Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand One Hundred and Fifty Good Neighbors in the New Era

Little Nini is scared, this guy has no bottom line at all.

Jin Si got into Xiao Nini’s car and went back.

Arriving at the door of Jinsi's house, Xiao Nini looked at the dilapidated community streets.

This place is not only synonymous with mess, but also represents crime and chaos in New York City.

"You took a lot of money from me, why don't you find yourself a better place to live?"

"You don't understand. Living here, I don't need to worry about starving to death when I have no money in my pocket. There will always be kind people to help me tide over the difficulties, and there are many entertainment options here."

Xiao Nini rolled her eyes at Jin Si.

But with Jin Si's ability, the danger here should be nothing.

At this moment, Xiao Nini saw a group of thugs pushing and shoving around a man.

The man curled up and looked very timid. He kept his head down and said nothing, allowing those bastards to humiliate him.

At this time, little Nini's sense of justice was overwhelming.

Of course, he had no intention of taking matters into his own hands: "Ten thousand dollars to kick those bastards in the balls."


Jin Si got out of the car and walked towards the gangsters.

A shot came directly from behind and cut off his legs.

The gangster fell to the ground holding his crotch.

Those gangster companions originally wanted to avenge their companions.

As a result, the moment he saw Jin Si, all the anger and loyalty were gone in an instant.

Everyone on this street knows Jin Si.

In fact, Jin Si didn't do much.

When Jin Si rented the house here.

There is a group of people who come to collect money in the name of public security management.

In the spirit of friendly communication, Jin Si thought that he had just moved in and had a caring attitude with his neighbors.

Not only did they pay for the security management fees, but they also helped them advance their medical expenses.

But that night, Jin Si discovered that his home had been stolen.

It was really stolen. Jin Si happened to have an appointment with S.H.I.E.L.D. that day.

When I came back, I found my home in a mess.

So Jin Si sent all the gangsters who collected money to the hospital that night.

Especially their boss, he didn't go to the hospital.

After a long talk with Jin Si, I have now corrected myself and become autistic.

Now in a mental hospital, in retirement.

Since then, Jin Si has become the biggest villain in the neighborhood.

"This brother is mine, are you bullying him?"

"No...we didn't, we..."

"Nothing? I've seen it. Now hand over the money you have. This is not robbery, this is compensation."


A gangster broke out and took out a dagger to stab Jin Si.

He expressed that he wanted to give it a try and maybe turn his bicycle into a motorcycle.

Jin Si grabbed the gangster's wrist and flicked it, and the gangster jumped out.

He was so desperate that he pounced on the bullied man.

The dagger also made a gash on his arm.

The man was shaking with fear and his breathing became rapid.

Jin Si went up and added another kick.

"Made, I'm losing face, aren't I? Tomorrow I will ask your boss to go to a mental hospital. Go and inform him now, f***..."

The gangsters were so frightened that they ran away.

Jin Si came to the man and said, "Brother, are you okay?"

"I'm fine." The man covered his injured shoulder, lowered his head and ran back to his home.

"Hey, he's actually my neighbor. I didn't even know my neighbor was this guy."

Jin Si glanced at the dying gangster who was kicked by him, and then stepped in again.

Arriving at Xiao Nini's car: "Would you like to come and sit at my house?"

"No, I'm going back to rest."

Only a stupid person would agree to the invitation of a villain and a bastard to visit his home.

If I really entered his house, I couldn't guarantee that he would make a blackmail call when he came back.

Watching Xiao Nini slam on the accelerator and run away.

"What a shy little guy."

Back home, Jin Si took out the pizza that had been there for a few days.

After several days of cultivation, the pizza has grown a layer of fluff.

Jin Si lost his appetite instantly.

Well, you can’t throw it away, and it’s shameful to waste it.

It just so happens that I plan to improve my neighborly relations.

Jinsi brought pizza and knocked on the neighbor's door.

"Hello, hello, are you there?"

No one opens the door? Jin Si continued to knock on the door.

Bang bang bang——

Bang bang bang——

"Are you there? Are you there? Are you there? Are you there..."

At this moment, the resident of the house opposite shouted: "Are you crazy? Don't you see what time it is now? Believe it or not, I will kill you with one shot."

"F*** Russell, do you want to die?" Jin Si also yelled.

Then the two lunatics started yelling at each other in the middle of the night.


At this time, the man hiding in the house opened the door and shouted.

He's had enough, he's tired of tonight.

In his eyes, Jin Si was a more annoying bastard than those gangsters.

"Hey, you are at home, I thought you were not at home."

Thinking I'm not at home, you're still banging on my door?

The man became angry for no reason, but after he took a deep breath, he suppressed his anger again.

"What's your business?"

"I'm your neighbor who lives next door. I'm here to make friends. Get to know me. I'm..."

"I'm not interested in who you are, and don't bother me." The man's face was gloomy, and he seemed unwilling to communicate too much with Jin Si.

"Don't be like this. We are all neighbors. We don't see each other when we look up. Look, I even brought you a gift."

Jin Si opened the door and walked inside.

"Eat the pizza quickly, or it will spoil if you don't."

The man was a little annoyed and stood there with his arms folded: "I'm going to rest, please get out."

"Hey, are your injuries healed already? It seemed like you were quite seriously injured just now." Jin Si was a little surprised.

Is this man also a superpower?

I didn't see it, he looks like a weakling.

Could it be that his disguise has reached a point where he can't even see it?

The man's expression was unnatural: "You are wrong, I am not injured."

Jin Si found that there were many bottles and jars in the room.

The man also noticed Jin Si's gaze.

"Please get out. If you don't get out, I will call the police."

"Chichi..." Jin Si laughed: "No one living in this neighborhood dares to call the police, because they themselves are fugitives."

Jin Si glanced at the man: "So, you can either become friends with me now, or I will call the police."

The man was very tired and really wanted to kill the guy in front of him.

"Didn't you say that no one in this neighborhood dares to call the police? Aren't you afraid yourself?"

"The police have nothing to do with me."

The man was even more tired and felt that he should not hide here.

"Okay, we are friends now, you can go."

"I've told you my name, but you haven't told me your name yet."

"You can call me Banner, I do scientific research."

"Ah, I've admired you for a long time. What are you studying?" Jin Si looked at Banner with admiration.

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