Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand One Hundred and Seventeen Huntian Baojian

Dugu Wuhui and Dugu Feng are not good.

From childhood to adulthood, Dugu Feng never really enjoyed the so-called father's love.

If she makes a mistake, she will only be punished more severely than others.

In the past, Dugu Feng only regarded Dugu Wudi as a way to maintain his authority.

Now she finally understood that Dugu Wudi simply hated her.

What makes Dugu Feng sad is that he has spent twenty years pursuing killing Qingsong for Dugu Wudi.

As a result, Qingsong turned around and became his biological father. Who could bear this?

"Hehe...Xiao Feng'er, I guess you are here."

Jin Si came to the cliff again, and Dugu Feng had not yet recovered.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"You never asked me for Qingsong's head before. Besides, when we first met, I proposed to your biological father. Have you forgotten?"

"Why do you know everything?"

"I don't know everything, I just know a few things."

Jin Si sat next to Dugu Feng: "Have you figured it out?"

"I can't understand it and I'm not willing to accept it. Dugu Wudi actually wants me to kill my father. I'm not willing to accept it. Tell me, how can I get revenge on him?"

Jin Si immediately licked the dog and possessed him: "Kill him and give me a few days. I will take his head and use it as a ball for you to kick."

Dugu Feng shook his head: "No, he has raised me for at least twenty years. I don't want to kill him, and I can't vent my hatred by killing him."

Women are trouble.

"Then take away everything he cherishes." Jin Si said casually.

Dugufeng thought for a while: "What does he value?"

"Your mother...if you need it, I can devote myself to help you take away our mother-in-law."

"Fuck me, I'm serious."

"I'm serious too. Think about it, as much as you love, you hate so much. It's because Dugu Wudi loves your mother that he hates Qingsong and you so much."

"Can you give me serious advice?"

"Money, power, beauty,

Anyway, a person's pursuit is nothing more than this. You should know Dugu Wudi better than me. Besides your mother, what else does Dugu Wudi pursue? "

"He has always wanted to unify the martial arts world...I know, I want to become the leader of the martial arts world, I want to unify the martial arts world!" Dugu Feng's mind twitched.

She doesn't know how to unify the martial arts world.

But martial arts must be high, but there is such a useful tool around you.

Therefore, Dugufeng is full of confidence in his unification of the martial arts world.

Although she didn't know what to do.

The corners of Jin Si's mouth twitched.

To unify the martial arts world is easy to say.

But in practice it is not that easy.

"Actually, I think it would be good to rescue my mother-in-law from the clutches of Dugu Wudi."

Jin Si is just lazy... If he unified the martial arts world, it would be very troublesome.

No, it’s not a feeling, it’s just troublesome.

"Aren't you willing to help me?"

"How could it be? If there is only one person in this world who is sincere to you, that person must be me."

"Then help me."

"Okay, help you, help you."

"I want to practice peerless magic."

"How about the Huntian Treasure Mirror? Well, let's use the Huntian Treasure Mirror. Once you master this thing, you will be invincible in the world."

"Then bring me the Huntian Baojian and the secret book."

"I'll write it out silently tomorrow."

All in all, Dugu Feng was finally coaxed back.

"Jin Si, I want to change my name, no, I want to change my surname. Since Qingsong is my biological father, then I will take his surname and call me Qingfeng from now on."

"My aunt, Qingsong is his Taoist name after he became a monk. His surname is Yu, so if you want to call him Yufeng, he is also called Yufeng, but Yufeng... Yufeng is the same as Yufeng. I feel... it feels a bit earthy... Dugufeng sounds better."

"No, starting from today, I will completely break away from Dugu Wudi. Starting from the name... I will call him Qingfeng."

"Okay, okay, you can call me whatever you want."

Anyway, Jin Si calls her Xiao Feng'er.

And she decided to change her name to Qingfeng.

He comforted Qingfeng and asked her to go back to the house to rest.

Jinsi has to work hard again.

Grab a handful of soil from the yard and shape it into a column.

Then use the power of scarlet to knead the soil into crystal.

Well, just crush it into crystal.

But now Jin Si's power has been greatly reduced.

So Jin Si spent a lot of effort and finally completed the Tianjing.

What originally took one second, now took Jin Si a minute.

Jin Si inputs the Huntian Baojian into the Tianjing.

At the same time, some defects in the Huntian Baojian will be made up.

The Huntian Baojian created by Nuwa actually still has some flaws.

Afterwards, few of those who practiced Huntian Baojian ended up well.

Part of it is the problem of the cultivator himself, and part of it is the problem of Huntian Baojian, which is too easy to go astray.

Jin Si didn't bother to divide the Huntian Baojian into ten more, and just finished it in one.

The next day, Jin Si broke into Qingfeng's room and got into Qingfeng's bed.


Jin Si was kicked out of bed.

"what are you doing?"

"I should be the one asking you what? Why did you go to my bed?"

"Feel the temperature of your bed in advance. After all, it will be half as warm as mine in the future."

"We're not married yet, and you want to insult my innocence?"

"Actually, I'm here to give you a gift." Jin Si dug into his crotch.

Just when Qingfeng was about to go crazy, Jin Si took out the Tianjing.

"What a beautiful red crystal. Isn't this red crystal worth a lot of money?"

"This thing is the Huntian Treasure Mirror." Jin Si said.

"There are no words on it, you lied to me."

"I teach you."

Jin Si took Qingfeng's hands and guided her to integrate her spirit into the sky crystal.

When practicing for the first time, you still need to watch her.

Although it has been improved, the 2.0 version of Huntian Baojian has fixed some bugs and optimized and upgraded the exercises.

However, if you operate it casually, it is still possible to go crazy.

This thing is too advanced for the martial arts of this era.

Qingfeng was completely shocked by the magic of this Tianjing.

She felt like her consciousness was floating in a void.

Thousands of characters linger before my eyes.

At this moment, Jin Si's voice came.

"Concentrate your mind, write down these characters, start practicing from the first paragraph, remember the form but not the spirit."

When Qingfeng opened her eyes again, she found that it was already afternoon, several hours had passed.

"Jin Si, is this not a divine object?" Qingfeng said in surprise.

"As I said, this thing was passed down from Nuwa."

At this moment, Qingfeng already believed it.

"Keep this thing." Qingfeng returned the Tianjing plug to Jin Si.

"I told you, here you go, I have already mastered the Huntian Treasure Mirror, this thing is useless to me, you can keep it for yourself, and the sky crystal is indestructible and can be used as a weapon."

Qingfeng didn't dare to use Tianjing as a weapon. If she bumped it even slightly, she would be distressed to death.

"After you master the Huntian Treasure Mirror, might you be able to defeat Dugu Wudi?"

"Huntian Baojian has ten levels in total. The first level is slightly weaker than Dugu Wudi's Heaven-Destroying Heavenly Demon Art. The second level is equivalent to the Heaven-Destroying Heavenly Demon Art. From the third level onwards, it is already stronger than Dugu Wudi. The further it goes, the more powerful it is. Later, the power becomes more powerful. If you can reach the tenth level, you can fly to the sky, escape from the earth, move mountains and fill the sea."

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