Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One thousand one hundred and nineteen Fu Yushu's plan

Yun Feiyang's blood splattered on the spot.

His whole body was covered in blood and his skin was torn.

Tu Kunlun introduces the true energy into the ground, and then sends it into the enemy's body through the conduction of the ground to explode.

Simply put, this is a full-screen move.

And the lethality was astonishing, causing all the meridians in Yun Feiyang's body to be shattered.

Qingfeng felt a little regretful after taking action.

Although she is from a demon sect.

But he is not indiscriminately murderous.

And the guy doesn't look bad.

Jin Si scratched his head: "Xiao Feng'er, I have something to tell you."

"What's up?"

"He, Yun Feiyang, is your brother."

Qingfeng's expression froze, with shock written all over her face.

"You...then why did you let me kill him?"

Yan Chongtian rolled and crawled towards Yun Feiyang: "Feiyang, Feiyang, wake up... Feiyang."

Yan Chongtian held Yun Feiyang's body and cried heartbreakingly.

"You devil! I won't let you go."

At this moment, Yan Chongtian only had self-blame and regret.

Why come to Jin Si?

Why bring Yun Feiyang to Jin Si?

He knew clearly that this demon was extremely skilled in martial arts.

Yan Chongtian is too strong and too proud.

"Stop shouting, he's not dead yet."

"You're talking nonsense, Feiyang is dead."

Jin Si stepped forward and kicked Yan Chongtian away.

Lift Yun Feiyang's body.

Yun Feiyang's body actually began to heal rapidly.

Yan Chongtian rubbed his eyes with a look of disbelief.

"The Heavenly Silkworm Kung Fu is modified from the Heavenly Demon Kung Fu, which is also called the Nine Death Kung Fu. Once you die, you become stronger. Of course, the premise is that you die just right."

Jin Si casually threw Yun Feiyang onto Yan Chongtian.

Qingfeng exhaled slightly.

"Jin Si, is he really my brother?"

"Yes, it was your biological father who had a baby with another woman. Let me tell you, Qingsong doesn't know how many women there are out there."

Qingfeng glared at Jin Si angrily, but fortunately he didn't make a big mistake.

As for how many women Qingsong had outside, she didn't care at all.

Anyway, she and Qingsong had no feelings at all.

"You want to lend me my hand to help this kid practice, right?"

"No, I just want you to experience what it feels like to kill your own brother." Jin Si looked like he wanted to be beaten.

Yan Chongtian had very complicated feelings about Jin Si at the moment.

As for hating Jin Si, his hatred for Jin Si was almost gone at this moment.

But to make him grateful to Jin Si, he really couldn't do it.

And he didn't dare to go against Jin Si again.

This guy is disgusting.

It’s really not something that ordinary people can bear.

"Would you like to give it a try, die again, and come back to life again?" Jin Si looked at Yan Chongtian with a smile.

Yan Chongtian's eyes flickered: "Are there any restrictions on the nine deaths you mentioned? Or is it okay to do anything?"

"The nine deaths correspond to the five declines of heaven and man. The emphasis is on breaking and then establishing. The five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth correspond to the heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys. Do you understand?"

Yan Chongtian was confused and couldn't understand.

"Actually, it's not that big of a deal. If you work hard enough, you'll almost get the hang of it."

"What if something goes wrong?"

"Congratulations, you got what you wanted and died a worthy death."

When Yan Chongtian heard this, his beard stood up in anger.

He picked up Yun Feiyang and turned around to leave.

It’s so bad luck, I’ll never come again.

Of course, the main thing is that we still can’t beat it.

I originally thought that the Heavenly Silkworm Skill was enough.

The result was that he was hung up...and beaten.

But it’s normal to think about it.

After all, Jin Si himself had already obtained the Heavenly Silkworm Art.

And he also understands the Heavenly Silkworm Kung better than himself.

He helped me practice my Heavenly Silkworm Skill.

Now count on the Heavenly Silkworm Kung Fu to push the opponent to the ground and rub him.

Obviously thinking too much.

Yan Chongtian figured it out now, but it was a little late.

"Jin Si, how is my martial arts now?"

"You are only one step away from being invincible."

"Then what do I do?"

"Press the number one guy in the world to the ground and rub him."

"Who is number one in the world? Qingsong?" Qingfeng has not changed his mind even now.

He still calls his biological father Qingsong.

"No, I am number one in the world."

"I can't beat you."

Qingfeng was calm, unlike Yan Chongtian who jumped in front of Jin Si as soon as he learned the Heavenly Silkworm Kung Fu.

Qingfeng can clearly understand how big the gap is between herself and Jin Si.

"Even if you can't press it on the ground and rub it, you can press it on the bed."

The days passed like this.

Fu Yushu was also trying hard to jump up and down.

It's just that what he did was like a clown.

In fact, his methods are not low-end.

First, establish good relations with everyone in Wudang.

Then he won the admiration of many teachers as a martial arts genius.

When he goes down the mountain to practice, he arranges for the bandits to increase his reputation.

After several rounds, Fu Yushu has become the first disciple of Wudang, and his status is close to that of senior brother Bai Shi.

Moreover, he also used tricks to bring down several disciples who threatened him.

If Qingsong hadn't already known Fu Yushu's identity.

I'm afraid I'm going to get into trouble with him.

"Senior Brother Yushu, can you practice sword practice with me?" Wan'er found Fu Yushu.

Wan'er grew up in Wudang Mountain and didn't come into contact with many men.

And most of them are crooked and cracked, and the most upright one is Yun Feiyang.

Originally, she thought that she would settle for getting married to Yun Feiyang for the rest of her life.

Then I met Fu Yushu.

Although Fu Yushu is said to be a bad person, he is indeed very heroic and humorous.

For Wan'er, Fu Yushu is her soul mate.

"Don't Wan'er practice swordsmanship with the senior brothers on weekdays?" Fu Yushu had no feelings for Wan'er, but if Wan'er wanted to stick with him, he would not refuse.

"Senior Brother Baishi has been away every time these days." Wan'er pouted, looking very unhappy.

"That's true. I've seen Senior Brother Baishi come back these past few days. He's drunk and smells of rouge."

Fu Yushu glanced at Wan'er from the corner of his eyes, and Wan'er frowned.

Although she is naive, she doesn't really know anything.

After all, I have gone down the mountain several times with my father or fellow students.

I know there are some hook bars in the town at the foot of the mountain.

Most of the senior brothers went to Goulan to drink wine.

Fu Yushu saw Wan'er's expression and knew that his goal had been achieved.

Fu Yushu took some time out and practiced swordplay with Wan'er for a while.

Wan'er's talent is good, but her mind is not on martial arts.

As the beauty of Wudang Mountain, Wan'er still needs to cultivate relationships with her fellow apprentices.

For example, at this moment, she was cultivating a relationship with Fu Yushu through her sword training.

At this time, Shiraishi and others returned from the foot of the mountain.

I could smell the smell of alcohol all the way into the wind.

Several senior brothers were talking and laughing.

"Junior Brother Yushu and Junior Sister Wan'er, where are you practicing your sword?"

"Senior brother didn't come home last night?" Wan'er asked.

This young lady is a magnificent Wudang Mountain flower, can’t she satisfy your imagination of women?

He actually went down the mountain to look for those vulgar fans.

Shiraishi and others all smiled awkwardly, turned around and left.

"That's outrageous. I'll tell Head Qingsong." Wan'er looked at the backs of Bai Shi and others and said angrily.

Fu Yushu was secretly happy. If he snitched, it would make people think that he was excluding dissidents.

And it's not good for his image in the minds of his brothers.

After all, he portrays himself as a philanthropic, diligent, and decent person.

If you make a snitch, your character will be ruined.

So he deliberately used Wan'er to let her speak.

In this way, Baishi's position as the senior brother and Wudang's first successor will inevitably be shaken.

Not long after Wan'er left, Jin Si and Qingfeng came over talking and laughing.

Fu Yushu glanced at Jin Si, with a cold flash in his eyes.

For Fu Yushu, Jin Si is the biggest threat.

If Jin Si is not eliminated, even if he successfully ascends to the position of leader of Wudang, his footing will be unstable.

After all, Jin Si knew his true identity.

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