Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One thousand one hundred and fifty-four Your house has been expropriated

In a military base.

"General, the city hospital just admitted two patients."

"I'm not a medical insurance institution. What are you telling me to do with this nonsense?"

"General, these two patients are very special. They are suffering from gamma ray poisoning."

General Ross couldn't help turning his head and looked at the soldier who reported the message seriously.

"What's the specific situation?"

"Gamma ray residue has been found on their car mats."

"Have you investigated the origin of gamma rays?"

"Through the maintenance records of that vehicle, we found a repair shop and found...Dr. Banner on the list of employees at the repair shop."

A look of ecstasy appeared on General Ross's face.

Bruce Banner!

Finally I found you.

"Don't act in a hurry yet, and then act after the arrangements are made."

General Ross was extremely excited.

He has been looking for Banner for several years.

He found it a few times at first, but he underestimated Banner's strength.

thus allowing him to escape.

Then General Ross was well prepared.

But Banner also learned well and changed from a Ph.D. in physics to a stealth person with strong anti-reconnaissance ability, hiding everywhere.

General Ross was determined not to repeat the same mistakes this time.

"Banner, what's wrong with you? Did your girlfriend put a hat on you? Or did you find out that your son is not your biological son?"

Banner glanced at Jin Si and Dottie.

Ma De, you two are talking to each other like no one else is watching, what do you think is wrong with me?

Where do you put me, a single person, in this way?

"Have you known each other before?"


We just met a few days ago, but Dottie was impressed by my handsome appearance and rich emotions inside. "

Banner rolled his eyes, tell me whether I believe it or not.

But he was also envious. Why on earth could a woman like Dottie, who wanted a good figure, good looks, and fashionable clothes, fall in love with Jin Si?

Is it because of poor eyesight? Should I take her to see an ophthalmologist?

Dotty gave Jinsi the middle finger and picked up a can of beer.

Although Banner was quite annoyed with Jin Si at the beginning.

But now I'm used to it. As long as I find the skills to get along with Jin Si, it seems that Jin Si can become a good neighbor.

At least, in terms of relieving boredom, Jin Si is still a good partner.

The premise is that some of his minor problems can be ignored.

For example, he is running rampant in this neighborhood.

For example, it's cheating, for example, it's unobtrusive.

For example, greed for money and lust...

And, making noise every night.

Banner looked at Dottie: "Has he been like this before?"

Doty thought for a while and said: "He used to be much worse than he is now, but he is much better now."

Banner couldn't imagine that the current Jin Si could be called much better?

So how bad was he in the past?

"Banner, what have you done? Why do you live here and be neighbors with people like this?" Doty didn't understand Banner.

But after a few days of contact, she found that Banner was incompatible with everyone on this block.

He is a high-level intellectual and a very accomplished man.

Dottie didn't quite believe it if such a man had committed any crime.

You can never pretend to be that kind of well-informed and gentle person.

For example, Jin Si next to him, even if he was put into a different outfit, he would still be a beast in clothes.

But Banner's scholarly temperament cannot be faked.

He is also kind and polite, and speaks softly.

And he was polite to all who offended him.

"He, he fell in love with a woman he shouldn't have loved." Jin Si joked.

"Don't listen to his nonsense." Banner glared at Jin Si: "I was just used as a guinea pig by my father, and it had a certain impact on my body, which led to the government wanting to arrest me as a guinea pig."

"What kind of experiment?"

"He was tied to the operating table, then stripped naked, and a group of big and thick men surrounded him. Then they took out such a thick needle and inserted it into certain parts of his body."

Although Jin Si deserves a beating, for Banner, this place gave him a rare peace.

Of course, this calm lasted until Jinsi and Dottie made some noise late at night.

Banner knew that Dottie was no ordinary person either.

Last time he found out that a group of people on the block were targeting Dottie.

Then Banner and Jin Si talked about the situation.

Jin Si had no reaction at all and said Doty would handle it herself.

As a result, Banner heard the next day that the group had appeared on the riverbed.

They were washed up by the river, and each of them had a twenty-kilogram iron block tied to their bodies.

As for Jin Si, Banner estimated that he was no ordinary person.

Although Jin Si has never shown it.

But just because Jin Si can fight this is enough for Banner to draw a conclusion.

No matter how closed Banner was, he still heard from time to time that Jin Si had gone to another gang and burned down his headquarters.

Knock knock——

There was a knock on the door.

Dottie moved away from Jin Si's body unhappily.

"I think Banner should be taught a lesson. This guy bothers us like this every time."

"This is not Banner. That guy's knock on the door was not so gentle."

"Who else but him would dare to knock on your door?"

“Maybe someone from down the block.”

Jin Si slowly got out of bed and opened the door.

There were several men in black standing outside the door, wearing black sunglasses.

Even though I was wearing sunglasses in the middle of the night, I wasn't afraid of falling into a pit.

"No insurance, no funds, no newspapers, and no premium channels."

Jin Si was about to close the door again when the leading man in black held the door shut.

"Sir, we are government agents, and now we want to expropriate your house."

"Bring it here." Jin Si stretched out his hand.

"What? What do you want?"

"There must be compensation for expropriation."

"Sir, you may not understand what expropriation is, so let me explain it to you."

"No need. I don't care about the law. I only care about my rules. If you requisition you must pay compensation. If you don't, get out of here."

Several men in black felt slighted.

So they unanimously decided to give Jin Si a practical lesson.

The man in black who spoke before raised his foot and planned to kick Jin Si's little brother.

Such arrogant civilians and such arrogant Asians must be suppressed.

Jin Si avoided the kick and also kicked him back, but the force was ten times stronger.

This brother will probably need to use a wheelchair for the rest of his life.

When the other men in black saw their brothers flying several meters away, they immediately drew their guns.

Ping ping pong pong——

Ten seconds later, all the men in black collectively received disability benefits.

Jinsi doesn't care about these disabled people.

Close the door and continue to bond with Dottie.

"Those guys looked like they were from the military," Doty said.

"How did you see it?" Jin Si didn't see anything.

"They have a military aura about them."

"Whatever." Jin Si said disapprovingly: "Are we still going to continue?"

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