Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One thousand one hundred and forty-eight Your father also has a bastard friend

"I am investing in the future." Jin Si said confidently.

Xiao Nini has stopped talking.

It's not because Xiao Nini despises Jin Si.

But because... Xiao Nini discovered that this seemed to be a good investment direction.

I spend a lot of money on women.

The average cost per woman is over a million dollars.

But this money feels very worthless.

But if it supports the girl's education and can get both physical and psychological satisfaction in the future, it seems to be a good choice.

Well, being involved in a girl's past and future makes the deal worth it.

But Xiao Nini feels that she is a public figure after all.

It is impossible to just follow the girl home like Jin Si did.

If Xiao Nini really does this, it will be reported on the front page tomorrow.

No, to be precise, in the next month, Xiao Nini will be responsible for all the headlines from the social section to the entertainment section.

So Xiao Nini definitely can't follow her as roughly as Jin Si.

"Pepper, help me make a list of charities that support poor children."

"Okay, boss, is there anything else?"

"there is none left."

Little Nini looked at the way Pepper's hips swayed when she left the office.

Well, this ass feels like it can last a lifetime.

Knock knock——

Xiao Nini opened the door of the office, but there was no one outside.

Who's got the trick? Illusion?

Knock knock——

Xiao Nini turned around and saw that Jin Si was sticking to the outside of the glass wall.

It's a hundred meters above the ground. Isn't this guy afraid of death?

How did he stick to the glass wall?

if it is possible,

Little Nini wanted to push Jin Si down and kill him.

But the glass wall cannot be opened inside or out.

Besides, it would be very boring if this guy died like this.

Xiao Nini picked up the phone and dialed Jin Si's number.

Although it is close at hand, the sound insulation effect of this glass is slightly better.

"What are you doing there? Do you want to die? It's better to die. It saves me a lot of money and I don't need to worry about you anymore."

"Where is your father's grave? I will go and offer incense."

Xiao Nini's face didn't look good. He certainly didn't want people to know where his father's grave was.

Especially this person is Jin Si, and he really has no confidence in Jin Si's character.

"Aren't you very capable? Find it yourself."

"I'm digging all the graves in New York tonight."

Xiao Nini's heart ached, and he felt that Jin Si might really do this.

But with Xiao Nini's moral standards, he will not compromise on this.

"Let's dig it, my father's grave is not in New York anyway."

"You're so boring."

Jin Si was like a spider, climbing up against the glass wall, and disappeared in front of little Nini's eyes in the blink of an eye.

Little Nini shook her head, this guy was really acting weird.

I have no idea what this guy is thinking.

At this moment, Xiao Nini's personal phone rang.

"Tony, how long has it been since you visited me? Have you forgotten me as your mother?"

"Um...Mom, I'm sorry, I'm very busy recently."

"Really? Then just go about your business and don't come here again."

"I'll go over to see you after get off work today." Xiao Nini said quickly: "No, I'll go over now."

After Xiao Nini hung up the phone, she immediately changed her schedule for today.

There is no way, the world is big and the earth is big, I am the biggest.

Little Nini drove to the manor in the suburbs.

In the manor, Maria was sitting in a wheelchair, enjoying the afternoon sunshine.

When little Nini came to the manor, she immediately gave the maid standing next to Maria a look of understanding.

"Mom." Little Nini stepped forward and held the handle of the wheelchair, pushing it slowly.

"You haven't been here for half a year. Are you so busy that you don't even want to give me a little time?"

"Mom, I just got tripped up by an asshole."

"You will always meet a few bastards in life, and it's not bad to have bastard friends. Your father has several bastard friends."

"That bastard is not my friend. That guy is a scoundrel, a gangster, a scoundrel, a bitch, and trash."

"Well, your father had the same friend."

"Mom, I told you, I'm not a friend. That guy is greedy for money, lustful, despicable, cunning, and most importantly, difficult to deal with. He's like a hedgehog, completely impossible to attack."

"The same goes for your father's friend." Maria smiled faintly: "At that time, he also suggested that if our first child was a boy, we would throw it away."

Little Nini was a little speechless: "How could dad make friends with such a person?"

"I also can't understand that as long as I stayed with that guy for three minutes, I felt the urge to shoot him. That guy is absolutely the most evil person I have ever encountered in my life."

"I bet dad's asshole friend isn't as bad as the guy I met."

Maria smiled and did not refute Xiao Nini's words.

"What about dad's asshole friend?"

"Killed by a nuclear bomb. The first nuclear bomb the government built was given to that guy."

"What a lucky guy, but why haven't I seen it in the government files?"

"That guy is too dangerous, so dangerous that even the government is afraid of it. Even that operation is a top-secret operation without registration." Maria shook her head: "Forget it, let's not talk about that bastard, let's talk about you and your How did you meet your bastard friends?"

"One day that guy came to Stark Tower and said he was my uncle. After I exposed him to my face, he beat me up and took away all the valuable things I had on me."

"Haha...then did you call the police?"

"The guy asked me to swear in the name of my little brother not to call the police..."

"Then what?"

"Then that guy started to trouble me every now and then. I tried all my methods, but I still couldn't defeat him."

"Where did that guy come from? You should investigate clearly, right?"

"I can't find it. The guy seems to have appeared out of thin air. I even hacked into the national archives and still have no clue. Apart from the Chinese that he occasionally speaks, I can confirm that he is Chinese. There is nothing else." Know."

"Chinese?" Maria frowned: "How old is he? What's his figure? What are his characteristics?"

"He looks like he's in his twenties. He looks a few years younger than me. He has a bald head and is about the same height as me."

"The age doesn't match...the size doesn't match either..." Maria felt a little suspicious.

Although decades have passed, Maria's impression of Jin Si is still fresh in her memory.

Maybe it was just a coincidence, Maria sighed.

There is always some nostalgia for the past.

There seem to be very few people left from those days.

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