Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One thousand one hundred and thirty The Great Demon King’s Self-cultivation

Although Jin Chenxi is a big move, Qingfeng is currently the biggest move he can use.

But the charging time actually doesn't take that long at all.

Although Qingfeng wanted to build up her reputation, she couldn't be too harsh.

After all, she is now the leader of Wudang and a leader in righteousness.

If you shoot the opponent to death indiscriminately, I'm afraid it will damage your reputation.

Furthermore, the effect of scaring the opponent away is far more effective than killing him.

Mr. Bei Qing was indeed frightened.

He originally thought of playing tricks.

If you win, then you will have legitimate revenge.

By building up your reputation, you might be able to find some benefits from Wudang.

Of course, the so-called grandson is actually a side disciple.

If you want to make connections, you have to make at least a dozen turns to get there.

But all he needed was a reason.

A reason to stand out.

But, he really didn't expect Qingfeng to be so fierce.

The fireball looked like a sun, full of golden light.

Oh my God, the thing in her hand couldn't really be the sun, could it?

The Wudang disciples behind were excited.

"The master's magical skills are unparalleled!"

Qingsong was also shocked by Qingfeng's hand.

Is this the Huntian Baojian?

Originally, Qingsong thought that the martial arts he had acquired from Jin Si were very powerful. doesn't smell good anymore.

Mad, deceived my daughter away.

Just use this as a betrothal gift?

Is the former head of Wuhan so shameless?

I must give an explanation, and if I don’t give an explanation... then I will make trouble!

"Fairy Jinghong is indeed very powerful in martial arts.

I admire you. I lost this round. "

This was a decision made by Mr. Bei Qing after careful consideration.

He could finally tell that Qingfeng was waiting for him to speak.

Otherwise, that thing would have been smashed over long ago.

Mr. Bei Qing was very sure that he would not be able to take it.

If Qingfeng couldn't get off the stage, she would definitely let herself die without her body intact.

So Mr. Beiqing chose a more dignified way to withdraw.

Qingfeng snorted coldly and pushed the little sun in his hand directly to the nearby mountain peak.

The little sun shines on the mountainside nearby.

Along with an earth-shattering loud noise, there was a dazzling white light.

A shocking huge crater has been blasted out of the mountainside next door.

Mr. Bei Qing swallowed his saliva. Was this done by someone?

Other guests and Wudang disciples were also frightened.

Is the martial arts of their master probably already reaching the sky?

After Qingfeng performed this show, no fool would stab him again.

After all, when looking at the scenery here in Wudang Mountain, you can always see the big pit on the opposite mountainside.

After the guests have almost arrived, the main show begins.

First, several juniors competed in martial arts.

Then famous martial arts figures came up to communicate.

Then find some people in the world who have long-standing feuds.

Qingfeng acts as the intermediary to help them resolve the dispute.

In fact, these people are all sidemen, and they are all in favor of the good show.

First, the two of them fought to the death, and then Qingfeng showed reason and moved her emotionally.

In the end, the two resolved their conflict and succeeded in joining hands.

This is basically an old routine.

Everyone was very cooperative and praised Qingfeng highly.

It means that Qingfeng inherits the spirit of Wudang and is the light of righteousness in the new era.

This is because Qingfeng's status is high enough and his martial arts is strong enough.

No one really dared to slap him in the face.

The performance continued, and the next day Qingfeng, as the leader of Wudang, gave instructions to several young people on martial arts.

For a few days, it was all about gaining reputation.

Qingfeng also showed off his martial arts.

As for the guests, they had food and drinks, although there was no flower girl as Jin Si had originally suggested.

However, the service provided by Wudang Shangxia is quite attentive.

Therefore, Qingfeng's reputation has reached its peak.

Although there is no ranking list or anything like that.

However, holding a hero conference like this can significantly increase the number of fans.

Qingfeng can now be said to be the number one in the martial arts world.

Jin Si also received news from Qingfeng in Xiaoyao Valley.

The Heroes Conference was successfully held, and his side was about to start.

"Lu Fang, it's almost time. Your martial arts skills are good enough now, and you are ready to bring disaster to the martial arts world."

"Okay." Lu Fang stopped practicing and stopped practicing.

In Xiaoyao Valley, others are not allowed to be around when practicing martial arts.

But Lu Fang had no need to be wary of Jin Si.

In the past few months, Lu Fang's martial arts has improved by leaps and bounds, and those who once plotted against him in Xiaoyao Valley.

Now he has filled all the holes. Lu Fang is not a holy mother. It is his nature to repay kindness and revenge.

"Who will be picked first?"

Lu Fang knew that he was very depressed now. He used to press him to the ground and rub him, but he couldn't stand in front of him for three seconds.

"The Tiannan Wang family happens to be quite close to here, so let's take action on them."

"Should I give you a famous name?"

"Your original nickname is Huntiansha, which is pretty good. Let's change it to Huntiansha. It's powerful, deep, and unconventional."

"Okay, let's go now."

"Pull the team together first. You are also a big devil in the martial arts world. Just run to someone else's territory by yourself. Let's not talk about whether you can fight or not. At least your aura is a bit weaker. You need someone to help you along the way. Shouting slogans, isn’t it?”

"Is there such a thing?"

"Of course, let them shout along the way, Old Immortal Huntian, his magic power is boundless."

"I'm not old."

"It does not matter."

Lu Fang was very troubled by Jin Si's theories.

Anyway, Jin Si has not taken any substantive action in the past few months.

All kinds of weird theories were fed into him every day.

For example, the devil's self-cultivation.

For example, how to maintain the style of a demon.

Don't look too cruel, have a soft side inside.

Jin Si even asked him to adopt an orphan, and it had to be a girl.

Why is a devil without a daughter called a devil?

The most striking example is Dugu Wudi.

Moreover, this daughter cannot be raised honestly.

A daughter must hate her father's evil deeds.

To put it simply, it is to raise a friend.

This is the depth of a demon, a demon with a story.

In the end, before he was defeated, his daughter had to be at the scene, watching the end of a hero.

Anyway, Lu Fang was too embarrassed to talk nonsense about Jin Si.

In this way, Lu Fang picked up everyone in Xiaoyao Valley and set out on the road.

At the beginning, Lu Fang asked them to shout slogans.

Then people from the government came and said they were disturbing the people.

Who can explain this nonsense?

As a result, the slogan was cancelled.

No matter how crazy Lu Fang was, he would not dare to lead his team to confront the government.

If he really does this, then he is not reckless, but reckless.

Jin Si yawned and sat in the carriage.

At this time, a girl entered the carriage holding fruit.

"Grain Master, my father asked my slave to deliver this."

"Don't call yourself slave slave, you are also the daughter of the big devil Huntian Mo after all."

"In front of the Valley Master, I dare not act arrogantly."

"Forget it, it's up to you."

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