Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand One Hundred and Sixteen The Truth

Dugu Feng sneaked into Jin Si's room secretly, she wanted to steal the Heavenly Silkworm Art.

Even though she knew that Jin Si had many martial arts skills, and they were no worse than Tiancan Kung Fu.

But she just wanted the Heavenly Silkworm Skill.

Of course, the main reason is that she thinks she can succeed.

Looking at Jin Si sleeping soundly on the bed, Dugu Feng secretly pulled back the quilt.

Then... Dugu Feng let out a scream.

"What's your name? If you don't know, you'd think I did something to you."

"'re not asleep? Scoundrel, gangster..." Dugufeng covered her eyes, not daring to put them down.

"You ran into my room, pulled back my quilt, saw all my body, and now you call me a scoundrel?" Jin Si said indignantly.

"I don't care, you are just a scoundrel."

Jin Si shook his limbs: "Do you want me to know what a real rogue is?"

Dugu Feng covered her eyes and wanted to run out.

Jin Si grabbed Dugu Feng and said, "Xiao Feng'er, you have seen everything. Do you have to take responsibility?"

"Let go."

Jin Si directly pulled Dugu Feng over and covered both of them with the quilt.


Dugu Feng was really panicked, and Jin Si's hands were no longer honest.

"What are you afraid of? My hair hasn't even grown yet... I'll wait for the day you want, or the day my hair grows all the way."

Dugu Feng shivered like a shaved sheep.

Jin Si has no further plans.

I guess it will take a year or two for the body to grow properly.

Dugufeng pushed Jin Si away and ran out.

But less than a minute later, it came back.

Dugu Feng and Jin Si stared at each other with big eyes.

"Xiao Feng'er, haven't you had enough fun?"

"No..." Dugu Feng looked embarrassed.

But she still spoke: "Jin Si, I am yours now, can you help me kill Qingsong?"

Ordinarily, she also knew that she shouldn't use this kind of thing as a bargaining chip.

But she still couldn't help but want to eliminate Qingsong, a serious problem for her father.

Jin Si's expression was awkward.

"Forget it if it's embarrassing." Dugu Feng turned around angrily and walked out.

Jin Si sighed and could only follow out.

After searching all over the mountains and plains, I finally found Dugufeng.

It was the first time that Dugu Feng made a request to him.

Jin Si had no reason to refuse.

But if this matter is not made clear.

It will really be a tragedy in the future.

"Xiao Feng'er, is the scenery good here?" Jin Si came to the edge of the cliff and looked at Dugu Feng, who was sitting on the ground and sulking.

Dugu Feng raised his head and looked at Jin Si: "Are my demands too much?"

"It's not excessive. Any request you make is reasonable."

"Then why didn't you agree?"

"Anyone in this world can kill Qingsong, but you can't." Jin Si said.

"Why? I am Dugu Wudi's daughter. I can't let Qingsong die?"

"Yes, you can't."


"Originally, your mother should have told you this." Jin Si said.

"What's going on?"

"You are Qingsong's daughter."

"Impossible." Dugu Feng stood up with a cry.

"It's true. Your mother had an affair with Qingsong, thus giving birth to you. Dugu Wudi also knows this. He hates you mother and daughter, and he hates Qingsong even more, so he allowed you to kill Qingsong in order to make you one of them. Any one of them will die in the hands of the other party. Only in this way can his twisted psychology be satisfied."

Dugu Feng's expression was completely frozen, and his eyes were empty and lost focus.

"This is lied to me, right? Right?"

Jin Si said nothing and allowed Dugu Feng to roar and vent.

Jin Si is not good at dealing with this kind of thing.

So the best solution is to watch Dugu Feng become hysterical.

Maybe after venting, she can calm down.

Anyway, the subsequent plot is developing in a bloody direction.

Dugufeng began to doubt life.

"I am not Qingsong's daughter, I am Dugu Wudi's daughter... I am Dugu Wudi's daughter."

"If you want to know the truth, you can ask Qingsong, Dugu Wudi, or your mother."

Dugu Feng immediately ran down the mountain and ran towards Zhenwu Hall.

At this time, Qingsong was negotiating with the backbone of Wudang on the planning and development of Wudang.

Seeing Dugu Feng running in, Qing Song's face straightened.

Fu Yushu has joined Wudang and became a disciple of Wudang, and is also in the hall at the moment.

Seeing Dugu Feng running in, his eyes lit up.

There is no way, this is Wudang, and apart from Wan'er, the only other girl is Dugu Feng.

Of course, Fu Yushu prefers Dugu Feng to the rustic Wan'er.

Qingsong's face straightened: "Dugu Feng, this is not the place you came from."

Dugufeng raised his sword and pointed at Qingsong: "Qingsong, I want to kill you."

"Bold witch, you don't know what kind of place this is, and you dare to be so presumptuous here."

At this time, Jin Si followed in. Qingsong looked at Jin Si and instinctively felt that Jin Si, the troublemaker, was causing trouble again.

Qingsong sends a message with his eyes: What's going on?

"Okay, okay, everyone, exit." Jin Si said.

"You..." Some disciples were displeased that Jin Si, who was his identity, came here to issue orders.

"You guys go out first." Qingsong also saw that something was wrong.

Those disciples wanted to say something more, but Qian easily spoke again and drove everyone out.

Only Jin Si and Dugu Feng were left.

"Jin Si, what's going on?"

"Xiao Feng'er and I have made a lifelong commitment, and I plan to report it to you."

Qingsong's face turned dark, and he looked at Jin Si with gritted teeth.

"Xiao Feng'er said, let me use your head as a betrothal gift. I thought about it and then agreed. I am here to inform you."

Qingsong was very upset and heartbroken at the same time. Why could his daughter never forget about his head?

"Jin Si, can you talk about business?" Dugu Feng said coldly.

"This is business."


"Okay, I told Xiao Feng'er the truth."

"The truth? What truth?"

"It's you who had an affair with Xiao Feng'er's mother."

"Ours is true love!" Qingsong immediately corrected: "Why did you tell... tell her?"

"If you don't tell her, then I will really come to you to borrow my brain."

"Is everything Jin Si said true?"

"Xiao Feng'er... things are not what you think." Qing Song looked at Dugu Feng in embarrassment.

Qingsong didn't know how to call Dugufeng, so he could only follow Jin Si and call Xiaofeng'er.

Not to mention, this title is surprisingly smooth.

Qingsong didn't know how to explain the past between him and Dugufeng's mother.

No matter how lavish it is, you can't escape the word "tongjian".

Dugu Feng did not expect that his father would be his enemy, and his enemy would become his father.

She cried even more sadly, turned around and ran out of Zhenwu Hall again.

Jin Si is also tired, why can't he explain it clearly in one place.

Running around like this, is it interesting?

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