Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One thousand one hundred and forty eldest nephew

Ding ding ding——

"The drill bit in Well No. 3 broke. It seems that it hit metal."

"It's really troublesome." Mining workers complained. It was very troublesome to go down the well and take out the broken drill bit.

The workers came to the drilling well, which was filled with turbid sewage.

This water is used to cool the drill bit. In this turbid sewage, it is very dangerous to dive into a drilling well with a depth of tens or even hundreds of meters and lock the drill bit with the hook lock.

At this moment, a person suddenly floated up in the sewage.

The worker was stunned for a moment and quickly picked up the intercom: "Report, a corpse appeared in the drilling well. Repeat, a corpse appeared in the drilling well."

"What? There was a construction accident? Who fell into the drilling well?"

"I don't know, the naked body..." The worker lowered his head and looked, where was the person? Why is the person missing? Sinking?

Jin Si stole a worker's clothes and looked at the busy traffic in front of him.

What year is this now?

People on the streets still use Mobile Phones.

It probably hasn’t entered the second millennium yet.

Jin Si grabbed a passerby and said, "Brother, what year is this?"

A passerby looked Jin Si up and down: "He came from the mountains? This year is 99."


I don’t know if Howard is dead now.

If you're not dead, go and join him.

Jin Si clenched his fists, not to mention sleeping for hundreds of years.

Jin Si's strength has been restored to at least 80%.

Jin Si himself didn't expect that the Heavenly Silkworm Art could have such an effect.

Although the results during practice are not satisfactory.

However, using the method of breaking out of the cocoon and rebirth to restore one's skills, the effect is quite astonishing.

Kill the gods! To die for eternity, and to return to the past.

At least give Ying Yinman and Qingfeng an explanation.

Jin Si has a new goal in this world.

The easiest way to travel back in time is the Time Stone.

But to use the Time Stone, you have to be at least as good as the Ancient One.

Jin Si doesn't want to wander in time.

So this is the easiest and also the hardest.

Another way is to master the power of time yourself.

Jin Si now controls the power of time.

But it is also half-baked.

Stopping time for even one second would cause kidney failure.

As for going back in time, Jin Si can't do it now.

Jin Si flew directly across the Pacific Ocean, changed direction several times, and finally arrived in New York.

But then, Jin Si was confused, where to find it?

Stark Manor has long since changed.

It has been replaced by high-rise buildings.

There was no other way, Jin Si could only use his top skills and ask for directions.

"Brother, how to get to Stark Tower?"

The process of asking for directions was not smooth. Jin Si called several people before asking for the location of Stark Tower.

"Stop, sir, please show your ID." Jin Si was stopped by the security guard of the building.

"I don't work here."

"You can see it."

The security guard had a look of contempt on his face.

"I'm looking for someone, Stark, my eldest nephew." Jin Si said proudly.

"Sir, did you see that bus?"

"Well, I saw it, what does it have to do with me?"

"The destination of that bus is a mental hospital."

Ma Dan, you called me crazy to my face, right?

When you see my eldest nephew later, see if I don't let him fire you.

"You just wait to lose your job, and then you will become depressed, drink and do domestic violence all day long, and then your wife will not be able to stand you and leave you with the children. Finally, on a rainy night, you will have a heart attack and die alone. In a rental house.”

The security guard gave Jin Si the middle finger: "If you don't get out, I'll call the police."

At this moment, a young man came out of the elevator rubbing a beautiful blonde girl.

"Hi, Luo An." The young man and the security guard greeted each other: "Are you a visitor?"

"No, he is your guest. He is your eighteenth uncle." The security guard said.

This young man is Tony Stark. He looks to be around twenty-six or seventeen years old.

Tony pulled down his brown sunglasses and looked at Jin Si.

"Brother, please be more dedicated. Your skin color and age do not fit the character of my uncle."

"Is your father, Howard, dead? If not, let him come out and testify for me."

"Luo An, throw him out. It doesn't matter if you hit him harder."

Tony's face immediately darkened.

"Looks like he's dead." Jin Si was heartbroken, not because of Howard's death, but because his nephew couldn't recognize him anymore: "I told him at the beginning that he would kill Bucky when he saw him."

"Do you want to get out of here, or do you want me to do it?" The security guard grabbed Jin Si's shoulder.

"It seems that I need to change the way of communication."

Jin Si suddenly grabbed the security guard's wrist, then threw him over his shoulder and hit Tony.

The blonde ran away in fear, and the security guard fell on Tony.

Tony was about to push away the security guard and stand up, but Jin Si stepped on the security guard's back and also stepped on Tony's feet.

"Now, I need some money. If you have it handy, can you give it to me? Just treat it as a loan from me."

"Friend, if you want money, at least let me get up first."

Jin Si moved his foot away and stepped on Tony's lower body.

"I need ten thousand dollars."

"No problem, I'll write the check right away."

"I want cash."

Just kidding, after taking the check, can I really let him withdraw cash?

"I'll have someone pick it up now."

"Give me your wallet."

"I never carry cash," Tony said.

"Give me all the valuables you have, including your watch and rings."

"You only want ten thousand dollars. My watch is worth one hundred and fifty thousand dollars."

"I'll give you the money later."

"What if I refuse? Ah..."

As the soles of Jin Si's feet rubbed, Tony let out a scream.


The blonde beauty didn't know when she hit Jin Si on the back of the head with a fire extinguisher.

But the fire extinguishers were all deflated, and Jinsi was safe.

Jin Si turned back to look at the blonde beauty.

"I need an apology now, or I'll carry you home."

"Don't embarrass her." Tony said immediately: "It doesn't matter how much money you have, as long as you don't embarrass her."

"Such a gentleman."

"No man should embarrass a woman, especially a beautiful woman."

"Assuming this beauty doesn't hit you in the back of the head with a fire extinguisher."

"That's her way of saying hello."

Jin Si grabbed the fire extinguisher from the beauty: "It seems that I am behind the times. I also like this way of greeting."

Tony quickly took off his watch and threw it to Jin Si.

"Can you recommend a reputable second-hand mortgage shop? I just came to New York and am not very familiar with it."

"Don't bother, because the police will find you before you take off the watch, and then they will take you to apologize to me, and then I will hire the best lawyer to send you to jail."

Jin Si thought for a while and looked at Tony with evil intentions: "Does that mean if I kill you now, you won't be able to hire a lawyer?"

Tony was shocked: "Don't be impulsive. You are still young, and I am still young. We have not enjoyed the beauty of life. You can go to jail for up to one year for robbery, but if you kill me, you will either be alone in jail." End of life or die in the electric chair.”

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