Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One thousand one hundred and thirty-seven 3000 trouble silk

Dugu Wudi was furious, his true energy surged, and the air pressure in the hall suddenly increased.

The disciples of the Invincible Sect didn't dare to breathe, and their hearts almost stopped.

This is the uniqueness of the Heaven-Destroying Demon Technique, which can exert pressure on the surroundings.

Qingfeng frowned slightly, snorted softly, and raised his hand, the ceiling of the entire hall was directly disintegrated, no, it should be said to be disintegrated.

The pressure exerted by Dugu Wudi suddenly disappeared.

Dugu Wudi was shocked, and the Wudi disciples were also shocked.

What method is this?

Qingfeng raised her arm and held her jade palm towards the sky.

The debris and rubble in the sky were crushed into a ball.

Only then did Dugu Wudi realize it.

The name Wulin Myth is no joke.

This kind of martial arts is simply unheard of.

What has Qingfeng experienced in the past two years?

Dugu Wudi feels that the level of his Heaven-Destroying, Earth-Destroying and Heavenly Demon Skill is very low.

"Dugu Wudi! Do you still want to fight?"

Dugu Wudi did not rush past.

This is a very real problem. He and Qingsong have been fighting for half his life.

Although we lose more than we win, at least we are evenly matched every time.

Regardless of whether he or Qingsong wins, the victory is only one and a half moves at most.

But facing Qingfeng, he felt that it was not a question of winning or losing, but a question of how to die.

At this moment, Dugu Wudi is no longer invincible.

Dugu Wudi's whole body was drained of energy.

I feel ten years older in an instant.

"Feng'er, you win. If you want my life, take it."

Qingfeng didn't feel the thrill of victory.

Suddenly it felt a little boring.

"Where's my mother?"

"What are you going to do?" Dugu Wudi asked with a frown.

"Take her away."

"You can't take her away! She's my wife."

If we really want to discuss this matter, Dugu Wudi is the victim.

Qingsong cuckolded him, and her daughter-in-law Shen Manjun has been thinking about Qingsong for more than 20 years.

"Not anymore."

Dugu Wudi couldn't bear it on the spot and slapped Qingfeng with all his strength.

But Qingfeng only gave an understatement, and Dugu Wudi was defeated.

The gap is too big to make any sense.

Dugu Wudi vomited blood and flew backwards, stood up with disheveled hair, and attacked Qingfeng again.

Qingfeng slapped Dugu Wudi away with another palm.

Time and time again, Dugu Wudi seemed to be invincible.

Qingfeng's attacks became more and more severe.

She didn't like the process.

She hoped that Dugu Wudi could give up as soon as possible.

But Qingfeng didn't know that this was Dugu Wudi's last dignity.

Now, Qingfeng wants to take away his last dignity.

Use a very popular saying to describe the current Dugu Wudi.

You can defeat me, but you can't trample on my dignity.

Dugu Wudi is fighting Qingfeng with his life at this moment.

Qingfeng was a little angry: "Dugu Wudi, don't be stubborn! I won't be polite if you do this again."

"Take my life if you want it, but you want to take my woman away from me, dream on."

Qingfeng finally gave up. After two years of psychological construction, she still couldn't attack Dugu Wudi.

At this moment, Dugu Wudi was covered in blood and couldn't even move, but he still stood there stubbornly.

Based on his character, if it were another work, he would definitely be the protagonist of the Immortal Little Strong Flow.

Qingfeng turned and left with a livid face.

Jin Si was waiting for Qingfeng outside the Wudi Gate.

Looking at Qingfeng's expression, Jin Si knew that Qingfeng had failed.

Even the two years of planning failed at this moment.

Qingfeng wants to take away everything that Dugu Wudi has.

But Qingfeng was not ruthless enough, which was the biggest reason for her failure.

In terms of her strength, even if she wants the throne, Jin Si can help her get it.

But what Qingfeng wanted, Jin Si couldn't help.

Qingfeng is now a martial arts legend, the leader of the martial arts alliance, and possesses peerless magical power.

She did all this because these things were what Dugu Wudi dreamed of.

But only then did she realize that what Dugu Wudi wanted was never these, but her mother Shen Manjun.

"Are you unable to do it? How about I do it for you?"

"don't want."

Qingfeng immediately rejected Jin Si's proposal.

It would be a lie to say that Qingfeng has no feelings for Dugu Wudi.

It was precisely because she still had feelings that she couldn't take action.

"Jin Si, do you think I did something wrong?"

"This is not your own feelings. If you interfere with other people's feelings, this will definitely be the result."

"But didn't you say that the person my mother loves is Qingsong? It's not okay for me to take my mother to Qingsong now?"

"Let's not talk about how Dugu Wudi is as a person. Let's just talk about his feelings for your mother. They are absolutely unadulterated, and they are a legitimate couple. Your mother was originally sorry for Dugu Wudi, so I don't think Dugu Wudi has any Whatever I did wrong, if it were me, I would be more ruthless than Dugu Wudi."

"You mean, I will betray you too?"

"Can you stop jumping so much? I'll talk about it."

"Then what do you think we should do?"

"What should I do? Either you cruelly take your mother away and kill Dugu Wudi first, or you don't get involved in the feelings of your elders."

"But... doesn't this offend my mother?"

"Why do you think your mother hasn't left Dugu Wudi in the past twenty years? She is trying to atone for her sins."

Human emotions are the most complicated things.

Jin Si generally keeps a respectful distance from other people's feelings.

If Jin Si has nothing to do with Dugu Wudi, he will be beaten to death.

But he is Qingfeng's adoptive father anyway.

So Jin Si doesn't express much opinion on their relationship.

The relationship between Qingsong, Shen Manjun and Dugu Wudi is too complicated.

Moreover, is it really okay to send Shen Manjun to Qingsong?

What kind of virtue does Qingsong have? He is a complete hypocrite.

He can take off his pants to be romantic, and put on his pants to be ruthless.

What kind of virtue is it to have sex with someone else's wife and ignore her for twenty years?

The relationship between the three of them is that I don't love the person who loves me, and the person I love doesn't love me.

In Jin Si's eyes, Qingsong was not even as good as Dugu Wudi.

Qingfeng was silent and didn't speak for a long time.

On the one hand, she couldn't bear to kill Dugu Wudi, and on the other hand, she felt that her mother should leave Dugu Wudi's side.

"If you don't know what to do, ask your mother."

Qingfeng thought for a moment and nodded to accept Jin Si's proposal. She had realized the mistake in her thinking.

Indeed, I took it too much for granted, thinking that what I thought was right.

Qingfeng arrived at the bamboo forest with ease. There was a Buddhist temple deep in the bamboo forest.

Qingfeng's mood was complicated. At this moment, Jin Si suddenly shouted: "Is your mother-in-law here? Your son-in-law is here to see you."

Qingfeng glared at Jin Si: "Shut up and don't disturb my mother's retreat."

Jin Si is still looking forward to his mother-in-law, who was the most beautiful girl in the world twenty years ago.

He shouldn't be forty yet.

A story that my mother-in-law and I had to tell already popped into Jin Si's mind.

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