Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand One Hundred and Sixty Six: Haunted by Wraith Spirits

Time passes day by day.

Jin Si seems to have really disappeared.

The happiest person is not SHIELD, but Little Nini.

He almost laughed out loud, but he still controlled his excitement.

After all, Jin Si didn’t know where he went.

If he comes back and finds out that he is so happy, he may not know how to retaliate against him.

As for the murderer Natasha, she was worried at the beginning.

But a month has passed, and the outside world is calm.

Not even the police were alerted.

That person appeared silently and then disappeared silently.

It was as if she had never been there in the first place.

"Natasha, there is a mission that requires you to run." Nick Fury said.

Although Natasha has only joined S.H.I.E.L.D. for a little over a month.

But she has completed many tasks outstandingly, including several tasks that she said she could never complete.

This is the true power of Black Widow.

Natasha is known as the most powerful Black Widow in history.

Her business abilities are incredible.

From spying on enemies to assassinating political figures.

As long as the task is assigned to her, there is nothing she cannot complete.

And she is also a model worker. She can complete tasks in one day that others take ten days to complete.

It took others one day to get to the mission, but it took her one day to complete the mission.

Of course, this is also because she wants to be positive about her loyalty and value.

"Okay, what's the mission this time?"

"A village in Sokovia was attacked by unknown forces. The entire village disappeared overnight. I need you to go over to investigate the specific situation or solve the problem. You have absolute freedom of action for this task. Any Your actions are up to you."

"I see.


Natasha returned to her apartment.

Suddenly, she felt a chill.

It was a sudden, inexplicable feeling.

It's like danger is approaching.

She was able to become the Black Widow not only because of her outstanding professional skills.

Also because she has a superhuman sense of danger.

Natasha immediately drew her gun and scanned the surroundings.

The room was empty, there was nothing.

Natasha did not relax her vigilance and moved carefully, looking for every suspicious corner.

Suddenly, she noticed a figure under the bed.

Natasha shot without hesitation.

And shoot out all the bullets in a shuttle.

When Natasha leaned over and looked under the bed again, she found nothing.

what happened! ? Natasha didn't believe she was wrong.

If you can see wrongly at this distance, then what's the use of your eyes?

But there was really no one or anything under the bed.

The next moment, Natasha felt someone approaching from behind.

Natasha turned around again, changed the magazine and fired, all in one go.

But this time she opened Loneliness, and there was nothing behind it.

Natasha's gun pointed suddenly at the ceiling.

I saw a bloody man crawling on the ceiling.

Bang bang bang bang——

The man fell to the ground, and Natasha stepped forward to check.

This is a dead body that cannot die anymore.

There has even been decay.

It was not him who shot him, but this body should have been dead long ago.

Natasha discovered that the body was missing a finger.

This made her feel very bad.

Could it be that the guy he killed a month ago came back from the dead to seek revenge on himself?

Natasha took the body directly to the yard, poured gasoline on it, and burned it to charcoal.

at night--

Natasha was asleep when she heard a vague voice.

"I died so miserably... I died so miserably... I'm not willing to accept it... I'm not willing to accept it..."

Natasha jumped up, drew her gun from under her pillow and fired.

With a killer instinct, she can react immediately to danger even while sleeping.

But this time her shooting technique didn't work, and the bullet passed through the figure.

It was a disembodied figure, half of his body had been burned, and the other half was bloody.

Natasha took a deep breath and turned around to avoid it.

But the terrifying-looking resentful spirit had already stretched out his hands and grabbed Natasha's neck.

Natasha instantly felt a biting chill coming from those palms.

Natasha tried to stretch her legs to kick, but she was kicked out of nowhere.

Her body passed through the wraith, but the wraith could touch her.

"If you kill me, I will take you to hell."

Even when faced with a desperate situation, Natasha can still come up with a way out of the situation.

Natasha hooked her toes on the sheets, and she actually hooked a grenade.

Natasha picked the grenade into the palm of her hand and stuffed it into the mouth of the resentful spirit. Then Natasha picked up the sheet with her feet and wrapped it around herself in an instant.


Natasha, who was wrapped in sheets, was thrown out by the huge impact.

But after she felt herself landing, she reacted immediately.

Raise your gun and look around.

She wasn't sure if the grenade could kill that dead guy.

The danger warning has not been lifted.

In other words, the resentful spirit is likely to still exist.

Sure enough, the burning smoke was gathering into that resentful spirit.

For the first time Natasha felt a little helpless.

Of course, this is also the first time she has faced a wraith.

He was only sixteen years old and had killed countless people in his six-year career.

But for the first time, a dead person came to seek revenge on her.

She is a killer, but not an exorcist.

She didn't know how to deal with the resentful spirits at all.

"Kill you, kill you..."

Natasha suddenly felt her body stiffen.

Watching the resentful spirit fly over.

It's a sure death this time...

The next moment, Natasha opened her eyes again.

Everything is fine around me.

There were no signs of an explosion.

Dream? Natasha touched her neck. In an instant, Natasha's whole body felt bad.

There are marks on the neck!

That's not a dream!

That evil spirit really exists.

In other words, it exists in one's own dream.

He wanted to kill himself in his dream.

Fortunately, I woke up.

But Natasha's warning appeared again.

That creepy feeling came over me.

The voice suddenly came to my ears.

"Do you think I only exist in dreams?"

Natasha turned her head and took a breath.

This resentful spirit was right behind her, almost at zero distance from her.

The resentful spirit licked the base of her ear, and the biting chill made Natasha feel like her soul was being frozen.

"Don't be afraid. I won't kill you immediately. I will slowly...slowly torture you and let you kill yourself in fear and despair."

"If I can kill you once, I can kill you a second time!" Natasha said coldly.

"Don't overestimate yourself. You can't do anything to me now, but I can kill you at any time."

"Then we'll see!" Natasha responded calmly.

Even though she was panicking inside, her expression remained normal.

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