Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One thousand one hundred and fifty-three gamma rays

Back then, Jin Si taught Dotty the magic of becoming bigger.

The purpose is unknown...

Doty's magic talent is not good, and she finally learned it reluctantly by relying on the dark energy left by Jin Si.

And as I kept practicing, something went wrong.

The power of enlarging magic is getting bigger and bigger.

But things are also developing in an uncontrollable direction.

This causes her to turn into a demon-like monster every time she uses the magic of enlargement.

If it was said that when Dotty burst into clothes just now, Jin Si admired her.

So it would be disrespectful to face Dottie now.

Doty grabbed Jin Si's head and pressed it against the wall.

"Dottie, change back. You are just like the villain now."

Doty tried to squeeze Jin Si's head, but failed.

This guy's head is as hard as ever.

"Dottie, be obedient, or if I punch you, you will have to wear diapers for a long time in the future."

Doty let go of Jin Si, and her body slowly shrank and became weak at the same time.

This is also a side effect of the magic of enlargement.

Back then, she relied on dark energy to allow her to cast the magic of enlargement.

However, dark energy also determines the longevity of her enlargement magic.

When she removes the magic, it will take a long time to recover.

This is also the reason why Jin Si didn't think it through at all.

Jin Si taught her the magic of becoming bigger, but did not teach her how to restore her own energy and magic power.

Jin Si looked at the beautiful Dotty, picked her up and walked to the bedroom.

There is very little smoke——

Jin Si and Doty were both sitting on the bedside after a fierce battle.

"Dottie, after so many years, you haven't aged at all. I don't remember that I taught you the magic of longevity.


"I conducted some experiments and removed the egg." Dotty said lightly.

Jin Si had a question mark on his face. Is there any relationship between longevity and the removal of uterus?

Dottie clearly didn't want to talk much about herself.

"how about you?"

"Why have you changed so much? Or are you your true self now?"

Jin Si looked depressed: "I was cursed by my teacher, and now I am constantly suffering from birth, old age, illness and death."

"There is actually someone in this world who can check and balance you?" Doty looked at Jin Si in surprise: "In my impression, your teacher should be a wise old man."

"No, he is just an LSP who has been single for many years and has endocrine disorders."

As long as it is out of reach of his master.

If Jin Si mentions his master, he must do his best to hurt him.

There is no way, I can't beat him, I can only say it.

"What are you here for this time? For Banner?"

"Banner? You mean the man who lives next door? What's so special about him?"

"do not you know?"

"Did not see it."

"Is that just for me?"

"Before this, I didn't know your identity at all. Why is it for you?"

"What's that for?"

"Incognito." Doty said: "I have been on the run for the past twenty years. The Red House has been chasing me non-stop because of my betrayal."

"So, this is our fate. For our fate, let's applaud love again."

Bang bang bang——

At this moment, there was a heavy knock on the door.

Jin Si doesn't like to be disturbed when he is doing business.

However, as the knocking on the door became heavier and heavier, both Jin Si and Doty lost the intention to continue.

Jin Si opened the door unhappily and saw a face even more unhappy than him.

"Banner, what's the matter?"

"Can you keep your voice down? With that Miss Dottie."

The reason Banner was most upset was not just the sound problem.

The more important reason is why Dottie chose Jin Si instead of herself.

To be honest, although I am not a high-quality man.

But at least compared to Jin Si, I am definitely better than him.

This is what makes Banner most unhappy.

"Banner, you have been single for a long time and your hearing is so good. I think you should really find a woman. How about I offer you fifty dollars?"

Banner was trembling with anger. He felt that the twenty-four hours of contact with Jin Si produced more anger than he had in the past three years.

It’s really irritating!

"Kim, you don't want to see my anger."

"Okay, we will try to control our voices, if we can."

Banner stormed off.

As for the effect of his is still there.

Banner put his pillow over his ears.

But the voices of the doggy man and woman did not decrease, but became louder.

It's like they're afraid that others won't know what they're doing.

Banner was going crazy.

This harassment did not stop until dawn.

Then, just when he thought it was over.

The sound came again.

Will this couple of bitches still let people live?

"Hey Banner, you seem to be in a bad state of mind today. Do you need to take a rest?"

Banner was in a daze, and smiled reluctantly at his coworker: "No, thank you."

He now works as a mechanic in an auto repair shop.

A day off is a day less money.

If it's just for living expenses, I won't be short of money for a day or two.

But now he still needs to buy a lot of experimental equipment, which is the biggest expense.

In order to get rid of this life of hiding as soon as possible.

And to get rid of that monster in my body.

So he didn't want to rest, he just wanted to fulfill his wish as soon as possible.


Suddenly, Banner shouted.

I was distracted just now, and my palm was cut open by a piece of steel.

Banner's expression changed and he quickly wiped the blood on the car seat cushion.

"Injured? Go and bandage it quickly."

"It's okay, I'm fine."

"I won't hold you young master, just go quickly."

The owner of the repair shop was a good man and asked Banner to be dragged away.

"Boss, remember to wipe off the blood." Banner said hurriedly.

Not long after Banner left, the car was picked up by a man and a woman.

They rush to the party.

This couple had a great time and were still in a state of excitement when they came out.

It sucked up some kind of white powder directly on the mat in the car.

But not long after, green veins appeared on their faces, and they began to twitch in the car.

When the two were sent to the hospital, they were already dead.

But after the examination, the doctor discovered that the two people were actually suffering from gamma ray poisoning.

They are more than that, their body cells are undergoing violent unknown reactions.

This cellular reaction caused their whole bodies to turn green, and their bodies became weaker and weaker.

The body's nutrients cannot keep up with the rate of cell division.

The doctors tried their best to save the two people.

But the result was that their bodies turned into piles of green rotten flesh.

The doctor sorted out the two cases and uploaded them to the hospital.

The hospital in turn reported the case to the police.

When the police took a look, they realized that there was gamma ray poisoning and they couldn't control it.

Places that can be exposed to gamma rays are either government scientific research institutions or military bases.

So the police communicated the case to the military and let the military handle it themselves.

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