Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One thousand one hundred and forty-nine The problem of zero and one

As we get older, it’s inevitable to miss the past.

It is inevitable to miss the people and things of the past.

The news that Maria was alive was never told to anyone.

Only little Nini in the whole world knows this.

Even the maid who served Maria did not know her identity.

Little Nini spent the whole afternoon with Maria.

Although Xiao Nini said that she would visit her mother often.

But Xiao Nini knows that most of her promises will be broken.

It’s not that Nini really can’t spare some time to spend with Maria.

It was because that year he promised to make Maria stand up again.

It's just that in these years, he has spent all his time on living and drinking.

Scientific research has made little progress.

Of course, there is another point: Maria's lumbar spine was damaged.

Little Nini’s subject is wrong.

So Xiao Nini has actually been escaping.

He didn't dare face Maria.

After leaving Maria's manor, little Nini's mood has not been very comfortable.

"Hey, bastard, where are you?"

"Eldest nephew, do you miss me?"

Jin Si's irritated voice sounded from the other end of the phone.

"I am in a bad mood."

"Then what?"

"I just developed a weapon recently, are you interested in trying it?"

"Okay, remember to transfer the money."

"Think clearly, that thing was designed and developed as a weapon I provided to the government. It is different from the toys in the past."

"I have never seen any weapons, even nuclear warheads. To me, everything you develop is just a toy."

Little Nini suddenly frowned: "Have you ever seen the explosion of a nuclear bomb?"

"More than seeing it,

I also have a few in my own collection. "

Hearing this, Xiao Nini burst out laughing again.

It seems that I am overthinking it.

This guy is probably bragging again.

This time, Xiao Nini didn’t call Jin Si to her home, but to the suburbs.

"Eldest nephew, do you like to do things in the wild? Isn't it good at home?"

Xiao Nini rolled her eyes at Jinsi, this is not a wilderness, this is a weapons testing ground.

A lot of his equipment is here.

"Okay, let's get started. What are the rules?"

"What are you doing taking off your clothes?"

"Don't you need to take off your clothes, Ye Zhan?"


Xiao Nini was in a bad mood, so she came to trouble Jin Si.

As a result, he found that his originally depressed mood was even more blocked.

Sure enough, finding Jin Si to vent his emotions was a wrong choice.

"Forget it, whatever, you're such a bastard, you'd better die."

"There are many people trying to kill me, but no one has succeeded so far."

Xiao Nini believed in this.

It must be a miracle that Jin Si can survive to this day.

"See those flags?"

"Well, I saw it, what's wrong?"

"Those flags are the dividing line, and entering it is a minefield. There are about a thousand mines buried underneath, which is our company's latest product, the Terminator."

"As long as you pass through the minefield, you pass."

"This...this is too dangerous..."

"Are you scared?"

"You have to pay more."

The most important thing for Xiao Nini is money.

"Is two million dollars enough to buy your life?"

"More than enough, enough for ten times." Jin Si said: "If I go in now and come out from there, I can get two million US dollars, right?"

"Yes, provided you can come out alive."

"Get ready to transfer money."

Jin Si stepped forward and was about to enter the minefield.

"'re going in like this?"

"if not?"

"At least you need some clothes on the boat, right?"

“Does putting on clothes improve your chances of survival?”


"If I die, then let me come naked and leave naked. If I don't die, then what does it matter."

Jin Si twisted his hips and rushed into the minefield like a fool: "Two million dollars, here I come..."


Then, Xiao Nini saw Jin Si being blown away.

At this moment, Xiao Nini still felt a little disappointed.

Before his tears could be wiped away, Jin Si stood up again.


Jin Si became a trapeze artist again.

"This time he must be completely dead."

Jin Si got up again.


Xiao Nini's heart went from loss to shock to numbness.

"When will this guy die?"

"I'm coming out...haha...I'm coming for two million dollars..."


Although at this moment, Xiao Nini really hoped that Jin Si would explode on the spot.

Unfortunately, Jin Si still returned to him.

"It was so scary. I almost died in there. Fortunately, I was lucky."

Little Nini was roaring inside.

Damn it, how many landmines have you stepped on during this trip?

Even though these thousand grenades are scattered in the minefield, they look like a lot.

In fact, in such a vast minefield, the chance of a person passing through it is 30%.

The probability of stepping on two or more is about the same as the probability of winning a thousand dollars.

And if you can rush to the opposite side with sparks and lightning, you are a five million general.

Of course, most of the time, the first number in the jackpot will send you on your way.

"Speaking of which, nephew, you really can't do it here. These mines are no different from ordinary mines."

Little Nini's heart roared again.

Shouldn’t ordinary landmines also die on the spot?

Why are you still standing in front of me?

"Those grenades are called vacuum bombs. At the moment of explosion, the chemical substances inside will instantly burn all the air within ten meters."

"This is not as good as an ordinary landmine. I can hold my breath very well."

"The premise is that you are not shocked to death by the explosion. Secondly, in the vacuum area, your internal organs will explode with a bang." Xiao Nini gave Jin Si some science knowledge about how powerful her company's landmines are.

"Nonsense, it's not that great at all. So is the company cutting corners? I don't feel it at all."

Xiao Nini was also speechless. A normal person would have died at the first blow.

Jin Si didn't do anything wrong and kept showing off his dazzling naked body in front of him.

"Can you put your clothes on?"

"Don't you think the wind is a bit chilly tonight?"

"No. "

"By the way, are you 0 or 1?"

"What do you mean?" Xiao Nini subconsciously took a few steps back, with a bit of fear on her face.

"Would you like to try 0?"

Xiao Nini turned around and ran, but was kicked to the ground by Jin Si.

"Don't come over, you can ask for as much money as you want, don't hurt me..." Xiao Nini finally remembered that Jin Si was a criminal, and she actually asked a criminal to come to the wilderness in the middle of the night.

"You said it can be as much or as little as you want, right?"

Xiao Nini's face froze: "Are you trying to scare me?"

"I was just joking with you, who knew you would react so strongly."

"F*** you bastard." Xiao Nini was furious on the spot.

Jin Si turned around and glared at Xiao Nini: "Although I don't intend to violate you, believe it or not, I can still make you incontinent."

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