Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand One Hundred and Forty-Five Breaking S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Barton, are you sure that guy will come?" Nick Fury asked.

From a rational point of view, he did not believe that Jin Si would jump into the trap.

This is not a wise choice.

As long as a normal person with a normal IQ should know.

This choice makes no sense and is bound to fail.

Not to mention SHIELD has an absolute resource advantage.

Even if Nick Fury had nothing, he could create a dragon's pool and a tiger's den in nearly ten days.

And with SHIELD's resources, in these ten days, Nick Fury created Alcatraz into a super trap.

Let alone one person, even if an army comes here, it will still fall.

"Yes." Barton nodded affirmatively: "I saw the arrogance and arrogance in that guy's eyes." Barton said: "I know this kind of people too well. They think they are strong enough to face all challenges. This This kind of person doesn’t even understand what escaping is, and it’s clear from his previous actions how arrogant he is.”

Nick Fury nodded. As the king of agents, he could also detect that that guy was indeed a very arrogant guy.

Wanted by SHIELD, he actually dared to beg on the street.

It's like telling everyone, I'm here, come and get me.

Although the opponent is very strong.

Nick Fury has seen too many masters.

But these guys will always pay the price for their arrogance.

Many times, you don't need to defeat him, he will be defeated by himself.

For example, this time, he has seen arrogant people, but he has never seen such an arrogant guy.

"I'm sorry, sir, this is a military restricted area. You should not go near this place."

"Ah? This is a military restricted area? Since it is a military restricted area, why are there no signs?" Jin Si looked at the soldiers at the gate with an innocent look.

"Please leave here immediately." The guard said impatiently.

"I would like to ask,

If I don't leave, will I be arrested? "

"What do you think?"

"Okay, actually I just had a fight with my wife and I need to find a place to calm down now, so can you arrest me?"

There was a bit of anger on the guard's face: "What do you think this place is?"

"I'm sorry, I really want to find a place to calm down."

"If you are detained here, you won't be able to get out in three to five days."

"Really? Can you stay away from that yellow-faced woman for a longer time? That's great, that's great. Come on, detain me, detain me quickly."

The guards have been on duty here for several years and have never seen such a request.

"Since you want to be locked up so much, then I'll let you!"

The guard didn't want to talk nonsense with Jin Si anymore. He directly pointed his gun at Jin Si and pressed Jin Si inside.

After being brought inside the base, the guards pushed Jin Si into a fully enclosed metal confinement room.

"Is there anything else you want to say?"

"Do you have any money?"

"What?" The guard obviously didn't understand what Jin Si meant.

"Forget it, since you brought me in, I won't take your money. By the way, do you know how to find the ventilation duct?"

The guard was quite alert and immediately sensed that there was something serious in Jin Si's words.

"Who are you!?" The guard drew his gun and pointed it at Jin Si.

"Bad guy." Jin Si grinned.

Pull the guard into the confinement room.

Then he took off his own clothes in a familiar way, and then took off the guards' clothes.

"Hey hey hey..."

After changing his clothes, Jin Si came out whistling.

A girl came towards me.

The girl suddenly stopped and stared at Jin Si.

Jin Si also stopped and looked at the girl condescendingly.

"You are not a guard here!!" The girl immediately realized that the man in front of her was not a guard.

Jin Si touched his cheek: "Isn't my disguise good enough? Where is my flaw?"

The girl avoided Jin Si's palm and reached out to grab Jin Si's wrist.

Then he grabbed Jin Si again and pressed him against the wall.

"Don't move!!"

" hurts..."

Although the girl is not old, she is really fierce!

He cleverly used his body to push Jin Si against the wall so that Jin Si could not move.

"Who are you!? What is the purpose of infiltrating SHIELD?"

"It's unfair. I just wanted to find the ventilation duct, add some drugs, and then arrest all the SHIELD people to threaten your director. I don't have any bad intentions."

The girl was stunned when she heard this. Damn it, isn't this a bad idea?

"Can you tell me where the ventilation duct is?"

"Be honest with me!"

The girl snorted coldly and took out her communicator: "Director, a man broke into the base, an Asian man, and he said he wanted to drug the ventilation ducts."

Nick Fury's scalp exploded instantly, Asian!

Mad, you were fooled!

"Hill, leave him! He is a dangerous person!"

Hill had a question mark on his face, dangerous person?

I subdued him with one move. Can such a person be considered a dangerous person?

But the next moment, Hill's head made close contact with the wall.

Hill was so dizzy that he almost lost his balance.

"I'm not even fainting..." Jin Si pinched the back of Hill's neck, pressed her against the wall, and picked up the communicator at the same time: "The one-eyed dragon is dead and bald, it's me, I'm the man you dream about day and night. Now, the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. is under my control, and if you don’t want the entire base and the agents in the base to get into any trouble, you’d better transfer one hundred thousand dollars to me.”

"Do you think SHIELD is that easy to defeat?" Nick Fury responded coldly.

"It's quite easy." Jin Si said disapprovingly: "Look, I came in easily."

"It's easy to get in, but hard to get out."

"Really, it seems that I must make some achievements, otherwise, you will not be able to recognize me."

"SHIELD accepts no threats."

"People should learn to compromise sometimes."

Jin Si threw Agent Hill into a solitary room.

Then start taking action.

Jin Si found another child to help lead the way.

Finally found the ventilation duct.

However, after Jin Si put the drug into the ventilation duct, it did not have the desired effect.

Nick Fury had already notified agents within SHIELD in advance.

Fortunately, these agents are also brave.

Instead of hiding, there are gold-hunting shops all over the world.

This also saved Jinsi a lot of trouble.

If they were hiding, finding them would be difficult.

As a result, they all ran out one by one to die.

Jin Si was completely unable to refuse their kindness.

Twenty minutes later, dozens of agents were tied up and gathered together.

Agent Hill was awake now, but she was also tied into a rice dumpling.

She finally believed now that this guy was really a dangerous person.

After all, since the establishment of SHIELD, there has been no record of being breached.

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