si moved his palms forward and penetrated directly into the chest of a bandit.

Then disembowel him! His whole body was torn apart by Jin Si.

There was a crash, blood splattered, and red, white, and green liquid spilled.

Everyone seemed to have been blown by a cold wind.

Qingsong and Dugufeng's faces were also a little frightened.

They didn't expect Jin Si's methods to be so cruel.

Jin Si swept across with another hand knife.

More than a dozen heads were chopped off, along with the rows of trees in front of them.

This time, no one dared to move.

Even these murderous bandits and robbers.

They have never seen such a cruel person in the world.

It's not like they haven't seen people with strong martial arts skills.

But they were able to occupy the mountain and be king here for more than ten years.

It just depends on the strength of numbers, let alone martial arts people.

Even official servants have nothing to do with them.

However, Jin Si killed more than a dozen of them with one move.

If Jin Si had used a few more tricks, I'm afraid all of them would have died here today.

Even Qingsong and Dugufeng were stunned.

Only then did they realize that they had far underestimated Jin Si's martial arts.

This is simply a murderous monster.

Jin Si smiled and said: "Do you know who my employer is? She is a descendant of the martial arts myth. She has the Huntian Baojian, a peerless magical secret book. She specially asked me to protect her and send her to Wudang Mountain. You dare to use the secret book? Idea, it seems you can’t keep it.”

"Sir, spare your life, we don't know anything about the Huntian Treasure Book." A group of bandits knelt down and kowtowed to beg for mercy.

"Don't know? You don't know about the Huntian Treasure Mirror? I just practiced the fragments of it and I have the martial arts I have today. A hundred years ago, the successor of the Huntian Treasure Mirror was known as a martial arts legend. He defeated the heads of six major sects with one move, attracting The rivers and lakes were in turmoil, and in order to quell the war, the imperial court finally used all its masters, killing and injuring thousands of people, and only then seriously injured the heirs of the Huntian Treasure Mirror. Now that the Huntian Treasure Mirror has reappeared in the world, you must be the pawns, and you must die."

A group of bandits, Qingsong and Dugufeng all looked confused.

What martial arts myth? I have never heard of the Huntian Baojian.

"It seems that you won't shed tears until you see the coffin. If you don't call out the real culprit behind the scenes today, I will let you die without any body parts!"

Jin Si raised one hand high, and a red blood cell appeared on his palm.

"Huntian Baojian, Blood Sky!" Jin Si shouted loudly, as if he was afraid that others wouldn't hear him and didn't know what the move was called.

Everyone was shocked by this shocking and terrifying martial arts.

Even the green pine feels suffocated.

This kind of martial arts is simply unbelievable.

The bandits were even more trembling.

Jin Si squeezed his palm, the blood balls in the sky exploded, and countless blood arrows flew out.

The bandits couldn't dodge and fell to the ground screaming.

" devil is going to kill us all..."

"Eggless rats, don't run away if you have the guts..."

Jin Si had no intention of chasing after him.

Qingsong looked at Jin Si with a strange expression.

"With your martial arts skills, it's just a piece of cake to kill them all. Why do you want to let them go?"

"No, you are mistaken. There are too many of them and I can't stop them." Jin Si yawned.

Jin Si turned around and walked towards the bandits who survived the attack.

"Can you catch the bus?"

" way."


Jin Si's sword energy directly caused his tire to burst.

When he came to the next injured bandit, he asked, "Can you drive a car?"

"I, I, I..."


"Don't stutter."

Jin Si went to the next bandit.

"Okay, okay, I'll catch the bus."

"Okay, I like people like you who dare to take responsibility." Jin Si pulled up the bandit, stopped his bleeding, and healed him a little at the same time.

"Thank you, hero. Thank you, hero."

The bandit knelt on the ground and kowtowed.

"Go back to your village, get us some food, and bring some money." Jin Si said, "Don't even think about running away. I've done something to you, otherwise it's just a thought from me."

Jin Si snapped his fingers, and a tree not far away suddenly exploded.

"Do you understand?" Jin Si pinched his fingers and looked at the bandit.

"Heroes... villains are afraid of big bosses..."

"It's okay, just tell him that if the money and food prepared for me don't arrive, I will kill his whole family, sleep with his daughter, dig his ancestral graves, and burn his house."

The bandit was so frightened that his face turned pale.

Jin Si then returned to the carriage.

"Look, I said someone would bring food."

Qingsong and Dugufeng were both speechless.

Isn't this the legendary black eating black?

What's there to be proud of?

"Is there really a Huntian treasure mirror?" Qingsong couldn't help but asked curiously.

"Yes, I told you a few days ago that I wanted to pass it on to you. You don't want it yourself."

"This martial art is too cruel and terrifying. It will probably mess up people's minds and is not suitable for practice." Qingsong said sourly.

"Yes, yes, you noble people always treat martial arts that you don't know and that threaten your status, or people call them devil skills. It's an old routine." Jin Si said disapprovingly.

"I'm just stating a fact."

"You don't even know the origin of the Huntian Treasure Mirror, yet you keep saying that the Huntian Treasure Mirror will mess with people's minds."

"This skill is extremely powerful, and the inner breath is fierce and domineering. It is definitely not the authentic Taoist martial arts method."

"Huntian Baojian is a martial art created by Nuwa. Do you think the Huntian Baojian is incorrect? Do you believe that Nuwa will kill you in a dream?"

Qingsong suppressed his blush: "You said that the Huntian Treasure Mirror was created by Nuwa, but it is probably just a rumor. It is not known whether the great god Nuwa really existed. What's more, even if Nuwa really existed, it was in ancient times. People at that time were ignorant and ignorant, so how could they create such incredible martial arts?"

"That's the truth, but I still feel that you are sore."

Jin Si really couldn't produce any definite evidence, unless Jin Si used the reincarnation of dirty soil to pull her soul out and slip around. Jin Si was so full that he went to disturb Nuwa.

"Besides, do you really think that the Heavenly Silkworm Art you practice is righteous?" Jin Si sneered.

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