Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One thousand one hundred and fifty-two old friends reunited

Xiao Nini only believed half of what Jin Si said.

Someone is coming to steal his confidential documents.

As for the professional ethics of Jinsi, it is probably because the price has not been negotiated.

So Jin Si turned around and sold the other party.

I have to say, this is very cool.

Xiao Nini's guess was completely correct.

Xiao Nini subconsciously believed that this was the real Jin Si.

Jin Si should do this.

Xiao Nini thought for a while and asked, "What price does the other party offer?"

"It's not much money, just 100 million US dollars, plus let me play with all the female agents in their organization. But don't worry, who am I? I am honest and kind, and I put justice first. The leader of the other party was scolded by me. Then I rejected him righteously, but it was a pity for those female agents, they are innocent... I really couldn't bear to go against their wishes, but they were actually very willing to have an indescribable friendship with me."

"If those female agents are willing, I would be willing to cooperate with you..."

The scumbag Little Nini is online, and he also wants to communicate with the female agent.

Of course he knows what ULB-122 is.

It was a half-finished program left to him by his father, an artificial intelligence.

Over the years, Xiao Nini has put a lot of her thoughts on this half-finished program.

But this thing is only useful in his hands.

If someone else takes it away, it will be an empty shell.

It's like throwing an airplane to the ancients, they couldn't imitate it.

This is Xiao Nini's confidence.

"Forget it, what I don't like the most is this kind of exchange of interests."

Bullshit...Jin Si and Xiao Nini commented on each other in this way.

"Asshole, are you interested in finding a stable job?"

"Blackmailing you is also very stable, and you are not my only client."

Xiao Nini's face turned dark when she heard Jin Si's words.

But when he heard that he was not the only customer, he felt much better.

"Forget it, just pretend I didn't say anything."

When Banner came back from his temporary job, he saw Jin Si lying in the yard and basking in the sun.

Banner originally did not intend to say hello to Jin Si to the end.

But Jin Si greeted him first.

"Would you like a beer?"

Banner originally wanted to ignore Jin Si, but Beer was innocent.

Banner also sat next to Jin Si. After a long day of exhaustion, it was only at this moment that he could relax.

"What does Mr. Jin do?"

"Like most people in this neighborhood, they make a living by providing security for others. By the way, do you want to be my client? As long as you give me enough money, I will overthrow even the government."

Even though we only knew each other for a day.

But Banner already had a preliminary impression of Jin Si.

This is a guy who talks a lot.

So I don’t believe Jin Si’s words at all.

Just then a truck stopped in front of the house opposite.

Several moving company employees started coming in and out, moving furniture inside.

"Hmm? Has there been a change of residence across the street?"

"Every house in this neighborhood is subject to change of occupants at any time, and the previous owner either gets rich or dies."

Just then, another convertible stopped and a very beautiful woman got out of the car.

Dressed fashionably, with sky-high feet, flaming red lips, carrying a designer bag, and commanding the movers.

"This woman is so beautiful." Jin Si exclaimed.

Only Banner frowned: "This woman shouldn't be here."

"What? Do you know this woman?"

"I don't know her, but don't you think this woman is out of tune with this neighborhood?"

"You mean...this woman was deceived and bought the house here?"

Banner shook his head and said nothing.

Jin Si and Banner just watched the move for two hours.

Until the sun went down, the woman disappeared from their sight.

After a while, the beautiful woman came out again, holding a baked tortilla in her hand, and came towards them.

"Hello, my name is Dottie. Nice to meet you. From today on, I am your neighbor."

"Hello, hello." Jin Si immediately stepped forward to take the tortilla.

Dottie immediately retracted her hand, her face a little cold, but she didn't show it too much.

Banner acted normally and reached out to shake Dottie's hand: "Hello, Miss Dottie."

"Hello Mr. Banner, I won't disturb you anymore. Goodbye."

"This ass, these breasts." Jin Si licked his lips.

Banner lowered his voice: "Behave normally, Miss Dottie hasn't gone far yet."

"It's a would be more perfect if she had red hair."

Doty paused for a moment, then returned to her home as if she hadn't heard anything.

Banner was also a little unsatisfied: "Do you have a soft spot for red hair?"

"No, I just think she should have red hair."

After losing the scenery, Banner didn't want to face Jin Si again and returned to his home.

When Jin Si returned to the house and was about to close the door, the door was blocked by a hand.

Dottie had come uninvited, with a bit of coldness and murderous intent on her face.

"Who are you?" Doty pointed the gun at Jin Si.

"Guess." Jin Si opened his arms and wanted to hug Doty into his arms.

call out--

Doty fired, the silencer making the gunshot very quiet.

Jin Si just held up two fingers and pinched the bullet.

"Dottie, I haven't seen you for so many years. I didn't expect you to give me a surprise as soon as we met."

Doty looked at Jin Si and kept identifying him: "You are not that person."

Bald, Asian, with superhuman reflexes, but this person is definitely not the person in his memory.

Appearance can change, but body shape cannot change so much because human bones do not change.

"I'm that person."

"You're not." Dotty replied firmly.

A ball of black energy emerged from Jin Si's palm.

Doty's face was shocked. This dark energy was exactly the same as the dark energy that the guy left in his body.

Not only do they have the same attributes, but they also resonate with the dark energy in his body.

"This is are not him..."

Jin Si's body was shaken and all his clothes were stripped off.

Doty looked at Jin Si again and said more firmly: "You are indeed not him."

"Uh... I'm Jin Si."

"That thing of yours is not as big as his."

Jin Si's face turned dark for a moment, was he defeated by his past self?

"What's the use of being big? Nothing is accomplished in the end. People always have to change themselves to make themselves more suitable. So are you here this time to complete the unfinished things back then?"

Doty took two steps back: "You...are you really that guy?"

"Replacement guaranteed."

Doty's clothes began to tear, and Jin Si immediately became energetic.

But soon, Dottie developed in a bad direction.

"I am going to kill you!"

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