Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand One Thousand Thirty-Five Another Trouble

"You forced me to become a demon, then I am a demon now."

They definitely didn't know that Qingfeng was originally the daughter of the devil.

"Your cruel behavior will be despised by people in the world."

"You are only allowed to kill me, but I am not allowed to kill you?"

"We are also doing this for the good of the world and the common people, not for our own selfish desires."

"Yes, yes, we are not coveting your martial arts. We just saw that you were unable to suppress the Huntian Demon alone, so we wanted to lend a helping hand. How could we expect that you misunderstood us so deeply."

"Haha... That's so beautiful." Qingfeng laughed: "Then I will make a contribution to the world and the common people today. I will kill you all. This can be regarded as a contribution to the world and the common people!"

Originally Qingfeng did not intend to kill them all.

But now, Qingfeng's murderous intention that had just been put away was rising again.

"Witch, how dare you!"

"Look, when you do what you want, you call me fairy, and when you don't, you call me witch. As expected, you can call me right or wrong."

Suddenly, countless sword shadows appeared in the sky.

By the end of the day, everyone had accepted countless scenes that destroyed their outlook on life.

At this moment, this scene appeared again, and everyone naturally felt that this was Qingfeng's doing.

But this obviously has nothing to do with Qingfeng.

Qingfeng herself was a little distracted.

Is this Jin Si's move?

At this moment, the sword shadow fell down.

Not only the martial arts heroes, but also everyone in Wudang.

Qingfeng can ignore the martial arts heroes, but he cannot ignore the martial arts heroes.

Qingfeng immediately waved the Tianjing Sword and propped up a crystal wall.

The martial arts heroes suffered heavy casualties.

A human face appeared in the dark clouds in the sky.

Everyone was stunned by this myth-like sight.

"what a pity,

My plan actually failed to succeed. The man had a look of regret on his face: "I thought you could fight the Huntian Demon and both sides would suffer, but I didn't expect that you would rather let go of the Huntian Demon than guard me secretly. Fortunately, these greedy mortals have cost you a lot of energy." . "

Everyone was shocked, except Qingfeng who looked calm.

Confirmed, this guy is Jin Si.

Although this scene is not in the script.

But it doesn't matter, Qingfeng knows how to adapt to changes.

"Thousand-year-old Evil Lord, I knew that the birth of the Huntian Demon was related to you. Your tricks were able to hide it from the Huntian Demon and these idiots, but you can't hide it from me."

As soon as everyone heard the name of this thousand-year-old evil master, they knew that the other party was not simple.

Of course, you will know better by looking at the appearance of this appearance.

"So what, how much power do you have left now? Can you stop me with just you now?"

The man's face opened his mouth, and a bolt of lightning came out of his mouth.

The electric arc was like a peerless python attacking Qingfeng.

Qingfeng immediately raised his sword to block, and the arc was blocked by the Sky Crystal Sword.


The arc fell on the nearby mountain peak, and the top of the mountain shattered into pieces.

Rubbles were flying, and the knights tried to avoid the falling boulders.

They have endured too many shocks today.

But the Millennium Evil Lord in front of him is undoubtedly the most shocking one.

No matter the strength or the way he appears.

"Haha... You really don't have much skill left. In the past, you could have counterattacked directly, but now you can only block my attack."

"Thousand-year-old Evil Lord, please stop being so arrogant! Watch your moves..."

With a wave of Qingfeng's sword, a huge figure of Nuwa appeared.

This Dharma image looks impressive, but is actually useless.

This is the move that Jin Si taught Qingfeng, which can be regarded as a kind of martial arts.

It belongs to the type that is only good at seeing but not useful, and is specially used to bluff people.

Nuwa's Dharma Image soared straight into the sky and hit the big face formed by the condensed dark clouds.


"Ah... I underestimated the power of the Huntian Treasure Mirror... Don't think that you can defeat me this way. My evil aura has been dispersed and merged with these idiots present. Although they are stupid, they are extremely consistent with my evil aura. , in a few years, I will come in full glory, and you will be the first to be killed!"

The human face disintegrated and turned into balls of black energy that fell down and entangled most of the martial arts people.

And none of the people who had not chosen to besiege Qingfeng before were chosen.

"Hmph... After completing the task of eradicating evil, those who are contaminated by evil spirits will die!"

Qingfeng finally understood that the purpose of Jin Si's performance was to give her a legitimate reason to kill.

Some of the ones who had shouted the loudest before were surrounded by black air.

"Wait... don't look for me... don't look for me..."

"I have not been invaded by evil spirits...I have not been invaded by evil spirits..."

Those who were not invaded by the black energy stayed away from it with the Wudang disciples.

People who are invaded by black energy will have varying degrees of physical changes.

"What's going on with these people? Will they become like this if they are invaded by that evil spirit?"

"Is this a change caused by evil spirits?"

"It's not a change caused by the evil spirit. It's because their minds were impure and they were invaded by the evil spirit. You see, we are all safe and sound. These people do not deserve sympathy and deserve to die."

"Yes, the alliance leader has worked hard to protect the people and fight against evil spirits, but they covet the alliance leader's martial arts. Now they are invaded by evil spirits. This shows that they are not good people in the first place."

Qingfeng didn't need to be merciful this time.

Since everyone has been offended, let’s just eliminate the root cause.

What followed was a massacre.

Qingsong has been silent since being stared at by Qingfeng.

On the one hand he knew he couldn't stop it.

Furthermore, he didn't want Qingfeng to hate him even more.

Qingsong saw Jin Si appearing in the crowd.

He knew in his heart that the various visions just now must be Jin Si.

After everything that happened just now, Qingsong guessed that Jin Si was probably an inhuman being.

It's just that if such a monster appears in this world, I don't know whether it's good or bad.

And Jin Si has great supernatural powers, and he also knows that if Jin Si really wants to do something, he can't stop Jin Si.

In Qingsong's eyes, Jin Si is either a god or a monster.

Finally, the last person in the martial arts world who was corrupted by the evil spirit died in Qingfeng's hands.

Qingfeng returned to the crowd with a stern face.

The remaining martial arts people were all timid.

"Meet the leader."

"No need to be polite. This is all caused by the evil intentions of these evil demons and outsiders. It has nothing to do with you. You can leave on your own."

"The leader of the alliance should be respected for his efforts to eliminate this evil spirit in the martial arts world. Who knows, these people do not know what is good or evil, and actually plot the leader's magical power. After we leave, we should make the deeds of the leader and the actions of these people with evil intentions known to the public. "

No matter what their thoughts were, these people were at least frightened to death by Qingfeng's martial arts.

Furthermore, there may be something bad going on in this world in the future, and Qingfeng will need to take action when the time comes.

Putting aside other things, once the ten-year period of the Hun Tian Demon comes, there will definitely be another bloody storm.

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