Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One thousand one hundred and forty-one I will use such a thick stick**

"What you said makes sense, so what should I do? If I don't kill you, you will hire a lawyer, but if I kill you, I will have to bear a heavy crime."

"Otherwise, I can assure you that this time I will consider it my bad luck. I promise not to put pressure on the police or the judiciary."

"Are you serious?" Jin Si gradually calmed down his murderous eyes.

"Yes, I swear, I swear in the name of God."

"No, you don't believe in God." Jin Si said: "You swear in the name of little Tony, if you break your promise, you will never do it."

Tony's eyes widened and he looked at Jin Si angrily.

How did you come up with such a vicious oath?

"You don't want to swear, do you? I knew you were lying to me."

Jin Si's kick was even harder, and Tony was in extreme pain.

He felt like his lower body was going to explode.

"I swear...I swear, I swear in the name of little Tony, if I break my promise, little Tony will never lift."

"Well, in that case, I'll believe you for once."

Jin Si left in a swaggering manner.

Tony was filled with rage and his eyes flickered.

He was considering whether to break the oath he had just made.

In the end, he gave up the idea.

After all, this is an oath sworn by his own little brother.

Tony didn't want to risk his brother.

Even if the possibility of this danger is slim.

Jin Si whistled, and as soon as he left Stark Tower, he found someone following him.

The other party was obviously not prepared to take action immediately.

Jin Si also took him to a remote place.

When they reached the suburbs, Jin Si finally stopped.

When I turned around, I saw a man wearing a dark hooded hood and carrying a bow and quiver.

This shape can basically be confirmed,

This is Agent of SHIELD, Hawkeye.

Hawkeye had already noticed that the other party had noticed that he was following him.

Jin Si had also noticed it a long time ago, and Eagle Eye noticed that Jin Si noticed that Eagle Eye was following him.

So both parties had a tacit understanding to go to a remote place.

"Sir, can you come with me?"

"Did you bring any money?"

"What?" Hawkeye was stunned for a moment, not understanding what Jin Si meant.

"If you don't have the money, you might want to leave something else behind."

Hawkeye's face darkened, do you think I, SHIELD's number one thug, are just for a living?

Eagle Eye immediately rushed towards Jin Si. In his eyes, Jin Si's whole body was full of flaws.

So he doesn't need to prepare much at all.

But the next moment, he suddenly felt the waistband of his pants tighten.

The next moment, Jin Si picked up his belt and threw him over his shoulder.


Eagle Eye felt dizzy for a while. After jumping up again, he had to look at Jin Si again.

"Next time, your nose will be in direct contact with my knee."

"There won't be a next time!" Hawkeye took off his bow and arrows.

But Jin Si disappeared.

Hawkeye suddenly felt a chill coming from behind.

not good! Hawkeye immediately turned his head, but he was hit by a rear-end collision with Jin Si's knee.

Hawkeye stumbled back, holding his nose with anger on his face.

He would not give Jin Si another chance this time, Eagle Eye secretly swore.

"This time I'm going to poke you in the eye with two fingers."

"Dream!" Hawkeye quickly drew his bow and was about to aim at Jin Si.

But Jin Si disappeared before his eyes again.

There was a sense of crisis coming from behind again.

Hawkeye didn't dare to look back for fear of being poked in the eye.

He just rolled on the spot like a donkey.

But as he rolled, Jin Si stepped on him.

Moreover, the position he stepped on was extremely important, and he was unable to resist.

Jin Si once again used his special attack, causing the soles of his feet to rub against each other.


Hawkeye let out a very rhythmic scream.

"Didn't you mean... poke my eyes with your fingers?"

"Come on, lean up now, or I will continue to rub you."

Hawkeye was angry and humiliated.

But let him make a choice, and he must accept this request.

Jin Si took a few steps back, and Hawkeye felt even more humiliated.

The other party was obviously giving him another chance to struggle.

"See that stick?"

Eagle Eye was worried that it was Jin Si's conspiracy again, so he just carefully looked at the wooden stick not far away from the corner of his eye.

"Next, I will use that wooden stick to poke your butt, and it will go through your dilator, through your rectum, and then into your stomach. You will need to wear it for a long time in the future. Adult diapers.”

Hawkeye shivered and couldn't help but tighten his legs.

"Sir, if you want to fight, I will fight you to the end, but you can't insult my dignity."

"What if I insult you? What will you do?"

"I..." Hawkeye was very weak.

Yes, what can I do, I am also desperate.

"I surrender."

"Admit defeat? There is no such option. First, you have to take out all the valuable things on your body, and then I will evaluate the level of personal harm you will suffer based on the value."

Hawkeye became even more angry. I am the number one thug in S.H.I.E.L.D., you want to steal my money? Don't I want to lose face?

"It seems you don't want to, and I won't force you."

Jin Si picked up the stick. It was very rough. It was a stick that had fallen from a big tree nearby. He didn't know how long it had been, and it had already dried.

Hawkeye's eyes became sharp, and he took out a wallet from his tights. Don't ask how the wallet was hidden in the tights.

Hawkeye looked at his wallet, which was already not full, but it was even worse.

Hawkeye took out two big bills, crumpled them into a ball and threw them to Jin Si.

"Only two hundred dollars? Do you think I'm a beggar? You must pay for your actions."

Jin Si threw away the wooden stick in his hand and grabbed a wooden stick as thick as his fist.

Upon seeing this, Yingyan quickly threw the wallet to Jin Si: "This is all my belongings. If you are not satisfied, there is nothing I can do."

"Take off your clothes."

"what you up to!?"

"Stop talking nonsense, take it off, and take off your pants too."

"I reject!"

Jin Si reached out and pinched the tree pole next to him, and the tree pole was crushed directly.

"Believe me, whether you wear clothes or not does not affect what I want to do to you, so you should obey my request."

When Hawkeye saw Jin Si's strength, didn't Madhu say he was just an ordinary gangster? What kind of information was given above?

This guy is either mutated or genetically modified.

"Ten, nine, eight..." Jin Si began to count down.

Hawkeye finally took off his clothes and pants.

Jin Si went up and picked up all of Hawkeye's equipment: "Now, you have ten minutes to escape. Then I will catch up with you and stab you with such a thick wooden stick."

Hawkeye ran away as fast as he could, not caring about his consequences at this time.

And Hawkeye wasn't running aimlessly.

He was running towards the downtown area, towards the densely populated areas.

Jin Si didn't chase him at all, but counted the money in his wallet: "We have dinner and midnight snacks tonight."

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