Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One thousand one hundred and sixty-two Shocked, Xiao Nini’s relatives are here

"Are there any guests at home today? I just heard the voices of many people outside."

Jin Si stepped forward and pulled away the gauze on Banner's body and took a look: "He is recovering well."

Banner's expression turned ugly again: "Did you know that my wound just healed? Just because you pulled it just now, it opened again."

"Ever heard of resistance exercise? Someone took a little toxin every day to fight the poison, and then he gained resistance."

Banner was in great pain and looked at Jin Si weakly: "As a physicist, I can tell you responsibly that your story is nonsense, and the story you are telling has nothing to do with what you are doing now."

"Don't be so fussy about life, just be open-minded."

Banner closed his eyes silently.

He has already thought about leaving here when he can move.

If you are under the same roof with this guy, he will kill you sooner or later.

"Tony, you haven't come to the company for three days, and you haven't called me any time. Do you know how many documents are waiting for you to sign?"

"I'm sick and I need to rest."

"Sick? No wonder the voice is weird..." Pepper was a little confused. The tone was indeed Tony's, but it always felt like an electronic sound: "I'll go over and see you now."

"No, no, I don't need you to come over." Little Nini quickly stopped Pepper from coming to visit her.

If she discovers that she has become a woman, her last dignity will be lost.

At the same time, Xiao Nini is also full of hatred for Jin Si.

He attempts to reverse gender through his research.

But so far, he has made no progress.

Even he still hasn't figured out the principle of this.

He felt that magic could also be explained by science.

However, he still underestimated magic.

No matter how much he researched, he had no clue.

Pepper felt that little Nini was not sick.

He must have overplayed his game.

So she decided to go see little Nini.

Pepper came to the door of Xiao Nini's house.

He entered the manor directly without saying hello.

Pepper pushed open Little Nini's bedroom.

Then she saw a girl, wearing Xiao Nini's shirt, lying carelessly on Xiao Nini's bed.

Little Nini and Pepper looked at each other, and Little Nini instantly pulled the quilt and hid herself under the quilt.

"Where's Tony?" Pepper was a little unhappy. This bitch said he was sick, but it turned out that he was hiding in the golden house.

"He went out...he's not at home." Xiao Nini said from under the quilt.

Pepper squinted her eyes and saw that Xiao Nini's phone was still beside the bed.

"Tony, come out...Tony...where are you?"

But no matter how much Pepper called, Tony didn't respond.

"Tony, I know you heard me, I'm here to resign."

Little Nini, who was hiding under the quilt, finally couldn't bear it anymore and lifted up the quilt: "Why are you resigning? I don't allow it."

Pepper was a little confused: "This is my business, what does it have to do with you."

"Anyway...anyway, I just don't allow it."

"So what if you don't allow it?"

"Pepper, you are doing a good job, why do you want to resign?"

"Anyway, I just don't allow it." Xiao Nini said confidently.

Pepper stared at little Nini, and she looked familiar. After careful identification, she found that the girl in front of her looked similar to Tony.

"Are you Tony's daughter? are her sister?"

Is it because of her that Tony hasn't come to the company these days?

"I'm Tony." Little Nini said.

"Stop joking and let Tony come out."

"Pepper, I'm serious, I'm Tony."

Pepper stepped forward, opened Little Nini's shirt and took a look: "Your breasts are not as big as his."

Fucked! Little Nini pulled Pepper onto the bed, turned her over and held her down.

"Pepper, I'm Tony."

Pepper frowned: "Okay, tell me why you turned into a woman. Don't tell me that you were under magic."

Little Nini felt very tired: "I am just under a spell."

Pepper blocked her escape, and she didn't know how to explain it.

"Little girl, I told you not to talk about magic."

"Pepper, remember when you came to the company for an interview, I asked you a question?"

Pepper's expression was a little unnatural.

Xiao Nini continued: "I asked you about your measurements."

"Did that bastard even tell you such a thing?"

"Two years ago, your mother passed away. I promised in front of your mother's tombstone that I would always protect you."

Pepper frowned, she believed that little Nini would not tell such a thing to a third person casually.

Xiao Nini continued to talk about things that only they knew.

Pepper's face became more and more serious.

No matter how boring and playful Nini is, she will never tell so many things about the two of them to a little girl just to tease herself.

However, Pepper was still a little unbelievable.

"You...are you really Tony?"

"Pepper, it's me, it's really me."

"Why would you..."

"That damn bastard, that damn bastard did it. He put a spell on me."

"Really magic?"

"It's magic, that old immortal monster!" Little Nini said through gritted teeth.

"What should we do now?" Pepper was also a little anxious.

"I don't know...let me think about it." Little Nini had a headache, then shoulder pain, then stomach pain...and then pain all over her body.

"Tony, what's wrong with you?" Pepper noticed that there was something wrong with little Nini's face.

"I don't know, I feel... so uncomfortable..."

At this moment, the sheets under Little Nini's crotch turned a bright red.

Little Nini and Pepper's eyes widened.

Damn it... Both Nini and Pepper knew what was going on.

Relatives are coming! ! Little Nini was about to explode.

This is really a crime!

Pepper only found it funny.

Little Nini thought about it and decided to ask her mother for help.

Thinking of this, Xiao Nini picked up the phone.


Pepper looked surprised.

She remembers that Xiao Nini’s mother must have passed away, right?

"Mom, help me beg uncle for mercy..."

"Don't worry. Although that guy is a bastard, he won't really hurt you. He will be fine after some time."

"Don't hurt me? I'm bleeding now." Little Nini was going crazy.

"What's bleeding?"

"I'm coming... I'm having my period."


Maria was shocked.

"Ahaha..." Maria couldn't hold it back and burst out laughing.

I tried my best to imagine little Nini's embarrassment in my mind.

"Mom, this isn't funny."

"No, it turns out that this is very funny, very funny. You wait, I will go there now. After all, this is my child's first menstrual period. It is a day worth remembering."

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