Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One thousand one hundred and seventeen, beat him to death

Within a month, Qingfeng's martial arts improved by leaps and bounds.

She has reached the sixth level, Xuan Chaos.

Of course, the first few levels themselves are not difficult.

Furthermore, after Jinsi's improvement and optimization, a lot of redundant content has been eliminated.

After adding some more content, it is easier to practice than the original version of the Huntian Treasure Mirror.

And Jinsi almost taught me step by step, not knowing where to click.

Therefore, Qingfeng's martial arts are no longer what they used to be.

To put it bluntly, except for Jin Si, no one in the world is Qingfeng's opponent.

Even at the sixth level, Qingfeng was barely able to ride the wind.

Qingfeng actually didn't like practicing martial arts too much in the past.

Not to mention the hard work, the entry is still small.

But now, she has completely turned into a martial artist.

Mainly because of the speed of progress, she couldn't even catch up with her in the past.

Moreover, every breakthrough she makes in her practice will bring about a transformation like a complete transformation.

The second step is to sparring with Jin Si, but facing Jin Si, there is no substantial difference between one month ago and one month later.

A month ago, Jin Si lay on his side and received Qingfeng's attack.

A month later, Jin Si was still lying on his side on the ground.

"Jin Si, how long will it take for me to practice the Huntian Treasure Mirror?"

"About three to five years." Jin Si said casually.

"I only used one month, so how can it take three to five years for the next four floors?" Qingfeng said unconvinced.

"You need at least three months to practice the seventh level, six months for the eighth level, one year for the ninth level, and two years for the tenth level. This is based on the smoothest result without any unexpected situations. If something happens, If there is an accident or something like that, it will probably take some time.”

"'s taking so long, can't we hurry up?"

"Yes, I can have a baby." Jin Si said.

"You are a scoundrel." Qingfeng's face turned red with anger.

"I'm serious. The ancients said that yin and yang complement each other when it comes to cross-fertilization. Therefore, cross-fertilization can make progress and grow together."

Jin Sizheng and Qingfeng chatted with each other, and Yan Chongtian came with Yun Feiyang.

"Little devil, today we two came to you to seek revenge. You defeated us two that day. Now that we have achieved great success, we will avenge our shame today."

Yan Chongtian looked at Jin Si menacingly.

Mainly because this month, he and Yun Feiyang both practiced the Heavenly Silkworm Kung Fu.

At this moment, he was in high spirits, his martial arts improved by leaps and bounds, and he was almost completely transformed.

He thinks he has no rival in the world.

Yun Feiyang pulled Yan Chongtian and said, "Forget it, uncle, this little brother only took action to help us practice martial arts. His original intention was not to hurt us."

"Hmph... Feiyang, you are too naive. This little devil is running amok with his martial arts skills. You and I are just the targets of his teasing. He has no good intention to help us."

“But it’s true that he helped us practice the Heavenly Silkworm Kung Fu.


Yun Feiyang is kind-hearted and kind-hearted, and is even more grateful to Jin Si.

Although Jin Si hit him very hard that day and beat him to the point of death.

But the result was still good, so Yun Feiyang had no complaints against Jin Si.

Instead, he was very grateful to Jin Si.

Jin Si glanced at Yun Feiyang and then at Yan Chongtian.

"Xiao Feng'er, beat that kid to death." Jin Si pointed at Yun Feiyang and said.

"Beat to death? Are you sure?" Qingfeng hesitated slightly.

"Well, beat him to death, no matter how heavy his hand is."

"You are so brazen that even a mere witch dares to act so arrogantly here."

Yan Chongtian is not a bad person, but he has a bit of a bad mouth in the popular sense.

In fact, all the disciples on Wudang Mountain have this problem.

He claims to be an upright sect and an authentic Taoist sect. When he sees a small sect, he is a heretic, and when he sees a demon sect, he is the call of a devil and a witch.

Good and evil have been grudges for a long time, and most of them are attributed to the people in Wudang.

No one likes to be called a witch.

Qingfeng was furious, and his true energy was as wild as a demon.

Yan Chongtian was shocked that this demon girl's martial arts skills were so high.

Sure enough, no one with Jin Si was good at it. This kind of aura is probably a bit stronger than that of Dugu Wudi.

"Watch the move!" Qingfeng immediately lifted up the white cloud smoke, and the clouds flew around, and then thought about Yan soaring into the sky and pushing out.

Yan Chongtian dodged to avoid Qingfeng's attack, turned around and gave Qingfeng a slap.

Qingfeng's figure moved around and easily avoided the attack.

The two sides began to exchange fists and palms, and exchanged more than a dozen moves.

The more Yan Chongtian fought, the more frightened he became.

Qingfeng's martial arts skills are more than Dugu Invincible.

It's simply endlessly high.

Originally, Yan Chongtian thought that he had achieved great success with his Heavenly Silkworm Kung Fu, coupled with decades of skill.

Even if he is Dugu Wudi, he still has to drink hatred in front of him.

Who knew Qingfeng could be so powerful.

The beating left him almost unable to fight back.

"Feiyang, come and help me."

"Stop fighting, uncle... stop fighting."


Yan Chongtian was slapped by Qingfeng and vomited blood.

Seeing this, Yun Feiyang quickly stepped forward and blocked Qingfeng.

Purple Galaxy! Qing Feng waved his palms and turned into a galaxy.

Yan Chongtian and Yun Feiyang were both shocked.

What kind of martial arts is this! ?

They originally thought that the Heavenly Silkworm Kung Fu was magical enough.

But the martial arts performed by Qingfeng were like those of an immortal casting spells.

It looks gorgeous, but is actually extremely dangerous.

Purple galaxies converge into Qingfeng's palms.

Qingfeng suddenly pushed out, and Yan Chongtian and Yun Feiyang were instantly bombarded by the purple galaxy.


The two of them spit out blood and flew out at the same time.

It's so terrifying. This woman's martial arts skills are simply astonishing.

Yan Chongtian looked at Yun Feiyang.

Yun Feiyang was more seriously injured and fell to the ground vomiting blood.

"Feiyang, how are you?"

"Uncle, I..." Yun Feiyang looked sluggish.

"Witch, you are so vicious!" Yan Chongtian roared angrily.

"Little witch, kill that boy."

Qingfeng hesitated: "Do you really want to kill me?"

"Well, you don't think I'm joking, do you?"

"Jin Si, they didn't do anything."

"That old guy has already called you a witch. He hasn't done anything yet. Do you think he deserves to die after he beats you to death? Xiao Feng'er, you are going to be the leader of the martial arts league. You must not be merciful. Woman Kindness." Jin Si encouraged from the side: "But we uphold the good virtue of respecting the old and loving the young. If we don't kill the old one, we will kill the young one."

Yun Feiyang is very depressed, why? I was helping you speak just now.

"Little devil, if you have anything to do with me, come to me, don't embarrass Feiyang."

"No, I just want to embarrass him, Xiao Feng'er, kill, kill, kill..."

"Boy, if you are a ghost, look for him, not me." Qingfeng raised his palms, Tu Kunlun!

The ground suddenly exploded, and the true energy turned into terrifying energy, flowing under the ground, turning an area of ​​more than ten feet into powder.

Yun Feiyang couldn't move at all at this moment. Looking at the approaching energy, he could only close his eyes and wait for death.

Yan Chongtian looked at Yun Feiyang, willing to rescue but unable to take action.


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