Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One thousand one hundred and twenty-five sand sculpture rules

"Does anyone object to my decision?"

A group of Wudang disciples were whispering among themselves, but no one stood up to express their opinion.

To be honest, this decision seems very unserious.

However, they considered that working for a tyrant would be better than working for a beautiful girl.

At least it's eye-catching, right?

So their attitude is that they neither support nor oppose it.

Anyway, who becomes the leader has nothing to do with the vast majority of their disciples.

It is also the leaders who have to worry about it.

But those leaders are now among the grandsons.

They felt that Qingsong should stand up at this time.

Express your strong dissatisfaction and condemnation.

But at this moment Qingsong is the grandson.

What could he do, against his own daughter?

Let’s not talk about the issue of whether we can survive the fight or not.

Just say that you are against it, then you are not treating it like a human being.

Anyway, Qingsong always felt that he was losing money to Qingfeng.

Therefore, it is not unacceptable if Qingfeng becomes the leader.

After all, it can be regarded as a son inheriting his father's legacy.

Qingsong felt that Jin Si had finally done something personal.

At this moment, Qingsong's top disciple Baishi spoke.

He felt that if he didn't do something, he might really have no hope of inheriting the teaching profession.

"The leader cannot get married," Shiraishi said.

When Qingsong competed with his juniors for the position, why did Qingsong succeed?

Is he handsome? Or is it because of his superior martial arts skills?

No, it's because his junior brother has a wife and a daughter, that Wan'er.

Although Qingsong has a lot of romantic debts outside, he hides it well.

The necessary skills to be a leader these days,

Establish a persona and hide your love affairs.

Even if you have a child, it is not your own, and it definitely cannot be.

Jin Si didn't know why as the leader, he needed to master the skill of being single.

Anyway, I just think it’s quite silly.

"Who made this rule?"

"Bold, this is the sect rule set by the master!" Bai Shi cursed.

"Is the master's grave there now? Find some time to dig it out. He is single, but he doesn't allow others to get married. There are people who follow such ridiculous rules. Either your brains are frightened or have water in them. ." Jin Si mocked: "So as the leader, I am breaking this rule now. If anyone mentions this ridiculous rule in front of me again, I will teach him the rules."

A group of disciples felt that what Jin Si said was reasonable. They were members of a Taoist family and could not help but marry and have children.

So this rule is indeed a bit nonsensical.

But what Jin Si said is quite reasonable.

It is estimated that the master himself lacked love, so future generations also lacked love.

"This is a rule set by the master. Even if you are the leader now, you have no right to change it."

"Our senior brother Baishi is not allowed to get married in the future. This is the rule I have made. You are not even allowed to touch women. If you touch them, you will break three of your legs. Don't you like to follow rules? Now I will let you enjoy it."

Bai Shi opened his mouth and couldn't say a word for a long time.

Knowing that I can't change anything.

Why do you have such pitiful extravagant hopes?

As a result, I have really screwed myself up now.

Of course Shiraishi regretted it.

"Today is a day of universal celebration, so let's celebrate by killing someone."

All the disciples looked frightened.

Jin Si has shown his cruelty.

You won't be able to pick one among them, right?

"Seeing how scared you are, if I don't kill you, bring Fu Yushu here."

Fu Yushu was tied into a rice dumpling and pushed up.

"Fu Yushu, in order to celebrate the succession of the new and old heads, I need to kill someone to add to the fun. What do you think I am going to do now?"

At this moment, Fu Yushu is no longer as high-spirited and heroic as before.

Standing there with disheveled hair, messy in the wind.

There was fear, despair, and resentment in his eyes.

"Shouldn't we, the children of the world, have long looked down upon life and death? Besides, you plotted against others, and now they are plotting against you, so you should be relieved, not resentful."

"People are going to die, and you still want to make sarcastic remarks." Qingsong couldn't help but say.

"Ex-president, from what you said, I'm not making sarcastic remarks, I'm trying to persuade him to be more relaxed."

Jin Si came to Fu Yushu and patted Fu Yushu on the shoulder: "Think about it, how powerful would a person be if he was no longer afraid of death? So, you must become stronger."

Fu Yushu only has mmp left in his heart at this moment, I am going to die, there is no point in being strong mentally.

"Okay, the auspicious time has arrived. Let's not waste time. Are you ready?" Jin Si said seriously.

"Don't kill him...don't kill Senior Brother Yushu."

At this moment, Wan'er ran out.

"Oh, give me a reason not to kill him."

Wan'er was very anxious, her face full of urgency and prayer.

"I...I have...his child..."

The scene was in an uproar again, and everyone felt like they had been bombarded with all kinds of messy information all day long.

Jin Si looked at Wan'er and then at Fu Yushu.

"Wan'er, you are a good girl. Find a successor. This guy is really not suitable for you."

"No, I just want Senior Brother Yushu."

"No, your experience is too little. There are many good men in the world. You see, I am a good man."

Wan'er's eyes were firm, and at this time her father ran out.

"Wan'er, come back with me and don't mess around here."

"Dad, let go, I don't want, I don't want Senior Brother Yushu to die."

Fu Yushu was also crying silently at this time, not knowing whether he was crying for himself or for Wan'er.

"Would you like to give a dying speech?"

Fu Yushu glanced at Jin Si and finally hardened his stance: "If you want to kill or behead me, please do as you please."

Although there was Wan'er's little accident.

But this does not affect Jin Si's decision.

Fu Yushu didn't insist on killing him.

But Jin Si couldn't find a reason not to kill him.

So between killing and not killing, Jin Si chose to kill him.

Jin Si untied the rope from Fu Yushu's body.

"Come on, I'll give you a dignified death, let's do it."

Fu Yushu looked at Jin Si and rushed towards Jin Si in a posture.

Jin Si pushed out a palm, and Fu Yushu was crushed on the spot.

Except for Wan'er's heart-rending cry, no one present was saddened by Fu Yushu's death.

"A young lady is crying to death for a scumbag. What good is a scumbag? My little Feng'er is the one with the most discernment."

"Also, clean up this place. Seeing how messy you have made this place, as the wife of the head of the house, I feel very sad."

A group of people dared not speak out in anger at Jin Si.

After the inauguration ceremony, Jin Si, Qingfeng and Qingsong came to the back mountain.

"By the way, father-in-law, where is the old man from Hantan being held?"

"Are you going to kill him?"

"No, I killed his grandson and robbed his Xiaoyao Valley. I have to let him know that he has such an enemy like me. Isn't it right for him to have something to think about?"

Qingsong's bad taste towards Jin Si is really amazing.

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