Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One thousand one hundred and seven with sinister intentions

"You clowns, you want to steal the Huntian Treasure Mirror? Just try my trick, Huntian Treasure Mirror, Blood Sky!"

Puff puff--

The blood balls exploded and turned into countless blood arrows.

In an instant, half of the dozens of martial arts people who were snatching the secret books fell down.

The remaining martial arts people took a deep breath.

This Huntian Baojian's martial arts is so terrifying that it is simply unheard of.

But this also aroused their greed even more.

As long as one can capture such unparalleled magical power, then invincibility in the world will be just around the corner.

Look at this kid, he only learned the incomplete Huntian Baojian and yet he has such terrifying martial arts.

If one could learn it all, it would be shocking to the world.

Jin Si planned to repeat his old trick, but the next moment, Jin Si suddenly vomited blood in mid-air.

The whole person fell from mid-air.

"He has gone crazy, kill him quickly..."

Jin Si looked embarrassed and stood up with difficulty.

Killed a few more people casually.

The people around him suddenly stopped and only surrounded Jin Si, not daring to step forward.

Jin Si looks like a trapped animal still struggling.

But anyone who comes close to Jin Si will be killed by one or two moves.

Jin Si vomited blood while fighting back.

"Go up, go up, he is getting more and more injured now, drag him to death, drag him to death..."

People who shout more aggressively tend to hide further behind.

However, the same trick cannot work every time.

When enough people have died, the few instigators will no longer be able to move people.

Seeing Jin Si covered in blood,

The dying man stood in the middle of the field, but no one dared to step forward.

"Damn it, if you hadn't practiced the Quanhun Tian Baojian, you would all have died here today." Jin Si said with a fierce look.

"Little brother, stop struggling. We only want the Huntian Treasure Mirror and won't hurt you. And don't you want the Huntian Treasure Mirror yourself? Why don't we all share it together?"

"Hmph... Unless there is someone who has mastered the Huntian Baojian to help me heal my injuries, my injuries will not be cured. This is why I escorted the Hun Tian Baojian to Wudang. You are not worthy of practicing. Hun Tian Bao Jian."

"Little brother, if you continue to fight, you will definitely die. I still have a certain reputation in the world. As long as you promise to hand over the Huntian Treasure Mirror to me, after I complete the training, I will definitely help you with your skills and heal your injuries." One of them said said.

"Do you think I'm a three-year-old child? Why should I believe you? Wudang is a well-known and upright family after all. Who do you think you are?"

"Do you think you have a choice?"

"Although I have suffered internal injuries, it is more than enough to kill you all."

Seeing Jin Si's fierce and domineering words, the martial arts people around him took a few steps back.

"Let's go and go back to gather the troops. This kid won't last long. Next time we come back, we will definitely take his head."

A group of martial arts people fled the place in a hurry, leaving corpses everywhere.

After all those martial arts people ran away, Jin Si returned to his normal appearance.

"You didn't suffer any internal injuries?" Dugu Feng looked at Jin Si in surprise.

She almost really thought Jin Si was injured just now.

But looking at it now, there is no sign of weakness.

Qingsong rolled his eyes at Jin Si: "He wants more people to come."

"What does this have to do with his pretentiousness?" Dugu Feng had too little experience in the world and had no idea of ​​Jin Si's sinister intentions.

"He first showed off the tremendous power of the Huntian Baojian, which whetted the appetites of people in the martial arts world. However, with such powerful martial arts, he was afraid that after a few groups of people showed up, some would flinch, so he deliberately pretended to be internally injured. , in this way, all those who are interested will have a lucky mentality."

"How despicable." Dugu Feng said contemptuously.

"I call this wisdom, you know nothing."

"Little friend, you will only cause turmoil in the martial arts world and bring disaster to all living beings."

"I know, the current world is so boring. I just want everyone to fight. This will be fun."

"If you really want to cause chaos in the martial arts world, Pindao will definitely stop you."

"Are you sure?" Jin Si looked at Qingsong.

"Of course, even if it means death, I won't hesitate."

"If you dare to attack me, I will operate on your son, daughter...son."

" know...Feiyang?"

Compared to Dugu Feng, who didn't even know there was such a daughter half a month ago.

Qingsong is of course more affectionate towards his biological son Yun Feiyang.

When Yun Feiyang was a child, he was taken to Wudang Mountain by him.

It's just that they have always concealed their relationship as father and son.

Therefore, Yun Feiyang's treatment in Wudang was not good.

Because back then Xiaoyao Valley sent people to sneak into Wudang to secretly learn the Heavenly Silkworm Kung Fu.

Today's Wudang has always been jealous and wary of people of unknown origin.

Yun Feiyang could not find out his origins, and was even called a miscellaneous by official Wudang disciples.

Qingsong has been secretly teaching Yun Feiyang martial arts.

It's just that Yun Feiyang has been ordered not to disclose it to the public.

"What do you think I will do to your son?"

"Hmph... Pindao has been injured recently. Otherwise, you would not be allowed to endanger the world."

Qingsong gave in. There was nothing he could do, his lower body had always been bad.

Now that I am nearly middle-aged, I have become a slave to my children.

He also wanted to be like those heroes in the world, roam freely in the world.

But behind him there is a huge Wudang and a pair of children.

Besides, he really couldn't beat Jin Si.

He couldn't beat someone who was injured, and even if he wasn't injured, he couldn't beat him.

Even if he masters the Heavenly Silkworm Kung Fu in the future, he probably won't be able to beat Jin Si.

Jin Si is an unreasonable person.

Martial arts has almost reached its peak, but there is no martial virtue.

There is no dignity like a master.

And this guy is full of bad taste.

It seems that he was born to do evil.

But you want to say he is evil.

It seems that he is far from evil.

After waiting for a few quarters of an hour, Wang Bin finally disposed of the body.

Everyone continued on their way, and Jin Si asked in the carriage: "Goudan, do you know martial arts?"

"Master, I have practiced a few tricks in the village." Wang Bin answered truthfully.

"Take this for practice. You will be responsible for dealing with all the intruders you encounter along the way."

"Master, with this young man's skills, I'm afraid he won't be able to defeat anyone." Wang Bin became anxious.

"So, just practice hard for me."

Wang Bin's face was filled with depression. There was a charlatan in the village where he used to live.

But he retired from the world and trained militia and village guards in the village.

Wang Bin was the teacher in the village at that time, so he also practiced some kung fu.

I also learned some rough mental formulas, but that was all.

Now he is responsible for dealing with the martial arts masters he encounters on the road.

Wouldn't this cost his life?

But he couldn't refuse at all and could only accept this fate.

Holding the secret book in his hand, he felt hesitant in his heart.

He felt that no matter how powerful the martial arts given by Jin Si was, it would never be able to transform him in a short period of time.

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