Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One thousand one hundred and thirty-nine Universe Neighborhood Committee

It has to be said that after the mentality change, Dugu Wudi's rank has changed.

In the past, Dugu Wudi's method was the bronze level.

Now he is actually heading towards the level of a Grandmaster.

Dugu Wudi even urged Jin Si and Qingfeng to get married.

Dugu Wudi knows how to behave, and Jin Si is very satisfied.

Of course, not everyone agrees, such as Dugu Wudi’s eldest disciple Gongsun Hong.

Originally, he had always felt that Qingfeng should be hers.

But Jin Si suddenly appeared and snatched Qingfeng away.

But his opinion didn't matter.

No one cares what he thinks.

Jin Si doesn't care, Qingfeng doesn't care, and even Dugu Wudi doesn't care.

Their wedding was not a big one, and they only invited a few people from Wudang.

For example, green pines, or flying clouds.

Lu Fang also came secretly.

To the outside world, Lu Fang is the Huntian Demon, a peerless demon.

But to Jin Si and Qingfeng, Lu Fang was a friend.

At the wedding banquet, Jin Si and Qing Feng were naturally the protagonists.

But Dugu Wudi focused entirely on Yun Feiyang.

It is estimated that he now takes Jin Si's advice to heart.

Today's Dugu Wudi is a real dog, and he has been growing obscenely.

It won't take long for Qingsong to find out that the backyard is on fire.

The days went on as usual, with Jin Si just throwing secret books everywhere.

The world became lively because of Jinsi.

Of course, it's better to say it's lively than chaotic.

If you perform some magical skill today, you will perform a magical skill tomorrow.

You fight for it, it's so lively.

There are also many people who have obtained magical powers.

He came to challenge Qingfeng.

The myth of martial arts is still the myth of martial arts.

Those who came to find trouble were all taught how to behave by Qingfeng's slap.

Jin Si's power has only recovered 1% now, and the recovery progress is quite slow.

Qingfeng is currently busy with official duties. As the leader of the martial arts alliance and the head of Wudang, she has too many affairs that need to be dealt with.

However, Qingfeng plans to make Yun Feiyang the leader of Wudang in two years.

"Jin Si, I have it."

The news came very suddenly.

When Jin Si was preparing to do something with Qing Feng.

Qingfeng informed Jin Si of the news so suddenly.

Jin Si's expression was wonderful.

"good very good."

"you are not happy?"

"No, it's not that I'm unhappy, it's that it's complicated."

Jin Si thought of another child in this world.

He and Ying Yinman's child was born more than a thousand years ago.

I'm afraid it has already decayed with the years.

After all, he was the child born to Ying Yinman as a human being.

He doesn't have extraordinary abilities, and at least his lifespan is difficult to achieve.

Jin Si caressed Qingfeng's belly.

Jin Si slowly sent in the Yin and Yang Chakra.

The little guy now may be an embryo.

Even Jinsi can't do much.

At this moment, Jin Si felt a breath coming from outside, a powerful breath.

A breath that shouldn't belong to this world.

Qingfeng felt it too.

"That is……"

"It's okay, you continue to sleep, I'll go out and take a look." Jin Si picked up his clothes and went out.

But Qingfeng still followed him out. He was a man wearing steel armor.

Jin Si frowned: "Who are you?"

"I feel that the time in this world is out of order. Is it you?"

"Who are you!" Jin Si asked again.

Iron Man's gaze skipped over Jinsi, fell on Qingfeng's body, and then on Qingfeng's abdomen.

Jin Si's face instantly became furious: "Do you want to die?"

Iron Man pointed his finger at Qingfeng.

But the next moment, Jin Si was already standing in front of Iron Man.

Iron Man's fingers shot out a golden light.


Jin Si vomited blood.

Qingfeng was shocked. This was the first time she saw Jin Si injured.

Originally, she thought that Jin Si would be the same as in the past, Qingsong defeated his opponent.

But this time the enemy is obviously different from the previous opponents.

Jin Si looked down at his chest.

The wound on the chest is slowly healing.

Iron Man had an arrogant look and said in an indifferent tone: "You should not protect her. Only by eliminating her can the normal operation of this world be ensured."


Jin Si's fist penetrated the iron man.

But in the next moment, Iron Man turned into a shadow.

Jin Si raised his head and looked at the sky.

Under the night sky, a huge iron man appeared.

It was a giant two hundred feet tall.

Jin Si frowned, he had already confirmed the person coming.

The Universe Neighborhood Committee, the God Group!

Specialized in making trouble and meddling.

One of the five great gods, the eternal trumpet.

The Celestial Beings are created when the Eternals are dreaming.

The weakest ones all have the level of the Heavenly Father.

If Jin Si was in his prime, he could be turned into a pile of flying objects in minutes.

It's just that Jin Si really doesn't have that strength now.

Jin Si looked back at Qingfeng.

At this time, the God had stretched out his giant palm to grab Jin Si and Qing Feng.

Jin Si suddenly opened his eyes wide.

In an instant, the wind stopped howling and the clouds stopped rolling.

The god stopped, and so did the green phoenix.

Everything in this world has stopped, time has stopped.

Jin Si is risking his life.

When Jin Si paused time in his prime state, he collapsed.

What's more, it's just Jinsi in 1% state.

Jin Si instantly transformed into a giant ape, swallowed the god in one gulp, chewed it up, and swallowed it!

But the next moment, Jin Si felt weak as never before.

All Jin Si's power was exhausted at this time.

Jin Si originally wanted to digest the god first and add some strength.

But Jin Si still underestimated this weakness.

Jin Si's consciousness began to become blurry.

Jin Si suddenly thought of a way, the Heavenly Silkworm Kung Fu!

Isn't my current state just in line with the characteristics of the Heavenly Silkworm Art?

Break and then stand, break out of the cocoon and be reborn.

Jin Si never thought that one day he would have to abandon his martial arts and practice the Heavenly Silkworm Kung Fu.

But this is the only way.

God group! eternal! !

Jin Si has already remembered them in his heart.

Kill them!

Even if the universe is destroyed, they must be killed.

Qingfeng's eyes blurred, then the giant disappeared, Jin Si also disappeared, and the world returned to silence.

Qingfeng's heart felt empty, and tears fell unconsciously.

Jin Si's aura completely disappeared.

It's like it never happened.

Qingfeng looked for Jin Si blankly, searching all over the place, from the south to the north of the earth.

Even though he was pregnant, he still didn't give up looking for Jin Si's whereabouts.

This may be her lifelong wish.

However, long-cherished wishes will only be long-cherished wishes after all.

In the snow area, Qingfeng gave birth to a daughter.

Qingfeng settled in a village. After all, she could no longer move around with her child.

Occasionally, when she heard that someone suspected of being her husband appeared somewhere, she would leave the child in the village and go out to look for him.

Until one day, Qingfeng never returned to this village.

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