Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand One Hundred and Thirty-One The Devil Appears

Jin Si felt that Lu Fang was giving away his daughter.

Especially his daughter who always looks at him with admiring eyes.

Sometimes, Jin Si would boo on the roadside, and his daughter would also look at him.

"By the way, what's your name?"

"Slave Xiangjun."

"In terms of naming, Lu Fang has never been so uneducated in his life. He can actually give you such a name. I thought he would name you Erya or something like that."

Xiang Jun was roaring in his heart, because Lu Fang thought of this name when he adopted her.

It is true that birds of a feather flock together and people flock together.

Jin Si took a piece of fruit.

"Master, let me peel it for you."

"No, you eat too."

"I don't dare, slave."

"Eat as you are told, why are you so long-winded?"

"My slave is not hungry."

"How dare you eat a piece of fruit?"

"Grain master, you eat first, slave and slave, you will eat later."

"You didn't poison this fruit, did you?"

Xiangjun was startled, with a face full of panic: "Master, don't joke, I don't dare."

"I see you're scared, so just back off."

"Slave, please leave."

"Leave the fruit plate."

Xiangjun hesitated and put the fruit plate down.

This is probably Fu Yushu's sister Fu Xiangjun.

However, Jin Si estimated that Fu Xiangjun and Fu Yushu were half-brothers and sisters.

After all, when Fu Yushu and his father died, Fu Yushu's mother was pregnant with Fu Yushu.

Unless Fu Yushu and his father fake the corpse and create a younger sister for Fu Yushu.

Otherwise, Fu Xiangjun can only be the result of other people's efforts.

Or maybe Fu Xiangjun was adopted.

But Fu Xiangjun didn't grow up in Xiaoyao Valley.

So Jin Si has never seen her.

Until recently, Lu Fang brought her back from outside.

He said he picked it up outside, but he looked pitiful and brought it back.

Jin Si doesn't know what the process is like.

Jin Si felt that Lu Fang was probably tricked.

As for whether Lu Fang knows Fu Xiangjun's identity.

Jin Si probably didn't know.

If Lu Fang knew Fu Xiangjun's identity, he would probably hide her.

Instead of letting her hang around in front of Jin Si's eyes.

Although Lu Fang is rough, he is still a little kind at heart.

Fu Xiangjun appeared in front of Jin Si every now and then.

Jin Si was too lazy to argue with Fu Xiangjun.

Although she didn't know how she knew that she killed Fu Yushu, she probably wanted to help Fu Yushu take revenge.

However, Fu Xiangjun's personality is completely opposite to that of her brother.

How bad Fu Yushu is, how kind Fu Xiangjun is.

In the original work, Fu Yushu wanted to backstab Yun Feiyang, but was eventually backstabbed by Fu Xiangjun.

Jin Si took a bite of the fruit. Well, Fu Xiangjun's condiment tasted too ordinary.

But think about it, Fu Xiangjun, a little girl, can get so many high-end seasonings.

Three days later, the team arrived at Wang's house in Tiannan.

The Wang family can be said to be like a local emperor in this area.

Outside the Wang family's mansion, the team was stopped.

"Visitors, stop here. This is my Wang family's mansion. If you come to visit, please hand over your name and I will go and inform you."

"I, the Huntian Demon, ask Wang Zhentian to come out and talk to me."

"You are so impudent that you dare to call me the head of the Wang family by name. How do you want to die?"

It seems that these Wang family servants are used to being arrogant.

Lu Fang, who could see that the visitor was obviously evil, did not show any stage fright and was still maintaining the dignity of their Wang family.

Lu Fang did not spoil his servants and directly slapped their chests.

"Help me...Master, please help me..."

The two servants ran into the mansion holding their chests.

Not long after, Wang Zhentian brought people out.

"Who are you, and why did you hurt a member of my Wang family?"

Although Lu Fang was somewhat famous in the world in the past, it was mainly reflected in small print.

It's just a small reputation in one place, but if it really spreads to the entire world, it will be at the level of a small shrimp.

Of course, apart from the old monster Hantan, there were not many high-end people in Xiaoyao Valley.

Although Lu Fang has some status in Xiaoyao Valley.

But if you put it on the rivers and lakes, it won't even make a splash.

So it's not surprising that Wang Zhentian doesn't know Lu Fang.

"I am the Huntian Demon."

"Any advice?"

"To practice magic, I need to borrow a few people from your Wang family to practice my skills. Can the head of the Wang family make it easier for me to accommodate a few of my servants?"

"Your Excellency, you have such a strong tone. Do you really think that my Wang family is easy to bully?" Wang Zhentian was furious.

"Yes, you are indeed easy to bully. Otherwise, why would I be the first to come to your Tiannan Wang family?"

Hearing this, Wang Zhentian couldn't bear it anymore.

"Too much bullying!" Wang Zhentian roared angrily, swinging his fist and attacking Lu Fang.

Wang Zhentian is said to be invincible with punches and kicks in all directions.

A pair of iron fists are fierce and domineering, looking down at everything.

But Lu Fang raised his hand and grabbed Wang Zhentian's fist casually.

Wang Zhentian felt that his fist strength was as strong as a cow entering the sea, and he couldn't use his strength at all.

Lu Fang spat out his palm force, and Wang Zhentian felt that his entire arm had lost consciousness.

Wang Zhentian was horrified. What was the origin of this person? His martial arts was so strong.

Lu Fang showed no mercy, and then slapped Wang Zhentian directly on the chest with another palm.

Wang Zhentian was shot straight away and hit the outer wall of the Wang family mansion.

The outer wall collapsed instantly, and the rows of high walls collapsed instantly. Wang Zhentian was buried under bricks and stones, and his life and death were unknown.

"Protect the head of the family!"

A group of Wang family servants came forward to besiege Lu Fang.

"The devil flames set a prairie fire on fire!"

Lu Zhang shouted, and terrifying high-temperature flames burst out from his body, instantly covering everyone in the Wang family.

This move was originally called Sky Fire and Set the Prairie on Fire, but after Jin Si's suggestion, it was renamed the Demonic Way.

In the blink of an eye, more than ten members of the Wang family died tragically.

"After today, there will be no more Wang family!"

"Old Immortal Huntian, his magic power is boundless..."

The children of the Wang family are all fierce. Even though Lu Fang's martial arts skills are unpredictable, they still pounce on him one after another.

On the one hand, the Wang family was trained to fight bravely, and on the other hand, they could not afford to lose.

They have been dominating the Tiannan area all year round. If they lose, not to mention the entire Tiannan, there will be countless evil wolves in this town alone who will pounce on them and bite them hard.

"Demon cycle!" Black gossip appeared behind Lu Fang, as if the world was twisted and the world was turned upside down.

In just an instant, the Wang family's children were trapped in an illusion.

To an outsider, they appear to be frozen in place for an instant.

The next moment, Lu Fang's palms turned into thousands of hands, pouring out like thunder and rain.

The children of the Wang family were hit by the palms one after another, and one third of the Wang family's mansion was shattered by Lu Fang's palm power.

"From today on, there will be no more Wang family in Tiannan."

In a battle, Lu Fang ended the battle cleanly.

No one in the Wang family could match his skills.

And this was just the beginning. The demonic storm soon swept through the entire Tiannan, and then swept across Kyushu from Tiannan.

From the day the name of Huntian Demon appeared, it became a terrifying taboo.

Moreover, the Huntian Demon not only attacks the righteous path, but even sects that are also members of the demonic path cannot escape the hands of the Huntian Demon.

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