Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One thousand one hundred and twenty-six It’s time to brush up your reputation

When it comes to how bad a person is, the answer is that there is no lower limit.

Jin Si walked into Hantan Cave, where a dirty old man was chained up.

"The current Valley Master of Xiaoyao Valley pays homage to the former Valley Master."

"You are... the current owner of Xiaoyao Valley?" Old Man Hantan suddenly became excited. Isn't that his grandson? The more Hantan old man looked at Jin Si, the more satisfied he became: "Come here quickly..."

"Former Valley Master, you misunderstood. I am not your grandson, he is."

Jin Si threw a head in front of the old man Hantan.

"I killed your grandson to usurp the throne."

"What did you say? What did you say?" Old Man Hantan immediately roared.

"I said, I killed your grandson and came here to tell you the good news. By the way, in order to show my respect for you, I also cooked this gift in a pot to leave you a souvenir without adding preservatives. "


Old Hantan grabbed the iron rope excitedly, trying to break free and rush towards Jin Si.

But this chain can hold Old Man Hantan for twenty years, so how can he break free now?

In fact, Fu Yushu had been bombarded to pieces long ago. This head was certainly not Fu Yushu's.

Old Man Hantan stared at Jin Si with red eyes.

Old Man Hantan suddenly calmed down.

"What is your purpose?"

"What purpose can I have? I have no purpose. I'm just having fun."

"What grudges do I have with you?"

"What bad thoughts can I have? I just don't like you."

You know, the old man Hantan asked his son to sneak into Wudang, but he massacred more than a hundred families in the entire village.

Then let his son pretend to be the only living person in the village.

Does this method sound familiar? This is the remaining method that people used to play back then.

Jin Si smiled brightly and clapped his hands again.

Two Wudang disciples walked in carrying a pot of stew.

"Junior sees that seniors live a hard life here, so I specially prepared fragrant meat for seniors. Would you like to have a bite, seniors?"

"This... what kind of meat is this?"

"Guess." Jin Si looked at the old man Hantan with a smile.

Old Hantan's body trembled and he shouted in horror: "Take it away, take it away quickly."

"Don't want it? You two, go get a dog."

"Why is this...why is this...are you, Wudang, helping the evildoers in this way?"

Old Man Hantan screamed, he was desperate, angry, resentful and unwilling to do anything.

"Ah... I forgot to tell you. I am the new head of Wudang. Although I have only been in the position for half an hour, the current head is my wife. How about it? Are you angry? Not only will I steal your Xiaoyao Valley, but I will also I killed your grandson and took your plan as my own. Now the Heavenly Silkworm Art is in my hands. Are you angry? I will ask you if you are angry."

Old Man Hantan was trembling with anger: "You just let a devil be the leader? You, the authentic Xuanmen of Wudang... you... you..."

"We are just ordinary disciples. If you have any questions, you can go to our leader."

"We are honored to have such a leader."

Or the second Wudang disciple can speak.

Jin Si affirmed him with his eyes.

Old Hantan feels that times have changed.

Why have Wudang disciples become so shameless?

Also, back then Wudang kept saying that it would not coexist with the Demonic Cult.

What's happening now?

In fact, Wudang disciples also feel miserable.

You think Qingsong's prestige is high enough.

If he dares to act recklessly, he will be beaten to the end by the masses.

But as for Jin Si and Qing Feng, just pick one of them and they can knock Wudang up and down to the end.

To say that Jin Si tortured the old man Hantan, the main reason was that Jin Si couldn't do anything to those ordinary people.

However, if he is a wicked person who is full of evil and commits all kinds of evil.

Then there will be no worries, and it will make you happy physically and mentally without any psychological burden.

The dogs brought by the Wudang disciples ate there happily.

The old man Hantan was so excited that he wanted to snatch the food from his mouth.

Qingfeng still feels like a dream.

She didn't expect that Jin Si would really make her the leader of Wudang.

He also serves as the owner of Xiaoyao Valley.

The master of the two major sects of good and evil.

Coupled with her martial arts skills, it is no exaggeration to say that she is the number one in the martial arts world.

However, now this news is only known within Wudang and Xiaoyao Valley.

Qingfeng's reputation is far inferior to that of Qingsong.

Furthermore, Qingfeng is also confused now.

It seemed like she had taken a big step, but she didn't know what to do next.

"Jin Si, what do you think I should do next?"

"Go down the mountain and kill some bandits." Jin Si said.

"That's it?"

Qingfeng didn't understand Jin Si's intention. It was not difficult for her to suppress the bandits.

With her current martial arts skills, it wouldn't be a problem to raze a mountain village to the ground overnight.

"First go to the nearby government and ask where the bandits are strong. Then make an agreement with the government that you will help them suppress the bandits and they will help you publicize it."

"That's it? Is the government willing?"

"If he doesn't want to, kill his whole family."

"I'm serious."

"Okay, let's get down to business. Don't worry, no official can refuse. After all, this is political achievement."

"Is this okay?"

"If you recruit heroes from all over the world, open a hero conference in Wudang, and defeat all the heroes in the world, I will take Xiaoyao Valley to make trouble in the world. When all the sects and factions are unable to do anything against me, they will naturally think of you. "

To put it simply, it is to play a double act, one is the bad guy and the other is the good guy.

"Is this possible?" Qingfeng was still a bit thin-faced. She always felt that if such an insidious plot was exposed, she would be embarrassed.

"What are you afraid of? If the news is leaked and someone finds out, just silence it. It's such a simple thing."

Qingfeng is a person who does whatever comes to mind.

Although I said no, my heart was already moved.

The method Jin Si mentioned is actually nothing new.

Gain reputation and raise the bandits to respect themselves.

It's really not that clever, but it's just easy to use.

Of course, these tricks all have a major premise.

That is to have enough strength.

Just talking about suppressing bandits, even the government has a hard time.

Even if Ai sometimes called in the army, it would be to no avail and would only strengthen the bandits' power.

Over time, the government did not care about the bandits and allowed the bandits to do whatever they wanted.

So if someone is willing to take over such a thankless task, the government will naturally be happy to see it happen.

However, if bandits can succeed, it is definitely not something that cats and dogs can just jump out and solve the problem.

Not to mention that most of the bandits rely on the advantage of the terrain, the number of people alone is not something that ordinary martial arts knights can deal with.

So it is indeed possible to go to the bandits to gain reputation, but I don’t see any martial arts warriors going to the bandits to gain reputation.

But to Qingfeng, this was really nothing.

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