Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One thousand one hundred and thirty-four, obsessed with ghosts

Everyone watched Lu Da lead people away in a swaggering manner.

But no one dared to step forward to stop him.

Waiting until Lu Fang left, Qingfeng suddenly vomited blood.

"Alliance leader."

Everyone shouted in panic.

"Huntian Mo, Huntian Mo Kung is really powerful." Qingfeng followed Jin Si's suggestion.

You must win, but you can't win too easily.

It must be the kind that injures the enemy a thousand times and damages oneself eight hundred.

Otherwise, those heroes will not be grateful.

At this time, a famous martial artist said: "Fairy, you are able to repel the Huntian Demon, which is a great achievement. But now you have let the Huntian Demon go. Ten years later, what will happen if the Huntian Demon brings trouble to the world again?" ?”

"Yes, yes, it is better for the fairy to pass the Huntian Treasure Mirror to a virtuous person. In the future, the Huntian Demon will cause trouble again, and it can effectively assist the fairy in capturing the Huntian Demon."

The two men sang together, and they were eyeing the Huntian Baojian.

Who wouldn’t be tempted by such peerless magic?

They didn't dare to covet it before.

But now, Qingfeng is injured.

And it seemed that the injury was not serious, which made them feel that the opportunity had come.

If one can obtain such magical skills, unification of the world will be just around the corner.

And they said this in public regardless of their face.

They didn't believe that they were the only two people who were moved.

This was indeed the case, and everyone was moved.

Some people are thin-skinned and unwilling to speak.

But there are still many people whose eyes are shining with greed.

Qingfeng's mind is a little confused. Wait, the plot shouldn't be like this.

Shouldn't he try his best to defeat the Huntian Demon, and then they will be grateful and admire him forever?

Why are you coveting my Huntian Treasure Book just after the Huntian Demon left?


What does the Huntian Baojian have to do with you? "Qingsong can't stand it anymore.

Please, please don’t seek death.

That thing is really not something you can covet.

At this time, a gray-haired old man spoke: "Peerless magical skills can only be found by those who are virtuous, not to mention that the threat of the Hun Tian Demon is still there. We just feel that the leader is not capable enough. We want to help the leader share the pressure. Just imagine, if we can If there are more people who practice the Huntian Treasure Mirror, the Huntian Demon will not be so rampant."

"That's right. For the sake of the world, and for the sake of the world, please consider the leader of the alliance and publicize the Hun Tian Bao Jian."

"Alliance leader, people in the world will remember you."

"What if I refuse?" Qingfeng gradually understood.

Both she and Jin Si made a mistake.

They all underestimated human greed.

In other words, they revealed a treasure in front of everyone.

But they have forgotten the truth that money moves people's hearts.

At this moment, Qingfeng was a little uninterested.

"Please, Alliance Leader, have mercy on all people in the world."

No one answered Qingfeng's question directly, but the eyes of most people already showed a dangerous light.

"Those who want the Huntian Treasure Mirror should come forward." Qingfeng said lightly.

At the beginning, everyone was still hesitant.

But after silence, the first person stood up.

Then the second, the third...

More and more people are coming forward.

The more people there are, the more courage they have.

In the end, only a dozen honest children retreated silently.

These people are the last consciences of this world.

"Okay, very good. I will work hard for this world. When the time comes, you want to make a fortune for me. In that case, I will help you."

Qingfeng's eyes were filled with murderous intent, a red light flashed, and a red sky crystal appeared in front of her.

"This is the Hun Tian Bao Jian. You said that the virtuous people live here. Who will try it today and see who is the virtuous person?"

The red light of the sky crystal is mysterious, shining with a thrilling brilliance.

Everyone's eyes were full of greed.

The biggest mistake Jin Si and Qingfeng made was that Jin Si made Qingfeng only show strength, kindness and kindness, but forgot to show coldness.

What's more, she is a woman. People in the world think Qingfeng is easy to bully.

Sometimes, being weak is not the original sin, but kindness is.

Finally, a figure rushed over and grabbed Tianjing.

The man's figure was extremely fast, but many people still recognized his origin.

He is a famous thief in the world.

Of course, not many people know how much moisture this kind of grand thief has.

No matter what his moral level is, his business ability is definitely good.

At least among the many heroes, he dared to be the first to take action, especially in front of Qingfeng.

This shows that he is extremely confident in his Qinggong.

This person grabbed Tianjing and tried to escape.

But the next moment, he felt a tingling pain in his palm.

He turned around and saw that his palm was gone...

Gone? The thief was shocked.

Looking at Tianjing again, it turned into a red sword at this moment.

Qingfeng didn't see any movement, and the red sword had already cut off the thief's hand.

The thief was so frightened that he wanted to run away.

But his speed was too late to avoid Qingfeng's sword.

They have obviously forgotten that Qingfeng's reputation in the world is Jinghong Yijian.

Qingfeng flicked his hand, and a ten-foot-long sword energy fell in the air.

Dozens of heroes were cut into pieces before they had time to react.

"Devil sword! Witch, you dare to hurt people's lives!!"

The other heroes shouted in horror.

"Hmph!" Qingfeng slashed out with his sword, and dozens of heads flew up.

Qingsong sighed, finally reaching this point.

"Xiao Feng'er, forget it, let them go, they are just temporarily confused."

Qingfeng silently turned around and looked at Qingsong, her eyes full of indifference.

With murderous intentions, there is no way to stop just now.

"Head Qingsong, please quickly work with us to subdue this witch."

At this moment, these heroes are not ready to die down, they still want to subdue Qingfeng and obtain the Hun Tian Baojian.

As Qingfeng's murderous intention rose, the Heavenly Crystal Sword in Qingfeng's hand suddenly burst into glory.

Qingfeng swung the sword edge with all his strength, and a sword energy tore through the earth and directly traversed the spot.

This sword was truly shocking, and a thousand-foot chasm came into view.

At this moment, everyone was terrified.

They originally thought that while Qingfeng was weak, they might be able to force her to hand over the Huntian Treasure Book.

Unexpectedly, even though Qingfeng was injured, he was still so terrifying.

Even Qingsong was shocked by Qingfeng's sword.

And Qingfeng also woke up after this sword attack.

This is not due to her abilities.

Qingfeng looked at the Heavenly Crystal Sword in his hand, and then looked at Ling Jueding in the distance.

And those heroes who wanted to seize the Huntian Treasure Mirror were even more frightened at this moment.

At this time, they finally realized that they had made a huge mistake.

Qingfeng looked at the heroes and snorted coldly: "You guys go back now, and then I will go and clean them up one by one. Don't even think about escaping."

"Fairy, I'm waiting for Meng Lang. I'm obsessed with things. Fairy, please forgive me."

"Excuse me? I don't forgive you!"

"Fairy, do you really want to kill everyone?"

"Fairy, you are so cruel, how are you different from an evil spirit?"

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