Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand One Hundred and Sixty-Five The Death of Jin Si

Natasha watched for several days.

This man just goes out and hangs out every day.

Then I go home and sleep without any serious work.

The greatest fun is to go to the video store to rent a video and then not return it after the due date.

During this period, the man did not show any abnormal behavior or ability.

Natasha decided to get up close and personal.

Knock knock knock——

"Sir, is this the pole dancing service you ordered?"

Jin Si originally wanted to deny it.

But when he saw Natasha, Jin Si nodded without conscience.

"Yes, it's me." Jin Si replied affirmatively: "Come in."

Entering the villa, Natasha looked around.

Jin Si couldn't wait: "Miss, can you start your service?"

Natasha seemed not to have heard anything and was still observing her surroundings.

It seems that he is looking for traces left by Dottie.

"Miss." Jin Si reached out and pulled Natasha.

The next moment, Natasha grabbed Jin Si's palm and twisted it behind his back.

"Are your services so rich? I like it." Jin Si said excitedly.

Natasha's face turned dark and she said coldly: "Now, I ask you a question and you answer me. If the answer is wrong, you are likely to be hurt."

"You ask, I will tell you everything I know." Jin Si was even more excited.

"What's your relationship with Dottie?"

"Who is Dottie?"

Natasha's face darkened, but she thought about it carefully.

It's possible that Dottie concealed her name, so it was normal for the man not to know.

"That's the woman before you."

"Relationships between men and women."

"So where is she now?"

"have no idea.


The cold blade pressed against Jin Si's neck.

"Do you want to die?"

"I really don't know. She told me that she wanted to break up with me, and I tried to keep her, but she left anyway. She abandoned me, ugh..." Jin Si burst into tears suddenly.

"Shut up!" Natasha was a little irritated by Jin Si's crying.

This man is not as dangerous as Barton said.

It feels like a lust that has been dumped by a woman.

"Do you have anything of hers here?"


"Yes or no?"

"Yes, yes..." Jin Si replied quickly.


"In the bedroom."

Jin Si was pushed back to the bedroom.

"Where is the thing?"

Jinsi opened the cabinet and found Dottie's personal belongings inside.

Jin Si picked up a bra, rubbed it on his face, and said goodbye to it reluctantly.

"Besides these, is there anything else?" Natasha asked patiently.

"Aren't these enough? Look, she has only worn this once, and it is still 80% new. Although you haven't grown up yet, I believe you can surpass her in the future."

Natasha is going crazy, she didn't mean it at all, okay?

"And this one, Victoria's limited edition, do you want to try it?"

Natasha clenched her fists, murderous intent bursting out of her eyes.

"If you don't want it, don't want it. Do you need such a murderous look? Why don't you try this suspender?"

"Are you sure you want to die?" Natasha looked at Jin Si murderously.

"If you don't like it, you don't like it...These are all my treasures."

Natasha finally couldn't hold back, grabbed Jin Si's left palm, and waved the dagger lightly.

Jin Si's thumb flew up, and blood flowed from the severed finger.

"Ah... my finger, my finger... there is a lot of blood, so much blood... it's such a waste." Jin Si screamed: "Aren't you a stripper?"

"You just realized it now?"

"I thought...I thought you were role-playing with me..."

Natasha almost couldn't control her emotions again.

This guy really deserves to be beaten, no, he deserves to be killed.

"I don't want to hear any nonsense now! Otherwise it won't be your finger that's cut off next time."


"Information about Dottie."


"..." Natasha went crazy. This is not what I want to know.

Natasha decided to teach Jin Si a lesson.

She directly pulled Jin Si out of the house and threw him into the trunk of her car.

Then look for the difficult path.

He drove out of the city and stopped when Natasha drove out of the city.

When he reopened the trunk, he found that Jin Si had no reaction at all.

Natasha pulled Jin Si out and threw him on the ground, but Jin Si still didn't react at all.

Natasha's brows furrowed. Isn't that right? This guy is dead?

Natasha leaned down and listened to Jin Si's heartbeat.

No heartbeat! Not breathing…

Damn it, is this guy's physical condition so poor?

As a top agent, this was the first time Natasha accidentally killed someone.

It's not that she hasn't killed anyone before, but every person she killed in the past was a planned death.

This guy was the only one whose death was not part of the plan.

There was no other way, Natasha could only dig a hole and bury Jin Si.

After all, if he had just joined SHIELD and was punished for manslaughter, he would be in big trouble.

Natasha didn't want to change organizations.

At the same time Natasha erased all traces.

She's a pro at this.

If she wanted to, she could erase all evidence.

No one knew it was her.

No one would even find Jin Si's body.

After everything was taken care of, Natasha cleaned her car again.

"Director, that bastard is missing."

"Missing? Are you sure he is missing? Didn't he suddenly run away somewhere?"

"I'm not sure, but the guy disappeared very suddenly." Barton said.

"Did he have any abnormalities before this?"

"There is nothing abnormal. I sneaked into his home and checked. There was some food on the table, but it had gone bad. There were also some DVDs that had just been rented from the video store and had not been watched. All signs indicate that he left very soon. Suddenly, without any warning."

"Has anyone had sex with him in the past few days?"


Barton thought about it and realized that he had deliberately mentioned something about Jin Si in front of Natasha.

Could it be that Natasha did it?

No, with Natasha's strength, she is at least 50-50 equal to herself.

Since he was pressed to the ground by Jin Si and rubbed.

So if it were Natasha, she would probably just be pressed on the bed and rubbed.

So it shouldn't be Natasha.

However, she could not completely rule out suspicion.

After all, the guy is very horny.

If Natasha uses beauty to seduce.

He may also die at the hands of a woman.

Although unlikely.

Although Barton doubted Natasha.

But Barton had no intention of testing Natasha.

Agents of their level would not be able to ask anything at all through ordinary probing.

What's more, Natasha's level in this area may still be higher than his.

Now that Jin Si is missing and may even be dead, it is a good thing for Barton.

The only thing I'm a little disappointed about is that I didn't kill him myself.

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