Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand One Hundred and Fifty-Five Whose Takeaway?

"Director, that guy beat up General Ross's men."

"Who?" Nick Fury didn't turn a corner and looked at Barton with some confusion.

But the next moment, he turned a corner, and there could only be one person that Barton could call that guy.

"You mean...Jin Si beat up someone in Los Angeles? What happened? How did that guy get involved with General Ross?"

"Six years ago, the experimental product of the project that General Ross was responsible for escaped. Now he is hiding in the neighborhood where that guy lives, and he has become a neighbor with that guy. Recently, General Ross discovered the whereabouts of that monster and planned to recruit that guy. He wanted to go home, but was rejected by that guy, and even seriously injured the soldiers who went to recruit him."

It has to be said that SHIELD's intelligence far exceeds that of the military.

No, it would be more accurate to say that it exceeds all governments and institutions in the world.

General Ross discovered Banner's whereabouts.

But SHIELD has discovered it a long time ago and has been continuously observing it.

Of course, the reason why Barton knew so clearly.

Mainly because he has been obtaining all the intelligence information about Jin Si.

Of course, that includes Jin Si’s neighbors.

Barton knew every move Jin Si made.

"Director, maybe this is an opportunity."

Nick Fury frowned at first.

But in a blink of an eye, Barton's intention was understood.

Button is now obsessed with seeking revenge from Jin Si.

"You are not responsible for this matter." Nick Fury said, "I am personally responsible for it."

"Director, I will not let my feelings influence my judgment." Barton said immediately.

"The people in the red house appeared in New York, and they seemed to be looking for something or someone. You have been in contact with the people in the red house many times, and you are responsible for contacting them this time."

Although Barton is not very willing.

But as he said himself, he will not let his emotions influence his decision.

He accepted the task anyway.

At this moment, General Ross was very angry.

He looked at the unconscious men on the hospital bed.

These are all his loyal subordinates.

But now, they encountered misfortune.

The extent of their injuries was learned from the doctor.

There is almost no possibility for them to stand up again in this life.

This made him even angrier and even made him leave Banner alone.

He wanted to kill the man who hurt his men.

Or kill Banner as well.

"Mobilize everyone in the base and bring all weapons. I will blow up the monster and its neighbors into the sky." General Ross roared angrily.

General Ross and Nick Fury are completely different people.

Nick Fury is a person who can think calmly under any circumstances.

General Ross is a man completely controlled by his emotions.

So one of them is an agent and the other is a soldier.

As General Ross's order was issued, the entire base entered a state of war.

At this moment, Jin Si had no idea that he was deepening his relationship with Dottie.

It was another sleepless night for Banner.

Banner had no choice but to curse the couple.

You can't argue with them, but they won't be reasonable at all if you try to reason with them.

There were times when Banner wanted to let the monster in his body come out and educate them.

Fortunately, his cultivation saved the couple.

Banner comforted himself.

This is also part of spiritual practice.

At this moment, Banner heard a roar outside.

There was also the sound of helicopters roaring in the sky.

Banner suddenly jumped out of bed.

But suddenly there was the sound of glass being smashed outside.

Then several smoke bombs rolled to his feet.

Banner quickly rolled and rushed out of the house.

Then a missile fell from the sky and blasted his house into the sky.

Banner was thrown out, and at the same time he saw that Jin Si's house was also affected.

At this moment, Banner's violent side, which had been restrained for three years, was finally completely released.


With a roar, a huge body appeared in the sea of ​​fire, and the Hulk appeared.

A fireball hit the sky and hit the helicopter.

It was a lit refrigerator with Banner's favorite cold beer inside.

Thinking of this, Banner became even more angry.

A deafening roar echoed throughout the neighborhood.

Jin Si and Doty were watching this scene on the rooftop of the house not far away.

"Is that green monster Banner?"


"Aren't you going to help him?" Doty turned to look at Jin Si.

"That guy doesn't recognize his relatives now. If you go up to him, you will either be killed by him or you will kill him. Are you sure you want to help him?"

"But...he is our friend after all."

Doty saw thousands of soldiers armed to the teeth, as well as advanced tanks and aircraft.

This lineup could have stormed into Berlin during World War II.

So Dottie couldn't help but worry about Banner.

"Don't worry, these toys won't hurt Banner. Banner has a famous saying. Have you heard of it?"

Dottie knew that Jin Si was talking nonsense again.

"Whatever doesn't defeat me will only make me stronger."

The roar continued, and the entire neighborhood had become a happy place for Banner to run wild.

As for the elite soldiers and high-tech weapons in Doty's eyes, in front of Banner, they were slingshots and water walls.

It hurt, but the more it hurt, the more irritable Banner became.

The more irritable Banner became, the more mischievous he became.

"You wait here while I go out for a walk. If Banner is in trouble, you can help him."

"where you go?"

"Compensation is required." Jin Si said confidently.

On the outskirts of the neighborhood, the military set up a makeshift command center here.

Jin Si whistled and came outside the command center, and was immediately stopped by the guards.

"Stop, this is a military restricted area."

"We are our own people." Jin Si said, "I am here to see your commander."

"Looking for our commander? Who are you? Do you have any identification?"

"I'm from SHIELD. You know SHIELD? I'm an agent of SHIELD. Do you think agents will carry their IDs with them?"

"Just wait, I'll report it."

"I won't bother you anymore, I'll go in by myself."

"This is not..."

Jin Si kicked the guard into sleep with a sleeping kick, causing him to suffer a stiff neck.

Jin Si entered the command center with a swagger.

There are more than a dozen people in the command center at this moment, some are answering battlefield communications, and some are watching the surveillance.

General Ross was crossing his arms and looking seriously at the real-time footage of the battlefield captured by the drone.

Two Stinger missiles hit Banner, only to get a scream from Hulk, and then Hulk jumped up and smashed the fighter jet that fired the Stinger missiles to pieces.

"Who ordered the takeaway?" Jin Si's voice came.

Everyone in the command center looked confused.

takeout? What takeaway?

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