Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One thousand one hundred and sixty-nine Xiao Nini’s level 5 danger alarm

Natasha instantly stood up in shock and anger.

At this time, Barton's voice came: "Natasha, are you awake? We won't arrive in New York in an hour. You can sleep a little longer."

Jin Si's ethereal figure circled behind Barton.

Barton couldn't see Jin Si, but Natasha was terrified.

Barton was a little confused by Natasha's expression.

"Natasha, what's wrong?"

At this time, Jin Si opened his mouth and wanted to bite Barton's neck.

Natasha suddenly raised her gun. Barton was startled and subconsciously wanted to retreat.

what happened? Natasha betrayed him?

Barton rolled over, rushed forward again, and kicked the gun out of Natasha's hand.

The fighting skills of the two are evenly matched.

Natasha took a few steps back: "Barton! Stop!"

"Natasha, why?" Barton did not continue to attack.

He didn't feel Natasha's murderous intent, but instead noticed Natasha's embarrassed expression.

Did she have any compelling reason?

Barton spread his speculations.

And when she raised the gun just now, it felt like she wasn't aiming at herself.

Just when Natasha was about to explain, Jin Si appeared behind Barton again.

Natasha could only raise her gun again, knowing that there was no point in doing so.

Barton could only hide and fight back.

Soon, Barton also noticed that Natasha seemed to be forced to point the gun at him.

There is an invisible enemy that is always around you trying to attack you.

Barton immediately analyzed the situation.

Jin Si couldn't help but wonder, are these agents all monsters? He was a little disappointed that the misunderstanding was resolved so easily.

"Natasha, what is going on?"

Natasha shook her head,

Nothing was said.

"That person or thing threatened you?"

Natasha turned her head and leaned against the wall without speaking.

Then everything went smoothly.

Barton could tell that Natasha had concerns.

It should be the invisible enemy threatening her.

"Natasha, tell me what's going on. Don't worry about any threats. We are SHIELD." Barton looked at Natasha seriously.

Natasha raised her head and glanced at Barton. When Barton said these words, Jin Si was behind Barton.

Natasha didn't say anything. She didn't plan to tell anyone until she found a solution to Jin Si.

Barton was also a little helpless. After returning to SHIELD headquarters, Natasha left in a hurry.

Barton reported the situation to Nick Fury.

"Are you sure there is an invisible enemy? It's not that she wants to kill you?" Nick Fury asked doubtfully.

"Director, I'm sure, I can feel that Natasha has no murderous intention towards me."

Nick Fury thought for a long time, then took out a report and handed it to Barton.

"This is……"

"Natasha has found more than a dozen exorcists in the past week."

"Director, are you saying that Natasha is haunted by an evil spirit?"

"I don't know, but based on what you said, she was indeed entangled by an invisible enemy."

"Um...then does SHIELD have any way to deal with evil spirits?"

"It's hard to say whether it's an evil spirit. If it's really an evil spirit, I'm afraid we have to find another way. We are SHIELD, not a ghost-catching agent team."

Natasha has been able to do it, face Jin Si and go to the toilet calmly, including taking a shower.

The days passed like this, and Natasha went from being panicked at the beginning to being calm now.

Apart from harassing her, Jin Si didn't do anything extreme.

Apart from some inconveniences in life, nothing else happened.

At the same time, Xiao Nini welcomed two uninvited guests.

Little Nini was rubbing her girl to sleep, and then the manor's alarm sounded.

The siren has reached level five danger level.

This is Xiao Nini’s newly designed alarm system.

The danger level of a nuclear bomb attack is level four.

Level five alerts only occur when the facial recognition system scans a person.

Little Nini jumped out of bed instantly.

The girl next to me was also woken up.

"Tony, what happened?"

"No, it's nothing. You can sleep on your own."

Little Nini put on her coat and came to the hall.

Jin Si is in the hall at the moment.

Before that, Little Nine hoped that her alarm system was wrong.

"Hi, uncle, I'm so... so happy that you're here."

"If your expression was more sincere, maybe I would believe you." Jin Si lay down on the sofa: "Let's get to know each other. These are my children, Wanda and Pietro."

Wanda and Pietro stood beside Jin Si honestly.

"Wanda, Pietro, nice to meet you. I am Tony Stark. You can call me...Brother Tony."

"Stark? Stark Industries?" Wanda's face immediately darkened.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, their adoptive parents were just killed by a missile. A missile produced by Stark Industries."

Xiao Nini's expression was a little unnatural.

"For some time in the future, you need to help me take care of them. By the way, help them get their identity documents."

"Uncle, I'm very busy at work..."

"Wanda inherited my magic talent. Haven't you always wanted to defeat me? This is a good opportunity for you to study Wanda's magic."

"Uncle!!" Little Nini suddenly shouted excitedly: "It turns out that in your mind, I am such a person. I have always respected you so much and admired you so much, but I didn't expect that you misunderstood me so deeply. "

"Whether it's a misunderstanding or not, at least when I turn you into little Nini again in the future, you won't be helpless to resist, don't you think?"

"Leave it to me to take care of your brothers and sisters. I won't ignore them because of your misunderstanding."

Xiao Nini put a hand on Jin Si's shoulder and pulled him to the side: "Uncle...are they your biological children?"

One has silver hair and the other has red hair, which are completely incompatible with Jin Si. It is said that baldness is hereditary.

"People like us have transcended human race. Believe it or not, I can make you my biological son...daughter?"

"Uh...hehe...forget it."

Wanda and Pietro are definitely not Jin Si’s children.

But it is really possible that they are the descendants of Jin Si.

Because Wanda can summon the Sky Crystal.

Her scarlet power also comes from the Sky Crystal.

This is also the reason why Jin Si brought them back.

"Uncle, are you going on a long trip?"

"No, I've been pretending to be a ghost lately to scare people, so it's not convenient for me to take care of them."

Little Nini was speechless for a while. How boring is this guy? It's a shame that my joy was in vain.

"Wanda, Pietro, you live here. If little Nini treats you badly, write it down in your notebook first. Next time I will settle the ledger for you."

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