Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One thousand one hundred and sixty-eight eaten

Natasha swallowed. This girl looked like one or two years younger than herself.

But this terrifying ability is definitely something she has never seen before.


Natasha suddenly broke a branch.

Natasha secretly screamed something bad, and when she looked down, Jin Si was placing branches at her feet.

Horse egg! No wonder he made the noise, it was this bastard who did it.

The clear voice instantly caught the magical girl's attention.

The magical girl floated up, with scarlet power lingering around her body, and came to Natasha.

Natasha looked at the girl in front of her warily.

But the girl set her sights on Jin Si.


The girl pointed at Jin Si, and a red thread shot out from her fingers, wrapping around Jin Si.

But Jin Si waved his hand, and the red thread shattered instantly.

"Little girl, you are still too young now. You are young in every aspect, Jie Jie..." Jin Si smiled strangely.

This girl should be Wanda the Scarlet Witch.

The scarlet power in her body may have been left in this world when Jin Si and Cytorak fought.

After all, when Jinsi and Cytorak fought, both sides tried their best.

It is also normal for some energy aftermath to remain.

Then the scarlet power will attach itself to certain creatures, and finally transfer to humans.

Although it's not much, it's big enough and terrifying for most people.

Although the girl is not strong, her perception tells her that Jin Si is an extremely dangerous person.

Natasha was a little disappointed. She originally hoped that this magical girl could kill Jin Si.

But the result left her disappointed.

The girl slowly backed away, and after retreating more than ten meters away, she suddenly turned around and ran away.

He ran to the side of the silver-haired boy,

He used the power of scarlet to lift up the silver-haired boy and ran away.

Jin Si suddenly chased after him, and the girl screamed.

Natasha's expression changed slightly and she followed immediately.

But there was no trace of Jin Si, the girl, or the boy.

Their speed was so fast that the magical girl could fly even with the silver-haired boy.

Needless to say, Jin Si heard waves of magic power fluctuations in the distance. The fluctuations were so strong that even an ordinary person like Natasha could clearly feel them.

After a few minutes, Natasha saw Jin Si coming back.

However, Jin Si was covered in blood and looked even more terrifying.

"You...what did you do?"

Jin Si grinned, his teeth all covered in blood.

"I ate them." Jin Si's smile made Natasha's hair stand on end.

Only at this moment did Natasha clearly realize that the guy in front of her was not a human being, he was a terrifying evil spirit!

But, those young men were really pitiful.

He killed them.

Natasha wasn't much older than them either.

But Natasha has experienced many, many things.

So her psychology is much more mature than her appearance.

But the pair of teenagers were different. It could be seen that they were very raw.

He is even very unfamiliar with his own power.

They should have just come into contact with their extraordinary powers.

"They are still children!" Natasha looked at Jin Si with a cold face.

"Haha... they are little devils." Jin Si said disapprovingly: "That girl wiped out the entire village with her own hands."


"Nothing is impossible. The magic power of that girl spreading around here is the best proof." Jin Si licked his lips: "Now, if I devour them, their power will belong to me, haha..."

Natasha felt heavy in her heart. This monster must be eradicated.

Otherwise, there will definitely be more victims in the future.

He could kill two children, not to mention others.

It seems necessary to inform Nick Fury that maybe there is a special method within SHIELD to deal with such supernatural creatures.

"If you tell a third person my news, then I will devour that person." Jin Si's smile was full of evil.

Natasha gritted her teeth and looked at Jin Si.

He actually guessed his intention.

No, maybe he can see his own consciousness.

This is even more difficult. This guy is already extremely difficult to deal with.

Now I can actually observe my own consciousness.

Then his every move and even his plans may be spied on by him.

Thinking of this, Natasha felt even heavier.

Three days later, Barton came to pick up Natasha.

"Natasha, what's wrong with you?"

After getting on the plane, Barton saw that Natasha was in a very low mood.

"No, I'm fine." Natasha shook her head. She didn't dare to reveal Jin Si's existence now.

"Is there any change in this mission?" Barton asked.

Natasha shook her head and did not answer Barton's words.

"How about this mission?"

Natasha's expression became more complicated. After being silent for a while, she said, "After my investigation, the disappearance of the village was caused by a girl."


"The girl's powers went out of control and she leveled the entire village."

In the past three days, Natasha walked around the village and conducted some investigations.

"Super power?" Barton did not doubt the truth of what Natasha said.

After all, he knows that the world is not as simple as ordinary people see it.

"In the past month, there have been fierce exchanges of fire between government forces and rebels in this country. Witnesses reported that on the night of the incident, government forces and rebels fired missiles at each other, and one of the missiles fell into the village. That night , a very unusual red flash appeared in the village, and then the whole village disappeared." Natasha analyzed: "It is possible that the missile fell at or near the girl's home that night, thus irritating the girl. Superpowers out of control.”

Barton nodded: "Have you found the girl?"

"Dead." Natasha said.

"Dead? Was it because his super power was out of control?"

"No, on the day I arrived, I discovered that Hydra was also looking for the girl." Natasha said, "A conflict broke out between the Hydra people and the girl, and the girl died in the hands of Hydra."

Barton sighed, it's a pity. If this girl can be brought back, she can definitely be trained into a powerful fighter for SHIELD.

No wonder Natasha was in such a low mood.

Probably because of the girl's death.

Natasha was nestled in the back cabin of the plane, and suddenly she felt a cold touch on her body.

Natasha jumped again.

"Aren't you used to it yet? I thought you had gotten used to me a long time ago." Jin Si looked at Natasha maliciously.

Natasha looked at the sudden appearance of Jin Si angrily, only a ghost can get used to it!

"What are you doing out here?"

"I'm hungry and I want to eat people. The man who flies the plane is good. Can I eat him?"

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