Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One thousand one hundred and sixty-three Banner, signed on the bill

Maria came in a state of excitement.

Of course, she not only brought excitement and excitement, but also some women's products.

"Ms. Maria." Pepper found that Maria looked younger than expected.

She looks to be sixty years old at most, but I remember she must be in her eighties.

"Hello, Miss Pepper." Maria knew Pepper.

His son mentioned this woman in front of him more than once.

"Mom..." Little Nini threw herself into Maria's arms.

After becoming a woman, especially after relatives came, Xiao Nini's heart became even more fragile.

"Okay, okay, don't cry, every woman will come, and you will gradually get used to it in the future."

"And later?"

One time has already made Xiao Nini collapse.

From then on, I came several times a month, and Xiao Nini felt that she might as well die.

"Mom, help me beg uncle for mercy. I don't want to do it again."

Pepper was a little confused. The uncle that Xiao Nini mentioned was obviously the culprit of Xiao Nini's sexual reversal.

But she didn't remember that little Nini had an uncle.

Maria couldn't stand Xiao Nini's pleading, so she agreed to help Xiao Nini plead for mercy.

"Hey, Kim, Tony knows he was wrong, please let him go this time."

"I haven't had enough."

"He has been punished and now he has relatives."

"What? A relative has come. It's a joy to congratulate. I want to go over and celebrate for him. If a woman has a relative, it means she has grown up."

Jin Si hung up the phone and ran over anxiously.

When Xiao Nini saw Jin Si, she almost couldn't control her anger.

"Little Nini, how do you feel now?"

Little Nini controlled her emotions and smiled reluctantly: "Uncle, are you satisfied now?"

"All right,

Forget it this time, if there is another time, I will let you dance the pole. "

Xiao Nini's smile became even more forced, and she quickly said: "There won't be a next time, I promise... I swear."

"It won't be the best. Now, if you shout three times, uncle, I love you, the magic will be lifted."

Xiao Nini's expression froze: "Uncle...can you change the conditions?"

"This is not a condition, it is a requirement set by me to remove the magic."

"Why is there such a weird setting?"


"No, I'm saying this...a little embarrassed."

"It's okay, then just continue to be a woman. There's nothing wrong with being a woman."

"Yes, yes, Tony, think about it, there is nothing wrong with being a woman." Maria agreed.

The difference is that Jin Si is joking, but Maria really wants a daughter.

"Uncle, I love you...uncle..."

Xiao Nini shouted three times, but nothing changed.

Xiao Nini turned her head and looked at Jin Si bitterly.

Jin Si pointed a finger, and Xiao Nini felt the muscles in her body begin to squirm.

The next moment, Xiao Nini returned to her original state.

Xiao Nini was ecstatic, but at the same time she thought in her heart that such shameful lines were all nonsense.

But he didn't dare to say what was in his heart, lest he would suffer retaliation from Jin Si again.

"Uncle, teach me magic."

"Jiaofu, you should take the technological route."

"Stingy guy..." Xiao Nini grunted, but Jin Si glared at her and she immediately stopped talking.

Can't afford to offend, really can't afford to offend.

"However, it's not impossible to teach you."

Little Nini's eyes lit up: "Uncle, are you willing to teach me?"

"Yes and no."

"What's the meaning?"

"It's her I want to teach, not you."

Little Nini shivered.

"No, I won't learn anymore."

"Okay, when you figure it out, tell me when you do."

Everyone thought Jin Si was just a bad guy.

No, Jin Si actually had a plan.

"Hey, Mr. Jin, the money has been transferred to you. Please untie the rope instead."

General Ross has tried everything these days.

But the rope tied to his little brother is more indestructible than diamond.

At least diamonds can be destroyed by high temperatures.

But I don’t know what material this rope is made of.

It cannot be burned even at high temperatures.

Of course, the most important thing is that the thermal conductivity of this rope is really good.

The last time he used high heat, his little brother almost got cooked.

Now General Ross has completely surrendered.

He didn't know how he spent a few days.

Every day is like a nightmare.

He actually went through surgery and installed a tube.

But of course this thing is not as useful as the original.

Now, General Ross has completely surrendered.

"General Ross, you have embarrassed the military. I thought you could hold on for a few more days."

General Ross didn't want to talk.

"Forget it, I won't embarrass you anymore. Just find a place where no one is around and I'll go over and help you."

"Why are you looking for a place with no one around?"

"Nonsense, who knows if you will arrange any traps, but I warn you, if you are discovered by me, your little brother will always wear a bow tie for the rest of his life."

General Ross had to give up this idea after Jin Si's words revealed his thoughts.

This guy is too difficult to deal with, and he doesn't dare to take any chances.

This feeling is really too uncomfortable.

This time Jin Si did not embarrass General Ross.

After all, he is Banner's father-in-law, at least he can be regarded as a quasi-father-in-law.

Of course, this product is really bad.

Banner is where he is today thanks to him.

In the original book, most of Banner's misfortunes were his fault.

After untying the rope, General Ross was so excited that he almost threw himself up on the spot.

He was in so much pain in the past few days that he felt so happy now.

And it's a miracle that his little brother didn't die.

"Banner, are you planning to leave now that you're just injured?"

"Jin, thank you for taking care of me these days. I'm almost healed. It's time to leave."

"No, you're not fine. I think you should stay and observe for a while."

"I'm really healed." Banner didn't want to stay and be used as a toy for Jinsi: "And I don't want to be a light bulb for you and Dottie."

"That's true. Since you have this awareness, you can take a look at this bill."

"Bill? What bill?"

"I paid you the medical fee in advance. I have personally taken care of you these days, as well as your food and clothing. These all cost money... You don't think it's free, do you?"

Banner's expression is ugly. I should have guessed that you have bad intentions.

"Did you advance the medical fees? And how did the total expenses of hundreds of thousands of dollars come about?"

"I don't know. Anyway, it's only one hundred thousand dollars. I know you have no money now, so I won't embarrass you. Just sign the IOU."

"If I……"

"It's okay, it's okay. Even if you refuse, I won't blame you."

"You don't blame me, why are you moving your hands and feet?"

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