Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One thousand one hundred and fifty-six What I am best at is not killing people

"Who let you in?"

At this moment, General Ross was feeling agitated.

Seeing Jinsi at the door is like finding an outlet to vent.

"Pull him into the solitary room. I suspect he is..."

"Has my perfect disguise been seen through?" Jin Si looked depressed.

Jin Si took out his gun and said, "Don't move for fuck's sake."


A blood flower bloomed from the chest of a non-commissioned officer.

"Uh...sorry, there was a misfire."

This time, no one dared to move.

"It's really a misfire. You can try to struggle."

General Ross's face was filled with rage, and knives almost shot out of his eyes.

"Who are you!?"

Jin Si directly smashed the Desert Eagle with his left hand into General Ross's face.

"I fucked you uncle, you blew up my house, and now you ask me who I am?"

"So it's you!" General Ross looked at Jin Si coldly.

The bombing circle he defined would only hit the homes of Jin Si and Banner.

So the person in front of him must be the one who injured his men.

Even when Jin Si pointed a gun at him, General Ross still did not panic.

He was surrounded by his soldiers, and he was scared to death.

"It seems I can save myself from introducing myself." Jin Si shrugged: "Then we can talk about compensation."

"Compensation? You crippled my soldiers, and even your life is not enough."

"Aren't you afraid of death?" Jin Si looked at General Ross.

"Hmph! If you kill me, you will die here too."

"Look, since I came here, I haven't considered safety issues. Besides, what I'm good at has never been killing people, but disgusting people. In this regard, I believe no one is better than me."

"I'm not even afraid of death,

Do you think I'm afraid of others? "

Jin Si took out a lot of props and threw them on the table: "You should be afraid."

Everyone's eyes widened and they swallowed involuntarily.

I wonder, does this guy have a treasure chest hidden on his body?

Also, why is this guy carrying so many perverted props with him?

The fun store doesn’t sell as many items as this guy does, right?

No, it should be said that none of the products sold in the sex shop are as perverted as this guy.

Even General Ross couldn't help but feel his liver tremble.

If he was really beaten by these props, it would be a matter of death or death, at least this general would not be able to continue.

Jin Si's face was filled with a malicious smile.

Suddenly, a gunshot rang out.

Jin Si turned his head slightly, and a bullet flew past Jin Si.

Turning his head, he saw a bearded man striding towards him.

This bearded man walked confidently and held a pistol in his hand.

General Ross breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the person coming.

Here comes his loyal dog, Emil Blonsky.

Bronski's military rank is not high, not because of his lack of ability, but because he is too capable. He doesn't like most generals to hide in the rear headquarters like most generals. He likes to charge into battle and kill the enemy.

He is the ace among aces under General Ross, the best among the best.

To put it simply, Blonsky is the kind who can fly easily.

In novels, they are all soldiers at the king level.

"Put down the gun." Blonsky said with a commanding tone: "Put down the gun, I will give you a chance to defeat me."

Bronski was not in a happy mood at first.

In this operation, General Ross actually placed him in the rear.

Just when he was depressed, he actually found someone breaking into the command center after injuring a guard.

However, he did not act immediately, but waited until Jin Si held the people in the command center hostage before he appeared.

Only in this way can his value be reflected.

Jin Si put down his gun, and Bronski also put away his gun and raised his fingers.

"Emil, stop playing around and decide quickly. We still have business to do."

"General, we won't waste too much time." Bronski said disapprovingly: "Come on, let's finish it quickly."

"It's up to you to do it, I don't like wasting time either."

Bronski laughed out loud, a fool who didn't know how to live or die.

A cruel smile appeared on Blonsky's face.

The next moment, he had already swept towards Jin Si with a whip kick.

Jin Si grabbed Bronski's calves, legs and neck.

Bronski's expression changed and he tried to pull away, but he underestimated Jin Si's strength.

The strength of Jin Si's palm was increasing, and Bronski felt that his calf bones were about to be crushed.

"You look so weak, why are you so confident?"

Bronski had never been so humiliated before. He was so angry that he stood up and jumped, thrusting his other foot towards Jin Si.


Jin Si smashed the egg, and Bronsky covered his little brother and let out a faint cry.

Jinsi stepped on Bronski's face.

"Your Majesty General, are all your men such idiots? You have guns but you don't need them, so you have to come in front of me and pretend to be stupid?"

General Ross was angry and angry. He had long been unhappy with Blonsky for pretending to be B every time he fought.

I finally overturned this time and asked you to pretend to be a b.

"Now, can we talk about compensation?"

"I have nothing to talk about with you." General Ross remained stubborn.

Jin Si came up and grabbed General Ross's hair and dragged him out.

"Remember to tell me if you change your mind."

The soldiers outside also noticed the situation and immediately rushed towards Jin Si.

Bang bang bang bang——

Jin Si fired randomly and suppressed the soldiers with firepower, making the soldiers hide behind the bunker and unable to raise their heads.

Seeing that General Ross was in Jin Si's hands, those soldiers did not dare to shoot at all.

Jin Si began to pull off General Ross's clothes.

"Stop...stop...what are you going to do?"

"Destroy you from body to spirit."

"Do you think I will compromise because of this..."

"I actually don't care if you compromise. What I like is the process."

Jin Si took out a bundle of rope and began to tie General Ross's fifth limb.

General Ross was heartbroken at this moment.

This is so disgusting.

Jin Si pulled the other end of the rope.

General Ross screamed.

"What do you want..."

"This trick is called walking the dog. "

"It's not that we can't talk..." General Ross didn't want to continue.

His limbs were tied up by Jin Si and he was dragged around.

It is indeed very uncomfortable.

As soon as he heard that they could talk, Jin Si immediately relaxed the pull on the rope.

"You know my girlfriend died in the explosion. I'm very sad. She was very beautiful and sexy, so... I can't accept this less money."

"Make a price." General Ross looked serious.

He was thinking of getting out first, and as for money, he definitely didn't have it.

"Ten million dollars!"

"I think you want to take advantage of this. My military base doesn't even have 10 million US dollars a year."

"Then five million? Four million? Three million US dollars. This is the lowest price. My girlfriend is not that cheap. If you lower the price again, then we will fight to the death."

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