Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One thousand one hundred and forty-six There is a kind of fee called protection fee

"hurry up!"

Nick Fury urged.

When he led a large force outside SHIELD, he found that the guard at the door had disappeared.

The entire SHIELD was silent.

Barton immediately wanted to rush in.

But he was held back by Nick Fury.

"Barton, what are you doing!?"

"That damn guy lied to me! I want to settle the score with him."

Barton could only feel helpless and furious at the moment, he felt that his feelings had been deceived.

I trusted him so much that I thought he would jump into a trap.

As a result, he actually raided SHIELD's home base.

At this moment, SHIELD's broadcast rang: "People outside, listen, you have been surrounded. Now you put down your weapons and surrender immediately."

Although Nick Fury's face was ashen, his black face couldn't be seen.

He turned a deaf ear to the broadcast and directed.

"You lead the team in from here, you lead the people over there, Barton... you sneak in through door 2, take action."

Nick Fury acted alone.

He entered through the side door very carefully, carefully avoiding all kinds of surveillance along the way.

Rolling and crawling, drilling holes and climbing over walls.

And the screams of his men kept coming from the communicator in his ears.

His heart was very heavy, but no external disturbance could disrupt his rhythm.

He was still breaking through alone, all the way to the command center.

He avoided all checkpoints and surveillance.

He was sure that no one knew he had broken through.

But the moment he entered the command center, he felt a sudden pain in the back of his head.

Nick Fury reacted instantly and rolled on the spot.

He saw Jin Si standing behind the door with a baseball bat.

Nick Fury and Jin Si looked at each other.

"Not dizzy? Why is your head so hard?"

Nick Fury looked around, everyone in SHIELD was here.

All were tied into rice dumplings.

Including those who just came back, including Barton.

How long has it been? In ten minutes, how on earth did this guy deal with so many people in such a short period of time?

And all of them were captured alive.

Nick Fury pulled out the dagger hidden in his boot.

Jin Si dropped the baseball bat and pulled out a dagger from his crotch.

Nick Fury sneered, his dagger was a vibranium dagger, and this dagger could kill someone in the way of someone else.

Jin Si suddenly shot the dagger at Nick Fury.

Nick Fury easily avoids it.


There was a scream from behind, and the dagger hit Barton.

Jin Si took out two more daggers from his crotch.

I cum!

I hide!


Two more people were hit.

Nick Fury was furious: "Let me see how many daggers you can hide in your crotch."

Jin Si pulled out ten daggers this time.

Nick Fury is dumbfounded.

"Keep hiding!"

Of course Nick Fury is hiding.

A series of screams came from behind.

"You're gone this time, right?"

Jin Si pulled out a stack of daggers, twenty of them.

Nick Fury felt that if he continued to hide, he would really become a polished commander.

Nick Fury rushed forward before Jin Si could get rid of the dagger.

Boo hoo hoo——

The daggers all stabbed Nick Fury's body.

Nick Fury rolled several times on the ground in pain, and rolled right to Jin Si's feet.

Jin Si stepped on Nick Fury and said arrogantly: "You don't really think I can't cum in you, do you?"

Nick Fury pulled out a pistol from nowhere.

When it comes to concealing weapons, Nick Fury and Jin Si are both in the same camp.

They all have the superpower of being able to pull out weapons from nowhere.

Nick Fury fired with confidence, no one could avoid his gun at such close range.

Jin Si also took out a gun and pointed it at Nick Fury at his feet.

"Put the gun down."

"Put it down."

"Then let's open fire together."

"If I can exchange my life for yours, I think it's worth it." Nick Fury did not waver at all.

"Then why don't we put down the guns together?"

Nick Fury was unmoved, and even he was at a disadvantage when he put down his gun.

He was stabbed with more than a dozen daggers.

And he didn't think his fighting level could be higher than Jin Si's.

Jin Si was able to capture all the agents, including Barton, in such a short period of time.

It is enough to show that the opponent's fighting ability surpasses everyone in S.H.I.E.L.D.

Even when Nick Fury was injured, his brain remained absolutely clear.

"Okay, in that case, let's see who of us dies first." Jin Si said helplessly.

Nick Fury already felt that his consciousness was a little blurred, and he must have lost too much blood.

I can't delay it any longer. If I delay it like this, I will definitely lose too much blood and fall into coma.

Nick Fury finally takes the shot.


Nick Fury's expression changed.

"It scared me to death, but it's okay, okay." Jin Si Jin Si spread out his palms, filled with bullets stolen from Nick Fury.

"How is that possible!?" Nick Fury looked very ugly.

"Have you given up?"

Nick Fury stopped talking, he was autistic.

"Don't pretend to be dead, I'm asking you something."

Nick Fury took a deep breath and looked at Jin Si: "Do you think you won?"

"Doesn't this prove my victory?"

Nick Fury took out another remote control: "This is the self-destruct button. As long as I press it, the entire SHIELD will fly into the sky."

"Stop lying, there's no way someone could plant a bomb in their own home."

"I like to prepare for all possibilities, including preparations if SHIELD is breached." Nick Fury said calmly.

"I don't believe it. If you have the ability, just do it."

Nick Fury looked calm and pressed.


There was a loud sound that shook the entire command center.

"When you press it for the first time, only one will detonate, but if you press it for a long time, all the bombs will detonate at the same time."

Nick Fury finally smiled, finally taking control.

"I also have a remote control here, but it doesn't have the one you have."

Jin Si’s fingers were like a woodpecker, beeping—

Boom boom boom——

Nick Fury's expression froze.

"Come on, press it, let's see who presses it faster..."

Boom boom boom——

The explosions continue.

The entire command center was shaking amid the roar.

"Whoever doesn't care is the grandson...wait...I don't want to be your grandfather."

Nick Fury is desperate, this is a guy even wilder than his tricks.

All his methods are used to protect SHIELD, not to destroy SHIELD.

If he really competes with Jin Si in hand speed, then SHIELD will really be blown up by them.

"Are you giving in? If not, let's continue."

Nick Fury sighed and put down the remote control: "Tell me what you want."

"Two hundred US dollars per person, or one hundred thousand US dollars for one-time sex, it counts as your monthly card, and an additional three days of safety period will be given."

"What do you mean?"

"Don't you understand what I mean? Before you think of a way to deal with me, there is a fee that can protect your personal safety, called protection fee. Have you heard of it?"

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