Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand One Hundred and Fifteen: Don’t eat the food that comes to you

Jin Si obtained the Heavenly Silkworm Art as he wished.

After looking at it a few times, there’s nothing wrong with it.

Jin Si pulled Wan'er over and said, "Come here, practice and see."

Wan'er glared at Jin Si, saying that I won't listen to you.

"You don't want to practice, right? I'll go find your father. Anyway, your father should really want to practice the Heavenly Silkworm Kung Fu. If there's something wrong with this secret book, it's your father who will die."

"Despicable!" Yan Chongtian and Wan'er cursed in unison.

"I'll practice." Wan'er was angry but could do nothing.

Yan Chongtian did not stop him, which showed that there was nothing wrong with the content of the secret book.

In fact, at Jinsi's level, whether there is any problem with the secret book can be seen at a glance.

Moreover, even if there is a real problem, Jin Si can fix it.

"Okay, it's been a pleasure getting along with you. I'm leaving. I'll talk to you again when I have the chance."

Jin Si walked away in a big way.

As soon as he stepped forward, Yan Chongtian ran out immediately.

Regardless of his injuries, he rushed towards the front mountain hall.

"Qingsong, Qingsong, it's not good..."

"Senior brother, why are you here?" Qingsong had just rested for a long time when he was dragged back to the main hall by the pile of affairs.

During the days when he was away, a lot of things piled up.

Everything requires his final decision.

"Brother, you were injured, who did it?"

"You all retreat." Yan Chongtian asked all the disciples in the hall to retreat.

After everyone left, Yan Chongtian held Qingsong's hand: "Qingsong, let me ask you something. Tell me the truth."

"Senior brother, just ask. Junior brother, tell me everything you know."

"Feiyang is your son?"

Qingsong's expression changed: "Senior did you know?"

"Feiyang... Feiyang was beaten to death."

"Ah!?" Qingsong's body shook.

Seniors shouted: "Who is it! Who did it? Feiyang is usually honest and honest, but who is so vicious that he wants to kill Feiyang?"

"I don't know, I don't know who that person is. He is short, but his martial arts skills are superb. Even I am no better than him. He asked for the secret book of Tiancan Kung, but I didn't give it to him, so he beat Feiyang to death." Yan Chongtian said sadly and angrily: "If I had known that this person was so vicious, I...I shouldn't have hesitated at that time, died so miserably."

"Short in stature...excellent martial arts..."

Qingsong's expression changed several times.

"Brother, come with me."

Qingsong took Yan Chongtian to a courtyard.

I happened to see Dugu Feng practicing his sword.

Qingsong was stunned for a moment, then asked with a straight face: "Where is Jin Si?"

"In the room, I just came back not long ago." Dugu Feng said calmly.

"Jinsi come out!!" Qingsong roared.

"What's the fuss about?"

Jin Si came out with a bath towel wrapped around his waist. There was also a book on the bath towel, which was the secret book written by Yan Chongtian silently before.

"It's him, it's him... Qingsong, it's him, he's the one who stole the secret book, he's the one who killed Feiyang." Yan Chongtian shouted excitedly.

Qing Song's face was filled with anger: "Jin Si, if you want the Heavenly Silkworm Art, just ask me for it. Why do you want to rob it?"

"Who do you think I am? What I hate the most is opening my mouth for food and reaching for clothes. My motto is to do it myself, have enough food and clothing, and never eat food that comes to me."

Qingsong became even more angry: "Even if you want the Heavenly Silkworm Art, you don't need to beat Feiyang to death, right?"

"You're not dead. Who told you that you were dead? Have you forgotten what I said?"

"What?" Qingsong was stunned for a moment and didn't respond.

"How to practice Tiancan Kung, you pig."

"You mean..." Qingsong asked in surprise.

"Qingsong, don't waste any words with him, capture him, kill him for his life, and use his head to comfort Feiyang."

Qingsong was suddenly embarrassed. Originally, he wanted to fight Jin Si.

But he suddenly remembered that Jin Si had said that the Celestial Silkworm Skill requires one to live towards death in order to emerge from the cocoon and become a butterfly.

"You can take my head, I'm going to kill Yun Feiyang right now."

"Wait a minute... Forget it. You robbed me of secret books and beat people. If you continue to take advantage of it, then you will never even think about it..."

As he spoke, Qingsong looked at Dugu Feng unconsciously.

"Understand, understand, walk slowly without seeing me off."

"Qingsong, what's the matter with you? You don't want to avenge Feiyang? You don't care about my martial arts being abolished? You don't want to pursue the secret book? That is our Wudang's magical skill."

"Senior brother, Feiyang is not dead." Qingsong said.

"How could he not be dead? I saw it with my own eyes. He was completely dead."

"We'll talk about it when we get back," Qingsong said.

Qingsong almost forced Yan Chongtian away.

"Senior brother, although that boy is not a good person, he will not kill innocent people indiscriminately."

"Why not? He just killed Feiyang. What a good child Feiyang was... I suffered so much, Feiyang, and you died so miserably."

"Senior brother, actually Jin Si didn't kill Feiyang, and he didn't destroy your martial arts either."

"Do you think I'm kidding you?"

"Senior Brother, in fact, if you want to master the Heavenly Silkworm Kung Fu, you must fake your death or abolish your martial arts. Only in this way can you turn your cocoon into a butterfly and soar into the sky."

Yan Chongtian stopped and looked at Qingsong in surprise.

"How did you know?"

"Jin Si told me, and I have confirmed it."

"Have you mastered the Heavenly Silkworm Kung Fu?"

"No, I originally planned to find a chance to retreat after returning to the mountain." Qingsong said.

"So, he was pretending to snatch the Heavenly Silkworm Kung Fu, but he was actually helping me and Feiyang practice the Heavenly Silkworm Kung Fu?"

"No, helping you may just be a convenience, but snatching the Heavenly Silkworm Art is also true."

"Qingsong, this person is extremely skilled in martial arts and has evil intentions. Now that he has taken away the Heavenly Silkworm Art, he is even more powerful. I am afraid he will be even more difficult to deal with in the future. Don't you think of a way to get the Heavenly Silkworm Art back?"

Qingsong felt very tired. If he had been able to do this, I would have cut him into pieces.

"Whether he has the Heavenly Silkworm Art or not, he is invincible."

"Invincible? I don't think so. If I had mastered the Heavenly Silkworm Kung Fu, I wouldn't allow him to act arrogantly in front of me."

"Senior Brother, now that your internal strength has been completely eliminated, it is a great time to practice the Heavenly Silkworm Kung Fu again."

"This matter will be postponed for now. Let's go back first to see if Feiyang is really not dead."

Qingsong also cares about Yun Feiyang, after all, he is his own son.

When they arrived at Yan Chongtian's residence, Wan'er was crying on Yun Feiyang's body.

Qingsong immediately went up to check on Yun Feiyang's condition.

I'm out of breath, I'm really out of breath.

But what surprised Qingsong was that although Yun Feiyang looked completely dead.

But the inner breath is flowing slowly.

And the skin on the body seems to be exuding a strange substance, like silk thread.

Done! Feiyang is really forming a cocoon.

real! Heavenly Silkworm Kung really needs to be practiced like this!

"Senior brother, come here and take a look."

"Be born towards death, break out of a cocoon and become a butterfly. It turns out that this is how you practice the Heavenly Silkworm Kung Fu." Yan Chongtian said in surprise: "I'm going to retreat too, and Feiyang will be left to you."

At this moment, Yan Chongtian was also very excited.

After struggling with Tiancan Kung for decades, I finally found the correct way to practice it.

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