Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One thousand one hundred and thirty-six Dugu Wudi, you haven’t made any progress at all.

It can be said that Qingfeng became famous in one battle and shocked the world.

Although Qingfeng has become famous.

But this time even the court was alarmed.

Anyway, there are all kinds of things uploaded in Jianghu, and it is difficult to distinguish the true from the false.

In short, Qingfeng really became the well-deserved number one in the world this time.

And what's rare is that no one poured dirty water on her.

After all, what Qingfeng showed in that battle was not only his martial arts, but also his ruthless side.

If anything bad comes to Qingfeng's ears, there's no guarantee she won't check your water meter.

As for the Huntian Demon, the Millennium Evil Lord, etc., Jin Si and Qing don't need to explain.

The people in the world have succeeded in making up their minds, and even the grudges and grudges between them have been made clear.

For example, the unfounded Millennium Evil Lord can be linked to Sui Yang Emperor Yang Guang.

It was originally a name that Qingfeng thought of temporarily, but in the end, people in the world actually added a million words of its origin.

Of course, there are still some people who put gold on their faces, saying that their ancestors have also contributed to the fight against the Millennium Evil Lord.

The currently accepted story in the world is that the Millennium Evil Master stole the Huntian Treasure Mirror thousands of years ago, and later used the Huntian Treasure Mirror as a blueprint to create the Huntian Demonic Skill.

The martial arts myths of subsequent dynasties all took the mission of destroying the thousand-year-old evil lord.

Then, seeing that the Thousand-Year Evil Lord couldn't bear it anymore, he passed the Huntian Demon Kungfu to a demon, and the first generation of Huntian Demon was born.

But he never thought that Huntian Demon and Wulin Shinhwa would join forces to seal the Thousand-Year Demon Lord.

After sealing the Millennium Evil Lord, Huntian Demon continued to fight against Wulin Shinhwa.

This fight lasts for thousands of years, each generation of martial arts myths and each generation of Huntian Demon.

But if the Thousand-Year Evil Lord is born, the two will join forces to take down the Thousand-Year Evil Lord first.

And Qingfeng naturally became a martial arts legend after becoming the leader of the martial arts alliance.

Qingfeng and Jinsi were heading towards Mount Tai at this moment.

Today's Dugu is invincible,

Still guarding that one-third of an acre of land.

Dugu Wudi is still the same Dugu Wudi, as proud as an old hen.

No matter how chaotic the outside world is, he remains firm and unmoving.

However, as all kinds of incredible powerful people continue to appear in the world.

Dugu Wudi has long been invincible.

Of course, Dugu Wudi has not been idle in the past two years.

Dugu Wudi has been in seclusion ever since he was pressed to the ground and rubbed by Jin Si.

I only occasionally heard my disciple Gongsun Hong mentioning things outside.

What are some martial arts myths, some martial arts leaders, some Huntian Demon, some Huntian Treasure Mirror, some Huntian Demon Skill, etc.

Dugu Wudi just smiled freely.

When I was in retreat, there were really no tigers in the mountains, and the monkeys were the kings.

How dare any cat or dog have such a crazy title?

His own Heaven-Destroying, Earth-Destroying and Heavenly Demon Technique is the most powerful.

Dugu Wudi still firmly believes.

As long as you have achieved great success, the day you come out of seclusion will be the time when the world gets back on track.

He will once again rule the world.

Just a few days ago, Dugu Wudi came out of seclusion.

First, he hosted a banquet for many relatives and friends, and after eating and drinking, he began to compete with those in the same profession.

Then he expressed that he was going to kill those martial arts myths, the Hun Tian Demon, and the Thousand Years Evil Lord.

In Dugu Wudi's eyes, only Qingsong can be considered his opponent.

Everyone else is just a clown.

At this moment, a disciple hurried in.


"Speak nicely." Dugu Wudi frowned and scolded.

"Wulin Shinhwa... is outside, saying that he wants the leader to go out and pay a visit..."

Dugu Wudi's face was stern: "What nonsense martial arts myth, it's just a local chicken and a dog that has been touted."

When he first became famous, he used this trick to get hype.

What kind of supernova is the devil’s sect, what is the son of hope for the future of the devil’s sect, what is the genius boy of the devil’s sect, the hope of revitalizing the devil’s sect…

However, this martial arts myth has obviously been exaggerated.

What a mess of titles.

"I can be considered his senior after all. If he wants to pay his respects, he must pay his respects to me."

"The leader... martial arts mythology says... if the leader is not seen within a stick of incense, then she will kill the Invincible Sect with blood."

"How brave! I want to see how this person cleans our Invincible Sect with blood."

When Dugu Wudi heard this, he became furious.

Dugu Wudi has been hearing rumors about this martial arts myth for the past two years.

Especially recently, after he came out of seclusion, he heard that the martial arts myth has now become the leader of the martial arts alliance.

The more you listen to it, the more you become numb.

And he particularly looked down on this so-called martial arts myth.

Do cats and dogs now dare to call themselves martial arts myths?

Then what has he become, a martial arts legend?

If it were the past, Dugu Wudi wouldn't even bother to ask.

Such people come and go quickly.

It won't be long before it becomes like a shooting star, fleeting.

But this time, the other party actually bullied him.

what is this? You look down on yourself, right?

Okay, let me show you today how much your martial arts legend weighs.

Dugu Wudi calmly waited for the arrival of a stick of incense.

When the time for burning incense was up, a loud noise suddenly came from outside.

Several disciples suddenly flew in upside down.

Dugu Wudi suddenly opened his eyes.

Just as Dugu Wudi was about to speak, he saw a beautiful figure falling into the main hall of Wudi Gate.

When Dugu Wudi saw the visitor, the expression on his face was so wonderful.

"Feng... Feng'er?" Dugu Wudi's face was filled with astonishment.

He never dreamed that the visitor would be his 'daughter' who had been missing for two years.

"Dugu Wudi, I am no longer the daughter you know." Qingfeng said calmly: "I heard that you disobeyed orders. It just so happened that, as a member of the Demon Sect, I had the right to destroy the Wudi Sect. .”

"Haha..." Dugu Wudi laughed loudly after a brief absence of concentration: "Dugu Feng, in two years, you actually dare to speak to your father like this."

"You are not my father." Qingfeng said lightly.

Dugu Wudi looked surprised, did she know?

"Presumptuous!" Although Dugu Wudi never regarded Dugu Feng as his daughter, he was full of oppression against Qingfeng in the past. Qingfeng did not dare to breathe in front of Dugu Feng, but now he actually dares to speak to himself like this.

Dugu Wudi's right palm was filled with black energy, and he slapped Qingfeng.

Qing Feng Feng Feng raised her eyebrows, but there was no movement. The energy around her body swayed, and Dugu Wudi was knocked back three steps.

"Dugu Wudi, in two years, even a pig can be different, but you have not made any progress at all. What have you done in these two years?" Qingfeng said provocatively, her eyes full of ridicule.

Dugu Wudi suddenly became furious. He had made no progress at all?

In the past two years, I have not only broken through to the ninth level of the Heaven-Destroying Demon Technique, but my skill has also increased by at least 30%. I have not made any progress?

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