Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand One Hundred and Thirty Two Martial Arts Leader

"Reporting to the leader, a group of martial arts fellows came down from the mountain and claimed to want to see the leader."

"Oh...what's the matter?"

"The disciples don't know, and they won't tell me if I ask them. I just ask the master to make the decision."

When Qingfeng led people to the foot of the mountain, he saw dozens of people from all walks of life gathered there.

Many people looked very embarrassed with injuries all over their bodies.

Some people even feel like they came here begging.

"Greetings to Fairy Jinghong." People in the world saluted immediately when they saw Qingfeng arriving.

"Excuse me, the Heroes Conference has ended. I'm afraid you are late." Qingfeng said calmly.

Of course she knew what these people were here for.

She has received the message from Jin Si.

Now Jin Si is causing trouble all over the world.

"Please Fairy Jinghong make the decision for us."

A group of people cried, screamed and shed tears.

It felt like I had just been passed over.

"What exactly happened? You don't have to be like this. If you have anything to say, please speak slowly."

"Fairy, please forgive me. We didn't mean to offend. We really have a sworn hatred. I just ask the fairy to make the decision for us."

"What's the grievance? Tell me in detail."

"Recently, a peerless demon has appeared in the world. He calls himself the Huntian Demon. His martial arts are unfathomable, his methods are cruel, and he kills innocent people indiscriminately. This demon uses living people to practice his martial arts. All my disciples and family members were massacred and captured by the demon. Now I’m afraid the situation is in dire straits.”

"The martial arts practiced by this demon are called Netherworld Xiantian Kung Fu. This Kung Fu is earth-shattering and terrifying. No one in the world can match it. Now only Fairy Jinghong's Hun Tian Bao Jian can rival it."

"This demon has brought trouble to the world. It is naturally our duty for righteous people like us to eliminate demons and defend the law. However, since this person is rampant in the world, he will probably come to Wudang to provoke me. If I leave Wudang, I am afraid that the demon will Come on, by the time my Wudang backyard catches fire, I'm afraid the devil will succeed, which is wrong." Qingfeng said with a helpless look.

"Fairy, now you are the only one in the world who can contend with the devil. If you stay behind closed doors, I am afraid that all life will be ruined, and all sects and factions will no longer have peace."

"Having said that,

But I can't give up Wudang after all. "Qingfeng's face was full of embarrassment.

"I have a proposal. I wonder if the fairy would listen to it?"

Said a person in the world who had arranged in advance.

"Oh? What do you think?"

"The devil has great martial arts skills and is arrogant. Why don't we issue a letter of challenge to the devil, set up a battle at the foot of Wudang Mountain, and have a showdown with the devil. I wonder what the fairy wants?"

"Since the devil is so proud, I'm afraid he may not take me seriously. The so-called letter of challenge is probably just to make him laugh."

"In this case, we recommend the fairy as the leader of the martial arts alliance to fight against the evil together. In the name of the leader of the martial arts alliance, I think that no matter how proud the devil is, he will not turn a blind eye. The devil is very ambitious and will definitely want to show it in front of all heroes. My peerless magic skills are well-known among fairies."

"There are so many heroes in the world, how can we choose the leader of the martial arts alliance at will? What's more, I am a woman, let alone the name of the leader."

"Although there are many heroes in the world, none of them are as good as fairies. Fairies have the most magical skills in the world. Wudang is the leader of the righteous path and a descendant of martial arts myths. If the world wants to choose a martial arts leader, it must be a fairy."

With one person's suggestion, others quickly agreed.

They are now in trouble at home and need someone to help them out.

But let me ask who in this world can stand up for them.

Only Qingfeng, who is now famous and has extraordinary strength.

"No, no, the position of leader of the martial arts alliance needs to be carefully considered and cannot be randomly selected."

"Fairy's magical skills have been known to the world for a long time, and they are not fooling around."

"I'll wait to see the leader."

"Meet the leader..."

"Meet the leader."

Another group of sidekicks took the lead and joined in, cutting through the mess with a quick sword.

After someone took the lead, others followed suit and started shouting.

This name is finally decided.

"Forget it, since you are determined to promote me, I will do my part as well. I am the leader of the alliance, and I should shoulder the important responsibilities, maintain the peace of the world, eliminate demons and defend the law, and act chivalrously and righteously."

"The leader is righteous."

"Alliance leader is righteous." There was another burst of agreement.

"I wonder where the Huntian Demon is now? I'll send someone to deliver the letter of war."

"The devil often moves around Xiaoyao Valley in Shaanxi Province. Xiaoyao Valley must be his home base."

"The Xiaoyao Valley is originally an important place for the Demon Sect. It would not be surprising if the Huntian Demon uses Xiaoyao Valley as its home base."

"In this case, you all stay in the town for the time being, and I will send someone to send a letter of war. I will hear a reply within a month."

After the master set the tone, everyone thanked and left.

Qingsong has been watching this scene not far away.

When Qingfeng came over, he stepped forward to ask.

"Xiao Feng'er...master, is that Hun Tian Mo Jin Si?"

"What do you care about?"

Qingsong felt very tired. He had never expected that Qingfeng would one day become the leader of the martial arts alliance.

And it all feels like it was planned in advance.

First, Qingfeng gained a huge reputation, and then consolidated her status and reputation at the Heroes Conference.

Then show your unparalleled magical power to the heroes of the world.

Then the Hun Tian Demon was born.

It feels like I came here just for Qingfeng.

"Send a trustworthy disciple to Xiaoyao Valley and send him a letter of challenge."

Qingsong felt that he was an authentic Xuanmen sect in Wudang, and now he was engaging in such conspiracies and tricks. He actually relied on such tricks to become the leader of the martial arts alliance. It was really an insult to the family tradition.

Within half a month, the war letter was sent to Xiaoyao Valley.

Jin Si glanced at the letter of challenge and saw that it was clearly Qingsong's ghostwriting.

Jin Si threw the gauntlet to Lu Fang.

Lu Fang rolled his eyes at Jin Si: "Do you think I can understand?"

"Forget it, it doesn't matter if you don't understand it or not. Get ready for the final battle."

"What happens after that? Do I want to silence you?"

Lu Fang was very aware of this. When he took the job, he considered that Jin Si would probably kill him to silence him in the end.

"What are you thinking about? You are such a useful tool. You may still be able to use it in the future. Let's wait until you are no longer useful."

Jin Sidu made plans for Lu Fang's future.

Lu Fang will naturally lose this battle.

But he can't die, he will only be defeated and injured, and then return to Xiaoyao Valley.

When necessary in the future, for example, someone threatens Qingfeng's status.

Then let Lu Fang come out and kill Qingfeng's opponents, and then Qingfeng comes out to clean up the mess.

Lu Fang was very open-minded.

After making the decision, Lu Fang set off with the disciples from Xiaoyao Valley.

Go to Wudang for a decisive battle with Qingfeng.

Jin Si has thought up the background story of this decisive battle, such as the origin of Huntian Demon.

Another example is the origin of your Netherworld Innate Skill, or the causal relationship between the Huntian Treasure Mirror and the Netherworld Innate Skill.

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