Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One thousand one hundred and six. Tell me what you think.

As soon as the Tiancan Kung was mentioned, Dugu Feng became energetic.

After all, Qingsong is Dugu Wudi's old enemy.

Dugu Wudi and her mother mentioned the Heavenly Silkworm Art more than once.

No matter how proud and arrogant Dugu Wudi is, he can't hide his awe for Tiancan Kung.

"Actually, the Tiancan Kung Fu is not Wudang's own martial art at all, it was stolen."

"You're talking nonsense!!" Qingsong immediately shouted loudly.

"The Heavenly Silkworm Kung Fu is actually a martial art of the Miao people, called the Heavenly Demon Kung Fu. Your Wudang ancestors had friendships with the Miao people, so they discovered the Heavenly Silkworm Kung Fu, and then secretly transformed it into the Wudang mind method, and it became the Tianmo Kung Fu today." Jin Si said: "And this Heavenly Silkworm Art also retains the characteristics of the Heavenly Demon Art, which can absorb people's internal energy."

"Don't talk nonsense. The Heavenly Silkworm Kung Fu is a unique skill created by my ancestors in Wudang. It's not something you can slander with a few words."

"I'm talking nonsense. You Wudang Taoist priests have nothing to do, so you went to study the process of silkworm transformation? This day, silkworms take meaning and form cocoons to transform into butterflies. This is obviously exclusive to the Miao people's school of playing tricks on insects. No matter how loud your voice is, how excited you are now. It doesn’t change this fact.”

Qingsong was very angry, but he couldn't help but be shaken in his heart.

The name Tiancan Gong is very un-Wudang.

Now that Jin Si had spoken out, he was unable to refute.

"Speaking of the Heavenly Demon Kung Fu, it has been passed down from ancient times to this day. It can no longer be pure. It involves death and forgetting life. The inner demon is moved and the devil's womb is knotted. Do you really think that the Wudang Heart Technique can change the fact of the Heavenly Demon Kung Fu? "

" turns out that you Wudang keep talking about eradicating demons and protecting the Tao, but you actually steal other people's martial arts, and you even regard demonic skills as your own magical skills to suppress the sect, haha..."

Dugufeng finally caught Qingsong's painful foot and taunted him wantonly.

Qingsong took a deep breath, his daughter didn't care about her.

"Furthermore, this demonic skill is very sinister, and it is specially designed to target married men."

"You are stupid..."

Qingsong was about to retort, but was forced back by Jin Si's eyes.

If he had said one more sentence,

Jin Si was about to tell him about his affair with Dugufeng's mother.

Qingsong couldn't help but become curious about Jin Si.

Jin Si not only has extremely high martial arts skills, but also knows so many secrets.

Even Dugu Feng's life experience is well understood.

This made Qingsong wonder if there was a huge organization behind Jin Si.

Specializes in investigating and collecting various secrets in the martial arts world.

After a while, the bandit came back.

I brought back a lot of food, drink and silver.

Originally, the bandits were worried that there were not enough of them.

But Jin Si didn’t count how much money he had.

"Don't eat it yet, be careful of these thieves poisoning you." Qingsong saw Jin Si pick up a piece of meat and stuff it into his mouth.

Stop him immediately. These bandits are more ruthless than the demons in the martial arts world.

Although the Demon Sect kills people like crazy, they don't necessarily act sinisterly. On the contrary, many people in the Demon Sect are considered to be aboveboard men.

But these green forest bandits are different. They do whatever they do, and they do whatever they do insidiously.

Poisoning and the like were commonplace.

"By the way, do you know that there are poisons that can be detoxified after being eaten? You can't even use your hands to detoxify them."

"Where in the world is this poison found?"

"Really? What a pity..." Jin Si shook his head in disappointment.

"What was your purpose in letting those bandits go before? Do you know that this move will cause us to encounter a lot of trouble along the way? I'm afraid that in a few days, the entire martial arts world will know about the Hun Tian Bao Jian."

"I know, don't we need to travel a lot on the road, so it would be best if there are martial arts people who can find it, and we can borrow it from them when the time comes." Jin Si said, "This is why I bought such a luxurious carriage. Because, with such a conspicuous carriage, we must be inseparable from kind-hearted people who bring food, drinks and warmth along the way."

Qingsong and Dugufeng finally understood Jin Si's intention.

Yes... compared to this guy, all the hateful-looking bandits have turned into kind-hearted people.

Those cruel and cruel demons have become kind-hearted.

"By the way, what's your name?" Jin Si looked at his newly recruited driver.

The bandit responded tremblingly: "Hero, name is Wang Bin."

"This name is inappropriate. Do you mind if I give you a new name?"

Wang Bin looked at Jin Si, remained silent for a long time and said, "I don't mind."

"Okay, from now on you will call me Goudan."


"Are you not satisfied? Are you dissatisfied with the name I came up with with good intentions, hard thinking, racking my brains, and all my energy? If you are not satisfied, just say it directly. I don't like forcing things on others."

Wang Bin showed a difficult smile: "It's not... I... I just feel touched."

Both Qingsong and Dugufeng expressed their sympathy with their eyes.

If he falls into Jin Si's hands, he might as well die.

"Goudan, go catch some game. If you don't catch it, you'll be kidnapped and roasted."

When Wang Bin came back, he was covered in scars and dragged a porcupine back.

The family sat in front of the fire, eating barbecue and having fun.

The night passed and everyone continued on their way.

This time there was coachman Wang Bin driving the car.

Qingsong finally no longer needs to lead the carriage.

"Goudan, how many years have you been a bandit?"

"Young Master... I have only been a bandit for a few days." Wang Bin said: "This villain is originally a gentleman from the village at the foot of the mountain. He was captured by the bandits and went to the mountain to become a military advisor."

"Are you the only one who is a military advisor? Have you ever learned how to march and form a formation?"

"I haven't learned anything, but compared to those bandits on the mountain, I just know a few more words. I'm more than enough to be the military advisor of those bandits."

"You are quite confident, so would it be a waste of talent to be my coachman?"

"No!" Wang Bin replied decisively.

"It's okay if you don't. I'm afraid that you, a teacher, don't want to be my coachman."

Qingsong and Dugufeng gave Jin Si a blank look.

Wang Bin dares to say no?

As long as he dares to say it, Jin Si will probably change his driver.

But Wang Bin's driving skills are really good.

The carriage moved smoothly and smoothly, which was much more comfortable than yesterday when Qingsong led the horse.

At this moment, dozens of people jumped out from the roadside.

Judging from their attire, they must not be road bandits.

But they all carry swords, and normal people know what they are here for.

Obviously, they are here to give gifts.

"Hand over the Huntian Treasure Book, and you, Lu, will not die."

Qingsong and Dugufeng were in a daze for a while, Jin Si's plan actually worked.

And only one day had passed before prey came to the door.


"You go dig a hole, you don't need to worry about other things."

"Dig a hole? What kind of hole?"

"After I kill people, I need to dispose of their bodies. If you haven't dug a hole by the time I solve the problem, then you can just lie down in the hole yourself."

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