Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One thousand one hundred and thirty-three shocking drama

The sky was gloomy, thunderclouds were rolling, and it was as depressing and low as the end of the world.

Amid the sound of the phoenix flute, a team came from afar.

The team's flag is a black skull.

The entire team was dressed in black and full of desolate murderous intent.

In comparison, the other side is slightly messy.

Lu Fang led the team ten feet in front of the Righteous Alliance and waved to stop.

"The descendant of the martial arts myth is indeed you." Lu Fang shouted loudly.

"Sure enough, it's you!" Qingfeng's eyes were as bright as a torch, and a cold light flashed through his eyes: "The descendant of the demon outside the world."

Wait...a demon from this world? Do you have this identity in the plot?

Lu Fang doesn't understand, but Qingfeng understands, this is called style.

If it were just a villain who emerged from a ravine, it would be very out of style.

Defeating him will accomplish nothing.

But if it is a big devil with a lot of background.

The style suddenly picked up.

"Haha... I didn't expect that the descendants of Xuantian and Xuanmo would meet again after a hundred years. Today, I will rectify the name of my ancestor. The innate skill of Netherworld is better than the Huntian Treasure Mirror."

"Hmph...that Netherworld innate skill is obviously the Huntian Demonic Skill. A hundred years ago, my ancestors were able to defeat the Huntian Demonic Skill with the Huntian Treasure Mirror. Today, I can still defeat you."

"Haha... It's obvious that both sides will suffer and die together, but you still have the nerve to claim victory." Lu Zhang shouted: "Today, all of you will die under my magic power."

In an instant, Lu Fang's body was filled with demonic energy.

The demonic energy turned into the appearance of a peerless demon behind his back, as arrogant as a peerless demon.

The Righteous Alliance was shocked. This Hun Tian Demon was far more terrifying than imagined.

Even those who had fought with him before were shocked by this sight.

Can Qingfeng really defeat this level of power?

"Huntian Demon, stop being so arrogant!"

Qingfeng gave a light drink,

A giant god figure also appeared behind him.

The mysterious light rippling around the giant god makes people feel peaceful and peaceful.

Everyone on both the good and the evil sides was shocked again. This Qingfeng was worthy of being the leader of the martial arts alliance. He was equipped with the peerless magic skill Hun Tian Bao Jian, and could also produce such mysterious phenomena.

No one moved, and the two Dharma statues took the lead in bombarding each other.

In an instant, the energy vibrated.

Both good and evil sides were stunned, and many people vomited blood and were injured.

They didn't expect that just one collision could actually injure everyone on both sides.

The battle was beyond their comprehension.

It seems that this battle does not belong to them after all.

Originally, the knights on the side of the Wulin Alliance still felt that.

As long as they gather enough people here, and under the leadership of Qingfeng, they can win.

But now they understand that the final right to win or lose this battle belongs to Fairy Jinghong and Huntian Demon.

Whoever wins among them will win this battle.

No matter how life or death they fight, the opponent can turn the situation around by himself.

"The devil flames set a prairie fire on fire!"

"Bi Bingxue!"

The battle between ice and fire has no winner or loser, but it brings suffering to both sides.

Even if it was just the aftermath of the competition between two peerless masters, it still made them miserable.

Too strong, both of them are too strong.

And it's incredibly strong.

This is not even the full strength of the two.

At this time, Qingsong shouted loudly: "Feng... Master, we can't continue fighting here, otherwise I'm afraid we and Zhengdao will all be wiped out here."

"Demon Lord, save me..."

The demonic side also suffered heavy losses.

"Do you dare to go to Wudang Lingjue Peak to fight?"

"I'm afraid you won't make it!"

In full view of everyone, the two of them flew away in the air.

The good and evil parties on the field did not make any move, but just looked at each other affectionately.

He just waits for his boss to deal with it before coming over to deal with the other party.

At this moment, at the top of Wudang Lingjue Peak, Qingfeng and Lu Fang smelled a strong aroma of meat as soon as they arrived.

"Come on, come on, sit down and eat." Jin Si was lighting a fire to barbecue.

Qingfeng and Lu Fang were still fighting against each other just now.

They all sat next to Jin Si, drinking wine and eating meat.

"There was so much movement at the foot of the mountain just now, and now there is no movement at all. Will we be suspected?" Qingfeng asked.


Jin Si stood up and raised his palms high.

In an instant, the dark clouds in the sky turned into a whirlpool, and at the same time there was lightning and thunder.

At the same time, two streams of red and blue energy collided with each other in the sky, and continued to fall in the aftermath.

Both the good and the evil at the foot of the mountain were shocked when they saw the vision.

That was simply not a fight they could understand.

How strong is the martial arts required to achieve the terrifying power of those two people?

The world seemed to be shaking in the fight between the two.

Everyone's heart was pulled in, and they didn't dare to breathe.

At this moment, they realized the powerlessness of mortals when facing the battle between gods and demons.

Even many of them were once high-ranking martial arts masters.

But in front of those two peerless powerful men, they didn't even have the courage to face them.

There was only one person present, and his face was not one of horror, but a look of headache.

Qingsong really didn't want to stand here.

He wanted to find a place to sit, have something to eat and drink.

Can't you finish your work earlier? You have to wait so long.

Also, a lot of the aftermath fell on Wudang buildings, causing a lot of damage.

Qingfeng is not a family member, so she doesn't know that oil and salt are expensive.

Little did he know that the three of them were eating and drinking at the top of Lingjue Peak.

"Jin Si, when will our play be performed?"

"Just wait a few hours and you'll be done. You won't be able to see anything at night, so it won't be fun."

The three of them were just stalling for time. Both the good and the evil at the foot of the mountain were nervous to death, but they were not in a hurry.

By evening, the sky had begun to darken.

At this moment, countless fireballs fell from the sky.

Everyone hurriedly avoided or resisted.

Immediately afterwards, a figure staggered down.

The person who came was none other than Lu Fang. Looking at him, he seemed to be seriously injured.

The next moment, Qingfeng followed.

Different from Lu Fang's embarrassing appearance, Qingfeng is much more calm.

With a light figure, he calmly landed in the center of the field.

"Huntian Demon, you are defeated."

Lu Fang's face turned pale: "You didn't win much against me."

"Victory is victory, defeat is defeat." Qingfeng said calmly: "Within ten years, if I hear that you are causing trouble in the world again, I will crush you to ashes."

"We can't let him go, Alliance Leader."

A group of people in the world hurriedly shouted.

"Haha...cough cough..." Lu Fang coughed several times: "Although I am injured, your alliance leader is not much better than me. If anyone has the courage, just come forward."

Everyone looked at Lu Fang, all showing fear.

Without Qingfeng to carry them, they knew that they would definitely not be able to defeat Lu Fang, even if he was injured.

"Ten years from now, I will definitely wipe out the entire world with blood."

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