Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand One Hundred and Fifty Seven New Home

General Ross agreed.

But he had no intention of paying any compensation at all.

"You can untie the rope."

"Why don't you give me the money?" General Ross had reached the critical point of explosion at this moment.

Of course, his bladder was reaching its breaking point.

"I need to apply for this money from above. Do you think I can just misappropriate it?"

"When you ordered the bombing of civilian homes, I didn't see how difficult it was for you. Why did you take so long to transfer money?"

Jin Si had no intention of untying the rope: "I don't care. When the money arrives, I will untie the rope. If the money doesn't arrive, just install a ureter. Remember the card number..."

After saying that, Jin Si turned and left.

General Ross sneered, "It's just a broken rope, do you really think I can't untie it?"

Thirty minutes later, a group of General Ross's cronies surrounded General Ross's little brother.

Everyone was sweating profusely.

"Made, can you do it?"

The more anxious General Ross became, the more uncomfortable his bladder became.

They have tried every means except sending a chainsaw.

But this rope keeps being pulled, cut, cut, and burned.

They didn't know what the rope was made of.

There's just nothing they can do about it anyway.

“General… why don’t you… try it without a chainsaw?”

General Ross almost killed the proposed men.

You might as well just cut off my brother.

Anyway, these soldiers are really clueless.

To say that Jin Si was tied up was too much of a bastard.

If there is no place to tie it, it must be tied here.

Moreover, this damn one also has a bow.

Do you have to be so disgusting?

In the end, they turned to firefighters.

Ordinarily, firefighters have never seen anything like this.

But this time it really stumped them.

Because they can't do anything.

General Ross was too weak to stand up at this moment.

This thing is really going to kill you.

If the flood can no longer be discharged, it will either be cut off or a faucet installed.

Doty saw Jin Si coming back and asked, "Did you get the money?"

"Sooner or later."

Doty did not ask Jin Si about the specific details.

But with Jin Si's dirty tricks, dealing with a young boy is really not a problem.

In the eyes of Doty and Jin Si, General Ross is indeed a young boy.

And inside the neighborhoods, the fighting continues.

The military has abundant troops, and various thermal weapons are thrown at Hulk's head for free.

Hulk was beaten and screamed, but he couldn't break his defense.

Moreover, Hulk kept smashing various things out, which also caused a lot of casualties to the military.

This battle was already heading in a very boring direction.

As long as the military cannot break Hulk's defense, no matter how fierce their offensive is, it will be in vain.

But just when Jin Si and Doty were chatting leisurely.

Unknowingly, Hulk had moved the battlefield closer to them.

A missile landed in front of Jin Si and Doty.

And this missile was launched by Hulk.

To be precise, he threw it over.

Hulk looked at Jin Si and Dottie with evil intentions.

"Hulk!" Hulk roared wildly, and then rushed towards Jin Sifei.

Dottie was about to use the magic of enlargement.

"Dottie, don't use the enlargement magic, ever."

At this moment, Hulk was close at hand.

Jin Si hits the Pegasus Meteor Kick!

Hulk literally turned into a shooting star.

He was kicked high into the air by Jin Si.

It completely turned into a shooting star, drawing a beautiful arc of flames in the night sky.

"Is this how you treat Banner?"

"He's not Banner now, he's the Hulk, and I'm just telling him to calm down."

"Are you sure he's still alive?"

"Not sure. If he dies, it will be on the military's head. I will avenge him."

Doty has long been used to Jin Si's irresponsible behavior.

This guy just has no bottom line.

I remember when I sold out my sex in order to steal confidential documents from Stark Company.

As a result, this guy ate everything, turned around and reported himself.

So it's not difficult to understand why he treats Banner like this.

"What are your plans next?"

"What are your plans?"

"For example, where to live? This neighborhood has been destroyed. We should find another place to live."

"No, I'll ask my eldest nephew for one."

"Eldest nephew?"

Jin Si took out his phone and dialed Xiao Nini's number.

"Big nephew..."

"F***, do you know how many times this has disturbed my rest?"

"Okay, I apologize for my mistake, I'm sorry."

Little Nini was stunned for a moment and sat up.

This guy actually apologizes?

It must be fake, fake!

"Do you have a spare room in your house?"

"What's the meaning?"

"My house was bombed to the sky, and I am homeless now." Jin Si said pitifully.

"You will never live in my house, ever."

"Save me a bigger room, thank you."

"Don't you understand what I'm saying? I said, you are not allowed to live in my house...forget it, I still have several properties under my name, and I will send you the address of the house now."

"OK, thanks."

Xiao Nini had a question mark on her face, when did this guy become so easy to talk to?

Wait... This guy actually had no intention of living in his own home from the beginning.

He was just waiting for his answer.

This damn bastard.

Damn it, damn it... I was fooled.

Jin Si looked back at Dottie: "Look, I've found a place to live."

Little Nini heard a woman's voice.

"Who are you with? Where did you lie to her? Or did you threaten her with force?"

"Go away, I never threaten others, especially women."

Jin Si hung up the phone, but Xiao Nini was not sleepy at all at this moment.

He wanted to see what kind of blind woman she was.

He actually fell in love with Jin Si, so Xiao Nini immediately drove out.

When he arrived at one of his properties, Jin Si had already arrived before him.

This is a small villa, his early residence.

But then he got the Malibu Cliff House, and he has been living there ever since.

Xiao Nini entered the villa directly without saying hello.

I happened to see Jin Si and Dotty Ni Wai together, drinking from the same cup.

"Eldest nephew, you have gone too far. You actually broke into a house without permission. I will beat you to death now. You shouldn't have any complaints."

Little Nini looked at Dottie. Damn it, this woman is almost a perfect woman.

How on earth did this guy deceive this woman?

Dottie also looked up and down at little Nini.

"This guy looks so much like Howard. Is he Howard's son?"

"It may be adopted, not necessarily biological." Jin Si said disapprovingly.

When Xiao Nini heard the other party talking about her father, her face darkened.

"Did you ask her to cooperate with you in acting?"

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